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My husband and I are having a problem with these Jehovah's Witness's. The first time they (2 of them) showed up was a few months ago (beginning of summer) and my husband answered the door. My husband is Catholic and told them so and the one guy actually wanted to respect that and leave and go onto the next apt. The other is an older man, probably in his 70s, and would not take no for an answer for almost a half hour.

We didn't see them again for maybe 2, 3 months but recently, just the old man has been showing up at our door and he's done it 5 times since September. Last week he was here twice! He only does it to our apt too. I've actually watched this guy drive to our building, and knock on our door only. Last time he was here, I watched him get back in his car and point at our door like he was mad we wouldn't open it.

My question is...is he harassing us? He's been here 6 times since the beginning of summer, I think its a little much and I don't know who to go to. :(

2007-11-09 21:22:59 · 22 answers · asked by Heather 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Dear Heather,

The One to go to is the uncreated Creator.

I had a similar problem about 5 years ago. At the time I was living alone and a elderly jw came frequently at the least expected times. He brought his wife a few times and once brought his daughter-in-law. I never invited him inside but he would say that he had just thought of something from the last time he came. I kept one or more of my Bibles along with the NWT (I do not consider it to be the Bible) near the door just so I could be prepared to discuss whatever he brought up. Each time he came I told him that I would show him that the NWT proves that Jesus was fully God and fully man but he would say "Next time".

Are you a believer? Do you read the Bible? That is the best thing to do to cause them to avoid your home. Nowadays I offer those who come to my door a copy of Roy Zuck's Open Letter to Jehovah's Witnesses and I print out a copy of One Truth Exposes a Thousand Lies - Traits Shared Between Jehovah and Jesus from http://www.soulright.com
to give them when they tell me that I will find anyswers in the material they give me. They don't come very frequently any more.

For His glory,

2007-11-10 04:01:47 · answer #1 · answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7 · 4 4

It seems you are quite upset about this.

Ask yourself this question, has the elderly man been getting the feeling that your husband likes to talk to him?

Just because you, the wife, is seriously opposed to his visit (which he may not know, you didn't say that you had talked to him!) he would come if he felt that he had rapport with your husband.

The fact that someone says they are Catholic, etc -- is after all why the visit is made, right! He wouldn't visit you if he thought you were a JW now - would he!

So, the problem is in what he perceives to be your husband's 'friendliness.'

You need to talk to your husband. If he wants to talk to him, then it is not up to you to tell your husband what to do --isn't it a free country? Not only that but the husband is head of the wife, right.

However, if your husband also shares your opinion, the solution is and should be very easy!

Simply have your husband and you, (not just you as the wife!) tell him that you would like him not to re-visit you. Do this in a firm but friendly manner and he should not be back.

Of course, the JWs do probably make the rounds up to 4 times a year. (?)

So, both of you need to have your mind made up in advance to show the gentleman that this is what you want.

If this doesn't work then the man has a problem. Calling his congregation (phone book) and talking to an elder about this and how to stop it should be the next step.

2007-11-10 01:26:46 · answer #2 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 2 1

I absolutely were a Jehovah's Witness all my existence and that i have heard many stuff that human beings have said about Jehovah's Witnesses. yet we do not take those comments for my section because contained in the bible at John 15:20 Jesus said of real christians: "in the journey that they have persecuted me, they are going to persecute you also". In different words, Jesus changed into saying that christians doesn't be dealt with properly through the overall public. So we assume harassment and mistreatment. yet don't experience that you'll lose your soul at Armageddon. no human being is perfect and all of us make blunders...even Jehovah's Witnesses. also, as a Jehovah's Witness, we are taught to attend to all of us with appreciate. contained in the bible at Romans 12:18 it says: "If a threat, to this point because it relies upon upon you, be non violent with all adult adult males." And at Romans 12:17 it says: "go back evil for evil to no human being. grant tremendous issues contained in the sight of all adult adult males". So, we are no longer offended at you nor can we favor to get inspite of you and we settle on your apology....

2016-10-23 23:24:52 · answer #3 · answered by cuccia 4 · 0 0

First of all, Heather, your husband should be willing to want to protect you from experiencing this type of frightening harassment.

I hope you can share your concern with him and that he will listen to you. The next time he comes if your husband is not home, open the door and set up an appointment with him when your husband is home and get his name--write it down.

Then, shut the door.

