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i hate my life

2007-11-09 17:24:17 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

34 answers

Can I just say that whatever you hate about your life is probably temporary.
Ending your life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I am not trying to just give you platitudes, but suicide is never the answer.
If you posted this here that tells me that you know you need help. I would recommend that you go to sleep tonight and call someone professionally in the morning to help you understand and work through these feelings.

2007-11-09 17:29:25 · answer #1 · answered by gizellie 3 · 3 0

Sometimes so much happens in a short period of time that we are overwhelmed. When you say you hate your life, do you mean you hate your life right now? Because no matter what is going on, "this too shall pass".

When you are overwhelmed for a long period of time you may become fatigued and just want to end it all. But we as a specied are wired to overcome adversity.

If your life realy sucks go to the nearest cancer treatment center and walk the halls for an hour or so. Look at the people walking and sitting who have lost a limb, their hair, part of their face. See the patients roaming the halls pulling an IV bag tree behind them.

Listen to their conversations, hear their stories of traveling across the country for treatment, of missed and cancelled appointments, and having problems finding a place to stay thet they can afford.

My point is look around, there is always someone worse of than you. I know I have been there.

2007-11-09 17:39:31 · answer #2 · answered by DonPedro 4 · 0 0

you are talking about a long term solution for a short term problem. So you hate your life right now, well the one and only certainty in life is that things change. This part of your life sucks, ok, well I am telling you this will change. But you have to want it to change and you have to be proactive in making changes, not just whine about how terrible it is and run away from it in death, where nothing ever changes. So when you start thinking about ending your life, you say out loud, STOP IT, and find something to do that will help you progress to a better life. In this case, persistance does pay off. I know, been there done that.

email me if you like and I can direct you to a website that will actually help you find your answers...it helped me.

2007-11-09 17:32:41 · answer #3 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 0 0

Well, there might be several reasons that you might have for ending your life, but most people believe they are not good enough to die for.

Choices are what we do each and every day. Good and bad. If you have a good life the choices you have made are good, visa-versa.

If you hate your life, then you must be making some hateful decisions. Ones that bring you discontentment and sadness. To combat those decisions, you must attempt to make decisions that will make you like your life and yourself.

Many people who hate their lives are too wrapped up in the drama that has suckered them into the life they hate. Drama is good at some point, but too much can leave you exhausted and wanting a way out. Too much drama is toxic for any life. Get away from the ones that cause the drama in your life.

Start helping people who are less fortunate than you are. There are plenty of those folks around. Volunteer at your school, church, activity group near your neighborhood. Try breaking out of your shell and meet others who can gain from your life experiences.

Begin with small steps to get out and about. Don't expect too much too soon, life really is short... live it to the fullest.

2007-11-09 17:36:27 · answer #4 · answered by Jay G 3 · 0 0

It is biochemical. You can take drugs, which I don't really recommend, but they are effective. I don't mean street drugs, but anti-depressants. I think it is better to act out the life that you want and go through the motions of a happy person until you are happy. Yes, you will literally be faking it at first and you might still feel like total crap even while doing it, but eventually your mind will follow the cues that your body is setting up for it.

There is a definite mind-body connection and if you start "acting" happy then you will start feeling it. Crazy, but totally true. The same is true when you start acting out your depression or even anger; you will just make yourself even more angry or even more depressed. Start exercising because the endorphins will help lift your mood. Start eating healthy because not only does it make you feel better, but exercising and eating healthy takes a lot of time and effort to accomplish. Start setting other goals in your life. Basically you should pack your day full of things that improve your life, then balance it out with work, play, and rest.

Once you do that, you won't even have time to sit around and think about how bad you feel. You'll get through it man. I had issues with depression myself and I am telling you honestly and from the bottom of my heart that you can beat it, but it isn't going to resolve itself on its own. Take action and start to change your life. Tomorrow is a new day to live out the dream life that you can and will achieve.

2007-11-09 17:35:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very interesting, i have never thought about ending my life because issues in my life never exceeded the point that suicide was an option. Self control is one of the most important abilities one must control to be able to survive in a mans world. Self control is not a reflex so it must be learned, the task is tedious for some and very easy and comprehensible for others. I will tell you this though suicide is not the answer. im not trying to sound like someone who actually comprehends what your going through so i can only feel sympathy for you but if one thing is not the thing to do then it is suicide. The common misconception of suicide many people have is that they never think of the future. Committing suicide means "you will NEVER COME BACK TO LIFE, EVER" you will never smell that fresh wind across your face, you will never see the many dreams and fantasies you have always wanted to accomplish. Ending your life is actually no easy way out. Its one of the worst ways out of a situation. The only reason many people think suicide is the easy way out is because they never think about the future and they dont understand the concept of dying. ONCE your DEAD your not COMING BACK!

2007-11-09 17:33:27 · answer #6 · answered by ed m 1 · 0 0

I think you answered your own question.

I'm sorry that you are struggling with your life at this time. Please know that things won't always feel this bad, that things will change at some point.

That is what you really want, isn't it? Change. You NEED things to change in your life...and right now all you can see as a way to do that is to end it.

Depression makes people feel this way. It's a medical disorder, not all in your head. Depression also tells you lies, and when you think everything is horrible, there's no way to change things, and dying is the only way out, please remember that it is the depression, the disorder, telling you that. It isn't true.

Please talk to someone about how to change things in your life, and the way you can look at them, so you can begin to feel better. Life can be worth living. TC

2007-11-09 17:30:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know I feel like like that alot. But I think it;s moments. If you wanna be happy, you'll be happy. If you want to be sad...you'll be sad. Just remember you are in control of your life. I used to think a lot about ending mine....but where will I be? I'd rather live the rest of my life knowing I have options than ending my life and knowing I have none! Think about it long and hard. Your life dramatically changes every year. Think about how much stuff you go through all the time. Please don't throw whats left of your life away.

For every person that died before they wish they could, think about how desperately they would wish to be alive right now.....

2007-11-09 17:36:16 · answer #8 · answered by Kimber 3 · 0 0

Aww hun listen to me, you need to be around people. Go out to the club, make some new friends & just have a really positive attitude. It sounds to me like you`ve got nothing to lose =P

If you feel this is just way too difficult, I recommend talking to your doctor about anti-depressants. I know what you`re going through (been there myself after my dad`s death).

Also, believe me when I say it will get better. Right now it seems like "That's it, this is my life." but there is so much out there for you. I don't know how old you are but if you`re just a child, ummm TRUST ME it gets MUUUUUUCH better. LOL. If you're an adult, it will still get better. Try going on some internet websites to find some interesting people around you. Really just socialize.

2007-11-09 17:35:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are suffering from depression most likely, and your brain chemistry is making you feel hopeless. You need to call a doctor and get on something. You WILL feel much better.
You need to remember that it isn't normal to feel the way you do right now. But there is a lot that can be done about it.

Please tell someone to help you out- a family member or good friend. You don't need to feel this way.

My best to you- I've been there.

2007-11-09 17:29:51 · answer #10 · answered by idahostudios 3 · 0 0

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