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First of all, I'm gay and I'm 14. Except for my parents, my entire family is Christian. Ever since I was young, I heard them talking about how anyone who isn't Christian will go to hell, how gays will go to hell and how practically everone besides Christians will got to hell, no matter how good or bad that person is.
For instance, one of my best friends(Shes 50 years old and is a Budhist), she is one of the most caring and kind-hearted person I know. Everyone likes her, but because she is Budhist, my family says she will got to hell. I personally think this is just idiotic.
But mainly, I want to ask why homosexuals are hated. My boyfriend ist he sweetest person ever, and I don't know why Christians can't accept a person jsut because of their sexual preference. So what if I like guys, not girls? If Christians are really all loving, they would accept everyone, but from what I see, its all just a big lie.
I know lots of Christians are going to flame me, but I really want awnsers. Thx

2007-11-09 21:27:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

"Why do Christians discriminate homosexuality" - Because the Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality was sinful, they think that this means that God wants them to discriminate against gays.

"other religions and different beliefs?" - The Bible teaches that God is a "jealous god." Therefore, no faith system other than Christianity is acceptable to their god.

An some people wonder why I'm an atheist...

2007-11-09 21:36:29 · answer #1 · answered by Weird Darryl 6 · 5 1

Christianity is a society. Every society has rules and regulations by which each member must abide. If those rules and regulations are broken, the offenders will be punished. The punishment depends on the seriousness of the offense. Not only is homosexuality prohibited in Christianity but so are adultery, idolatry, stealing, perjury, etc.

There are a number of spin off questions from the above paragraph. Firstly, if this applies to MEMBERS of Christianity, why do they apply that to non-members? But Christianity can comfortably answer, Why not? If we do not accept it among members, why should we accept it from non-members? If that is the way you want to live, then you are free to live your life but do not expect us to accept, tolerate, promote or condone it. Neither do you have the right to force such lifestyle tolerance upon our children by insisting that such books as "My Father's Boyfriend" be used for teaching reading to my 7-year-old son in schools.

Secondly, Christianity is not the only religion that rejects homosexuality. All major religions do. Sure, there may be isolated individuals or groups within these religions that approve of homosexuality but they know that this is against the fundamental teachings of their religion.

Thirdly, why do people worry about hell if they reject Christianity? For such people, hell does not exist.

Additionally, for Christians, someone is not saved by works. Most religions teach that. But Christianity teaches that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. After THAT good works will follow, yes.

Maybe the major reason that Christianity rejects homosexuality is that it is viewed as flaunting one's laziness. This is the Christian's mindest: Someone needs to recognize his sinfulness and come to God through Jesus Christ to ask for forgiveness and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit then dwells in that person, giving him strength to overcome ALL CULTIVATED AND INHERITED tendencies to sin. In some cases, that desire to a specific sin will be taken away immediately. In others, your will will have to play a great part. For example, consider the alcoholic. If he does not recognize his problem, he cannot be helped. Christianity sees homosexuality as a denial that a problem exists FOR WHICH THERE IS HELP.

2007-11-09 22:13:06 · answer #2 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

Since the advent of christianity, they have always belittled, threatened, murdered, falsely accused others who's religious and personal beliefs went against them. Remember the crusades? They were killing their own just because they didn't agree on what a certain passage ment in the bible!!
It would be great if they practiced what they preached about how they are lovig and non judgemental people, but that will never happen. They love to judge others based on themselves, it makes them feel superior. The next time you are getting the "You going to Hell" speech, nd it with this.

"He's YOUR god, they are YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell."
Then walk away.

2007-11-09 21:49:35 · answer #3 · answered by elder_moon81 4 · 0 0

If you really bought into the whole Christian nonsense, you would know that you'd be going to hell too for your alternative sexuality. I think it's safe to say you're not really a Christian right now. Not that there aren't a lot of Gay Christians--there are, they just take some creative liberties with the Bible, and probably think Jesus was hot, or something. No idea.
Personally. While I'm not Christian, I think that every homosexual saying "I'm homosexual!" before every sentence is disgusting. I don't want the mental image of a 14 year old kid sleeping with another dude, so stop telling me that you're gay. I don't care, and I don't want to hear it.

2007-11-09 21:38:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

"If Christians are really all loving, they would accept everyone, but from what I see, its all just a big lie. " - that's what many of us are asking about them, if their religion teaches love then why on earth don't they apply what they are taught?

It seems that there are 4 verses in the bible condemning homosexuality .... I read them, there's nowhere said that it's a sin, but it does give the impression that it's wrong and unnatural. And some of the christians are so willing to look down on others!

Ignore them and live your life the way you know it.

2007-11-09 21:37:08 · answer #5 · answered by larissa 6 · 1 0

Because it is an extremely provincial and exclusionary religion. It defines everything about itself as good and virtuous, implying by definition that anything else is less so at best or outright evil at worst. It is very narrow-minded and judgemental, refusing to consider the notion that any faith other than the Christian one could possibly have any wisdom or goodness in it.

2007-11-09 21:39:05 · answer #6 · answered by Scott M 7 · 0 0

I'm going to be honest with you. Your problem is not with Christians. Your problem is with God.

You either accept His word, or you reject it. He loved you enough to give you a choice.

There's going to be alot of "kind & sweet" people in Hell. If you think that your going to get to heaven by your own goodness, then your missing the whole message of the Bible. There's nothing you can do to deserve salvation. It's only by His grace that we are forgiven of our sins. That's the faith that we Christians hold on too.

2007-11-09 21:45:25 · answer #7 · answered by Smile 2 · 2 0

Please let all that religious stuff go in one ear and out the other. You still have to live in y our parents' home but once
you're old enough to live on your own, do so. Xtians have been brainwashed to believe only what the preacher says and the bible says. They only know that being gay is wrong because their preacher told them so. keep your feelings to yourself until you're old enough to live as you see fit. I only say this bc I don't want to see you get any more harassed by the rest of your family. I hope your parents stand by you. If so, you are the luckiest kid around.
I hope you are happy with your bf although you're still awfully young. Enjoy yourself-- young love. It may change tomorrow. Who knows. Plan how you want your life to be as soon as you are legally of age- in your own apt, with your own system of beliefs, with friends who are open minded (gay or str8).
And you'll be able to stand up to these adults and tell them to butt out of your business. My best to you. HUGS!!! (a mature lesbian)

2007-11-09 21:48:16 · answer #8 · answered by reme_1 7 · 0 0

because christianity is based on following a strict set of rules including they are right and anyone that believes in other religions are evil. thats the way its based, and with the encouragement to spread your religion. no other religion in history is so strict and against all others. which is quite funny since most symbols, stories, and doctrine are based on earlier religions. they blatantly stole things and claimed it was original. or they did the alternative of take things sacred to others and twist them into being evil ( ex: pentacle into pentagram)

2007-11-09 21:39:07 · answer #9 · answered by greekneb 2 · 0 0

All organised religions sustain themselves by criticising other religions. They want to stand as the best and keep their followers in the faith and attract more. They must have some ideologies to show which are different from others.

2007-11-09 21:39:41 · answer #10 · answered by ashok 4 · 0 0

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