Okay, the next thing that should be done is that your husband ask this man which kindgdom hall he is from and who is his overseer? (Do NOT invite him in) thank him for his time and tell him that you want to be taken off all call lists. Then shut the door.

Now, your husband needs to call this kingdom hall and, if possible, talk with the overseer and explain that both of you have expressed NO INTEREST in their organization and do not want to be visited again that if this continues the police will become involved.

What you can do is document when he has come by and how long he knocked on your door, etc.

This way you have established several things--a united front, a clear establishing that you do NOT want a study and that this MUST stop otherwise the police will become involved.

This should stop the contact. IF not, contact the police with the clearest details that you can recall--in writing.

Now, if you are a christian and want to reach this man at all--you can also add that you do not believe that an organization that build a home for King David in 1925 called Beth Sarim (sa-reem) is God's organization that you believe they are a false prophet---and leave it at that.

This may reach him and open his eyes to the magazine company that he works for.

I pray for you to have wisdom and if you want further information about this cult group you are welcome to write me by email or check out the links below.

God Bless You

2007-11-10 03:37:22 · answer #4 · answered by steinbeck11 6 · 4 3

I had a similar thing happen to me. It was 2 ladies; one young and the other older. I accepted to take their 2 magazines and the younger one said its free. The next day the older lady came back by herself and told me the younger one made a mistake and there is a charge in taking the magazines. Well I was in a spot so just gave her what she said the cost was. She took the money and put it in her jacket pocket. Never seen her again. The older ones got "unusual ways" about them. For your safety, if you are home alone; DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR AND DON'T LET HIM IN. Tell him you reported him to the police. He is up to no good!

2007-11-10 04:44:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Strange behavior when disfellowshipped JWs probably get what you want -- the cold shoulder and complete avoidance.

I don't know the legalities of it, but I'm sure you could call or write your local Kingdom Hall and request that no one contact you from their organization.

EDIT: Achtung, some might invite debate, but that's all it would be. "Discussion" is not dialogue, and it would be completely one-sided. A professed Catholic is not obligated to engage JWs.

2007-11-10 06:56:16 · answer #6 · answered by ccrider 7 · 3 3

It certainly seems to be harrassment. Frankly, I am a little suprised, they usually don't resort to such tactics unless you have been one of them and have stopped going to meetings.

You need to know that they are taught by the organization that all of Christendom--and the Catholic Church in particular-- are under the control of Satan and that anyone who goes to any other church except for theirs is doomed in Armageddon. They truly believe that only they will be saved, and so they work very hard to try to get you into the org. so that you can be saved to.

What you also need to know, however, is that the gospel they preach is entirely a false gospel. Theirs is a gospel of works and not of grace as taught in Scripture. Their Jesus was Michael the arch angel, not God in flesh as we all believe. In preaching a another gospel and another Jesus, other than what the apostles preached, they are guided by a different spirit, according to 2 Corinthians 11: 3, 4. According to verse 3, the spirit mentioned is the same one that deceived Eve in Eden--none other than the devil himself. Therefore, you do well to avoid their gospel completely.

Furthermore, the organization has occult roots. Please check out the following You Tube Video which documents these roots:


2007-11-10 05:36:16 · answer #7 · answered by Simon Peter 5 · 4 4

Here's something you might do: find out which church he attends (KIngdom Hall or whatever they refer to it as) and phone them to report him. Just a thought! From what I observe of JW's, they are very close knit so perhaps peer pressure may influence him to stop harrassing people.

When these people come to my door I usually say very nicely "I'm sorry, I'm a Buddhist and not interested." and just walk away from the door. Unfortunately a neighbor that I'm friendly with started to come to our door occasionally so I felt I couldn't walk away while she was talking. I would then just say I was busy, or on the phone, etc.

2007-11-09 21:40:38 · answer #8 · answered by Kalina K 2 · 3 3

You should politely say, "I think I asked you to put us on your do-not-visit-list...if you continue to harass us I will have to call the authorities."

If he comes back again, carry out the promise. It's the simplest way I can think of.

I think he is harassing you..trespassing too.

2007-11-10 02:26:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Thats what alot of them do.
They believe that they should go door to door and preach.
Thats what they believe, so...Whatever.

We put a sign on the door that says "No Jehovah's Witness's"
And we haven't gotton anymore.

Try the sign, if he keeps coming, then call the cops.

2007-11-09 21:33:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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