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2007-11-09 19:11:51 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

The inbred stupidity.
The inability to apply intelligence.
The failing to ask searching questions about the faulty belief system.
The insistence on forcing their children into the same life of delusion.
The belief that their delusions be applied to schooling of other people's children.
The application of mythical religious beliefs into government actions.
The lack of understanding of basic scientific priciples.
The failure to grasp the simplest form of understanding of evolution or the big-bang theory.
The refusal to consider any alternative to their indoctrinated faith system.

I imagine that I could think up some more were I to give this more time ...
Must move on.

2007-11-09 19:18:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

I dislike Christians who are ignorant of the Bible or who misquote it. I dislike folks who say they are Christians but who hate people. I dislike "so called" Christians who never put their "faith" into practice. If you are gonna talk it then walk it.

My relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my life and I love being a Christian. I don't feel really good about my answer, but its the truth. I just know that I'm sure not perfect either. So even though this is what I dislike about some people who are called Christians, I can't see any of those folks hearts, only God can and He's the only one who can judge any perfectly, not me

2007-11-09 19:35:36 · answer #2 · answered by LeslieAnn 6 · 4 0

"Love the sinner, hate the sin." Many Christians I'm very fond of, but I do dislike Christianity.

Namely, I really dislike the common practice of preaching love and tolerance, but practicing hate and intolerance. Most Christians are exceedingly against the Westboro baptist church, true... but many fail to realize this is simply a more passionate version of what a lot of Christians do anyway.

I read a YA question recently that quoted a Catholic priest. It was.... disgusting, quite frankly. Genetics have been tied with homosexuality... but according to that statement, homosexuality only arises from some "mortal sin" that "damages human nature." And that if anyone has a homosexual orientation, but does not practice the "abominable sins" and lives chastefully and prayerfully is "a liar." Meaning, such isn't possible. But I know such a person!

Many Christians, particularly of the conservative/fundamentalist brand, teach that Jesus loves everyone, and will accept everyone... and simultaneously refuse homosexuals. Or other types.

The other thing I really dislike about Christianity, and many of its followers, is their attempt to take over the world and control the lives of others. What difference should it make to You over there if I want to have a girlfriend? (I'm married to a guy, as I'm at best bi curious, but hey.) Bush even tried to amend the constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman!

Granted, I personally tend to live a very moral life, according to Christian standards, (with exception to living with my guy before marriage). Obviously, not 100% of the time, but I do my best, and though my morals don't line up with Christianity's on sexual matters, it kinda is moot in my life considering I'm married now :P Anyways. I have seen attacks on myself on rare occasion, and on friends often, for preferences and lifestyles, which are none of the Christian's business.

Final note: I really dislike the inability to see "gray" in the world, morally, in a number of Christians.

2007-11-09 19:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by Khana S 3 · 0 1

I'm just sick of the ones who make the rest look bad. I'm not christian, & my faith is immaterial. The strident, closed-minded people who populate this forum with ideas that pollute the collective mind, such as the idea that R & S is no place for a person who doesn't believe in a god of some kind!
I see this place as a space to explore & compare ideas, nothing more. When others post inflammatory Q's, I like to respond. In kind.

2007-11-09 19:31:43 · answer #4 · answered by shadowgirl777 3 · 0 0

I take 'em one at a time.

I dislike all of the nationally known hate merchants and liars for obvious reasons.

Locally, we only have a few kooks who are doing damage but I'm at the barricades each time.

I have too many Christian friends to say I dislike Christians.

2007-11-09 19:13:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I dislike the "Christians" that give the religion a bad name by pushing thier beliefs on everyone in forcefull manners, the bible preaches against that, it doesnt hurt to bring up the topic once and explain a little bit about it, but the ones who go around saying DO OR DIE AND GO TO HELL AND ROT FOR ETERNITY! tarnish the religion. Yes the religion has a shady past, and almost all of these events were caused by some moron radical christian bent on converting the entire world that only ended up giving everyone a reason to hate christians.

not all of us try to push our beliefs on people, or go around slaying people who don't believe what we say or believe in, christianity is based on good nature and patience and caring, just like islam, same thing happened there, muslim radicals are now straping bombs to themselves to murder all us western christian dogs who invade thier holy lands. It's just a power struggle made of pointlessness, and those who spread this evil using religion as an excuse are a disgrace to good hearted people...


2007-11-09 19:30:18 · answer #6 · answered by Dan. 3 · 2 1

When people usually think of Christians, they think of Christians being "evil" to sum it up quickly.

Not all Christians are like that! Many who claim to be Christian and act wrongly are truely not real followers of Christ!

Also many people think of Christians as one group of people who think and act in the same so-called bad way.

Do you really believe EVERY Christian is bad or annoying? Even the children who pray to God and say that they love Jesus Christ?

God Bless!

2007-11-09 19:47:35 · answer #7 · answered by dragonmaster_chelsea 2 · 1 0

The fact you would ask this question means you are generalizing and categorizing people. No doubt you fall into some category. I am a Christian, and there are things about some Christians and some people who are not Christians that I don't like. To ask what is it about people of a certain religion that you don't like is the same as racism. Its the same thing as asking what is it about blacks or whites or Chinese you don't like... Stop categorizing people and take them one at a time because one day when a Christian pulls you out of a fire or saves your mom's life you won't be thinking about how much you hate Christians.

2007-11-09 19:21:10 · answer #8 · answered by Deltaphide 2 · 4 3

Honestly, the ones that when it comes to a topic about god, they act like saints, speak with perfect manners, and say things like "God bless." and so forth.

And then, 5 minutes later, they bring up the topic about boobs, they start cussing, drinking, acting extremely impolite, and being extremely condictive to the way they acted earlier.

Alot of people in this section are those kind of christians too. lol

2007-11-09 19:18:34 · answer #9 · answered by Richard S 2 · 3 1

they will not give up their obsessive compulsion to push their religion down everyone's throat.

Give it up and leave us alone already!

If I want religion I am quite sure that i can find a church close by.

BTW- sometimes standing a Satanic Bible in the front window will at least slow them down. Great for a few laughs anyway.

Until I darken your doorstep PLEASE stay off mine.

2007-11-09 21:36:20 · answer #10 · answered by cyrusbblackthorne 3 · 0 0

Their attempts to convert others.

In this, they share my revulsion with muslims.

Islam and Christianity are literally the only two religions in all of human history with a built-in compunction to convert the world.

2007-11-09 19:18:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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