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Villagers furious with Missionaries:

Jubilant at seeing the relief trucks loaded with food, clothes and the much-needed medicines the villagers, many of who have not had a square meal in days, were shocked when the nuns asked them to CONVERT before distributing biscuits and water.



2007-11-09 18:11:29 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"…. We are staunch followers of Hindu religion and refused their request. And after that these people with their aid materials are LEAVING THE VILLAGE WITHOUT DISTRIBUTING THAT TO US," Rajni Kumar, a villager said.


2007-11-09 18:22:34 · update #1

35 answers

I cannot speak for every Christian in the world. Just from my experience. I am a Christian. My grandmother was Catholic. She loved Jesus and loved children. When she realized that some children in our neighborhood had no dinner, she would buy HUGE sacks of food and everyday she would have me round up many children to feed. So many they waited in line in order to be fed a wholesome meal. She taught me it was a sin to see someone who needed food and turn your back on them when it was within your ability to feed them. She fed those children out of her own pocket and believe me, she fed them like kings. Her meals were fit for royalty! She was a chef and she wanted only the best and the freshest! My grandmother never asked anyone what religion they were before she fed them....ever! A hungry person was a hungry person and she fed all who came to her door. The Catholic churches help to feed many people today.

I cannot speak for what happened in that village. I only know of people who showed the love Christ by caring for others. Like my beloved grandmother. Mother Teresa was another wonderful example of a woman who devoted her life to helping others. I am not Catholic, but I have personally known wonderful people who devote themselves to helping others who are Catholic. Please do not put everyone in the same boat.

2007-11-09 18:52:24 · answer #1 · answered by Marie 7 · 0 0

As I saw someone else state as well, those were Catholics- not Christians. Just ask most Catholics and they'll tell you point-face, they are CATHOLICS, NOT CHRISTIANS.

Now, I could be wrong, but that's the response I've gotten from many, many Catholics.

As a Christian-- no, I wouldn't force you to believe as I do before I helped you or anyone else. God wishes to bless all of His creation, even those that do not love Him, know Him, or desire the fellowship of Him.

You would not force your starving child to bow down to you before feeding them...well, neither would God, and His children shouldn't demand it either.

I'm sorry for the village that had to go without because of the attitude of a few.

P.S. I'm not trying to "come down" on Catholics. I was just trying to make a point regarding the question asked.

2007-11-09 18:32:18 · answer #2 · answered by ashleydjr73 2 · 2 0

No, I would not tell you to convert before giving food to you and your family.

This article describes a troubling incident. I wish more details had been provided regarding why these particular relief trucks were apparently the first to respond to this situation, and who or which organization(s) did provide the villagers with food.

2007-11-09 18:54:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the actual intention of giving food is to help and to convert those people in Christianity at the same time. It is stated in the Bible that if people refuse the word of God, leave the place and remove the dust which you had from the place where you are.

Because of a great danger to be converted with their very own beliefs. and the food are meant for God's follower more than those who refuse to receive help from them.

2007-11-09 18:23:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I wouldn't! Anyone who reads and actually belives the Bible wouldn't. Jesus said if we even gave a cup of cold water to a child in His name he would reward us. Jesus never did a theology check before stretching out His hands to heal and help. He is my example. I

'm not going to hate on anyones branch of Christian Church group. All of them have made mistakes at some point, because mistakes are what people do. But I would NEVER demand someone jump through an kind of "hoop" before getting essential food and services.

Another thing is whenever there is a genuine article there will always be counterfeits of it. Don't mistake the fake for the real.

Just for the record, the church group I attend(who shall be nameless because that's not important) Give to many kinds of relief and missionary efforts, including those who are hungry and poor in our own city. If I don't live it out locally, my faith would be meaningless.

2007-11-09 18:25:55 · answer #5 · answered by LeslieAnn 6 · 3 1

This story is a little hard to believe. I wonder what the whole story really is there.

No, I wouldn't tell you to convert first, I'd give you the food you need, and I hope and pray all Christians would do the same. I think most of them would........

There would be plenty of time for sermons and potential conversion later after everyone was well-fed and cared for.

2007-11-09 18:21:57 · answer #6 · answered by the phantom 6 · 1 1

This is how they always converted the Indians in south America and North America and Africa. Muslims have the best and the last religion of God. They can not be fooled with food or money.

Some kids converted for the promise of visa for USA. in Pakistan. They wanted to come to USA for better life, so they converted but not by deepest conviction fromtheir heart.
They will revert back to Islam when their will concious will start troubling them.

2007-11-09 18:32:42 · answer #7 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 0 2

I'm suspicious of the reporting of this story. Worked in food ministries and missions for years. You can ask someone to listen to your story, but refusing the food? We'd kick out a volunteer who did that!

2007-11-10 01:00:07 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Bummer. Either way, Christians SHOULD NOT tell people to convert before giving you or anyone else biscuits. If they do, I would like to politely ask them to stop calling themselves Christians.

2007-11-09 18:27:00 · answer #9 · answered by Sweetfeet 2 · 1 0

Look man, organized religion is organized religion whether its Muslims, Christians, Wiccans...some people with power will abuse it, others will not. These nuns chose to abuse it, simple.

This is truly, truly pathetic and as opposite their "Beliefs" as anything - but if you think Christians invented it you're fooling yourself. Its old hat.

Anyway - there are lame Christians and great one's just like any group of people who claim to be anything. Don't get yourself in a wad thinking any 'group' is all the same...thats the same crap Lenin / Staliin / Mussolin & Bush-Cheney all do to scare people. Amazing where fear and crappy generalizations about others will lead you.

2007-11-09 18:26:24 · answer #10 · answered by mtssea 1 · 3 2

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