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The baby is not part of the woman's body because from the moment of conception the child has a different DNA signature from both the mother and father and therefore is a separate entity from both the mother and father...that is a biological fact....

Biologically, there is no time from the moment of conception to the time one is born that it can be said that one is not human...That is a biological fact.

It is a fact because from the moment of conception one has 46 chromosomes which is the normal number of chromosomes for a human being...To date no other animal known on this planet has that number of chromosomes...Of course, that is 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father...

So 46 chromosomes = Human Being....

And the obvious fact that both your parents are human, I suppose, for some of you at least..

2007-11-09 18:07:20 · 25 answers · asked by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also, nothing that is dead grows and develops and since the child grows and develops in the womb the child has life....If the child were not alive, he or she would not grow and develop...What has life grows and develops what has no life does not grow and develop...

2007-11-09 18:10:01 · update #1

Therefore, life is from the beginning because the child is growing and developing from conception until birth and beyond...

2007-11-09 18:11:37 · update #2

25 answers

Yes, abortion is murder in my opinion. I agree with your analysis that life begins at conception. I would never have one.

However, I also believe that each person who has the appropriate mental faculties to make their own decisions should be given that choice. I do not condone it and would not suggest it, but I also do not shun those who choose that path.

Often, abortions cause severe mental breakdowns for women later in life so it is definitely not a decision to be made lightly.

My problem comes in when it is used as a method of birth control rather than what I would consider an understandable reason, such as conception as a product of rape. (Still not condonable but understandable.)

Another thing that bothers me is the way physicians refer to miscarriages. When a woman miscarries, physicians term it as a "spontaneous abortion." Given the negative connotations of such a term, it infuriates me that a physician would use it in such a manner. If they think you might miscarry, they tell you that you are experiencing a "threatened abortion." How heartbreaking to lose something so precious and then to be lumped into the category with those who chose the demise of their unborn child.

This debate will never end. I also think we should focus on preventative measures rather than abstinence.


2007-11-09 18:32:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

copy and paste:
"The baby is not part of the woman's body because from the moment of conception the child has a different DNA "
If it is not part of the woman's body, then she has no responsibility for it. It is simply a threat to her life that she is entitled to defend herself from. --- But I believe because it resides in her body, it is part of her body and she is entitled to do with it as she pleases. You have your belief that leads to the death of living children, and I have my belief that saves those children. What you do is murder in my opinion. http://www.prolifeismurder.com

Cut and paste:
"Biologically, there is no time from the moment of conception to the time one is born that it can be said that one is not human...That is a biological fact."

It is also a fact that abortion is no big deal biologically. For example abortion has been occuring for millions of years and we still cannot feed and take care of all the children that are born. Millions will die while you fight the "boogyman" you have created. Abortion is simply a fact of life, it happens more naturally than it does by the hands of man. And each time it happens it releases enough resources to save 12 loved and living kids.
You have simply "made up" lies and reasons to take money from weak minds that cannot understand the issue. You use abortion as a lure to get political power, money, and sympathy. You are very evil.

2007-11-13 12:55:35 · answer #2 · answered by Give me Liberty 5 · 0 0

You can hardly call a collection of a hundred and fifty or so cells being A 'human'. That is a biological fact.

"Biologically, there is no time from the moment of conception to the time one is born that it can be said that one is not human...That is a biological fact."
Sure. You can call it human, but not "a human" any more than you can call you liver "a human".

"So 46 chromosomes = Human Being"
My skin cells have 46 chromosomes. Does that make each and every one of the a human being? Am I committing murder (or suicide??) every time I take a shower?

p.s. Pleas don't try to disguise a religious argument form emotion with science. We see through your facade.

I say 150 or so cells, because that is the level at which most abortions are done. I would never condone an abortion at any level of development where the fetus can no longer be called a zygote.

2007-11-09 18:23:32 · answer #3 · answered by Dashes 6 · 6 5

American Heritage: "The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice."

Merriam Webster: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought."

Both definitions stress the "malice" part of the killing, so I think that's why abortion is such a confusing issue. Most women who have abortions, we assume, do not get a thrill out of terminating the life of their unborn child. To make matters more confusing, both definitions of murder clearly state that it involves the killing of another HUMAN BEING, yet many people disagree on whether or not a fetus/unborn child IS actually a human being.

I think abortion will always be a tricky issue. As long as there is unwanted pregnancy in the world, there will always be abortion. It can't be helped.

2007-11-09 18:52:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

No abortion isn't murder.

For it to be considered murder it would have to be the killing of a human BEING with malice and forethought.

By human being they mean person and a fetus isn't a person until birth or first breath, depending on where you live and legal differences.

There's the legal standpoint, now I'm going to give my opinion.
The vast majority of abortions are preformed during the first trimester. During the first trimester the fetus does not have the nessisary physical development to think, feel or be self-aware. Three things that are needed to be considered a person and since murder only counts towards people obviously it wouldn't be murder.
Now it is killing the fetus, but considering the state of the fetus compaired to that of it's mother I believe the mother's wishes are more important.
Of course many will disagree with me but that's why I'm glad I live in a free country. You are allowed to have your beliefs and I'm allowed to have mine.

2007-11-09 18:31:26 · answer #5 · answered by crystal_pepzi 2 · 6 4

Abortion is the right of a woman

2007-11-09 18:10:25 · answer #6 · answered by Former Muslim 1 · 6 8

Abortion is murder. A miscarriage is not unless it is deliberately caused. Some women unfortunately have what is called a tubal pregnancy where the baby is in the fallopian tube and an abortion has to be performed because the baby cannot survive there and this is not murder. When someone aborts a child because they don't want it for whatever reason then it is murder as far as God is concerned and yes it is their choice and they will have to deal with the consequences of that choice. They will answer to God for their choice. God will forgive all sins but that does not eliminate the consequences of those sins.

2007-11-09 18:19:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

You're assuming that what makes a person worth anything is there genetic signature. I would argue that it is what is in one's mind that counts. There is no doubt that zygotes and fetuses do not posess sentience. Thus, if sentience is your criteria for worth, abortion cannot be murder.

Another assumption of yours is that a human has the right to use another's body without permission. This is patently false.

Finally, murder must be illegal by definition. Abortion is legal.

Conclusion: Abortion is not murder.

2007-11-09 18:24:04 · answer #8 · answered by Eiliat 7 · 4 4

If it was murder then it would be illegal and carry a punishment. It is legal and there is no punishment for it so it is clearly not murder. You calling it murder is your OPINION, NOT fact.
You clearly have not thought this through.

2007-11-13 12:46:54 · answer #9 · answered by Elvendra 4 · 0 0

Abortion is worst than murder.

Like murder, it is intentional.

Like murder, it kills human being.

Like murder, it is planned.

Worst than murder because abortion always kills an innocent and defensless human being.

Worst than murder because it does not give the human being a chance to see the world.

Worst than murder and incest because it always involved a mother against her own flesh.

2007-11-11 12:40:13 · answer #10 · answered by Dencel 2 · 1 3

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