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this argument is to be totally logical, no religious theories. If Jesus was god, then how can he be his own son. Why would he sacrifice himself to save people he could've saved without all the drama. I mean if he could say let there be light and there was light, then why could he not wish these people sinless. Why would god do such a thing anyway? That would defeat the purpose of sins itself. Logically, if u do something bad,and there is a set punishment, someone cannot do the time for you. You are bound to do that time. Secondly, he was born human, meaning 23 chromosomes from mom, 23 chromosomes from dad. So if this is true than where did the father's 23 chromosomes come from. seeing how god doesnt posses chromosomes. If god created them, then jesus cannot legibly be the son of god. If those chromosomes are of god himself, then god isnt the all powerful being we are told he is, he is human. So this entire thing is wierd and i know people will bring religious vodoo into this, so dont.

2007-11-09 17:06:08 · 31 answers · asked by uraan 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Human, if he existed. Jesus, if he existed, is just another dead guy. God is a superstition.

2007-11-09 17:08:24 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 1 1

All three. How? Same way you have a body, soul and spirit which are seperate one from another. But all three make you who you are, Uraan. Father, Son and Holy Spirit or Father , Word and Holy Spirit are God. Before Jesus was born (became flesh), He was the Word. The Father is not Jesus and Jesus is not the Father nor are they the Holy Spirit, the same way that your body is not your soul or spirit. As far as the chromosomes, Jesus had chromosomes from Mary, that made him flesh. But he recieved much more than chromosomes from His heavenly father. He received power, which made Him God. So he was God in a Fleshly body. Remember, God can do all things EXCEPT make us love Him. That's where He gave us power. We have the power to make a choice to love him and spend eternity with Him or the power to choose to spend eternity without Him. We can't comprehend God's love for us no matter how much we try. We just need to accept it, that's all that He ask.

2007-11-09 17:55:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, Jesus is God's Son, not His own Son. He is eternal.
Second, Jesus was born of a woman, but He was born of a woman who was a virgin. God did a miracle and Mary conceived so God was the father.
Yes, God could have used any plan He wanted to save man, however, He chose to send His Son to earth, die and be resurrected. The reason for this is because of the link between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, they had to sacrifice a lamb without blemish to be forgiven. Of course, that did not really forgive sins, it was symbolic. It was a symbol of when Jesus would come to offer forgiveness to all men. Even today, we still must obey to be forgiven. In other words, if I sin, God punishes me, but if I obey, He forgives me. Jesus dying did not automatically forgive anyone, it just gave us a way to be forgiven.

2007-11-13 09:28:33 · answer #3 · answered by Susan R 2 · 0 0

Now for a severe answer: it quite is a great theological question. Nowhere interior the Bible does it say that Jesus grew to become into "totally" guy or God. It does say that He grew to become into God made flesh. yet another great question is: If He grew to become into God how did He go through for our sins??? So, one end is that He grew to become right into a guy, yet had the Spirit of God interior Him. Jesus reported He did not do something except He observed the father doing it. of course, this is inferred that He might desire to have had particular dispensation from God the father with a view to do the failings He did. logic would not quite enter into it. Stephen Hawkings, and different scientists theorize that there may be as many as 11 dimensions in our universe. i can not wrap that with logic, whether it could clarify plenty approximately God and the non secular international. .

2016-10-02 00:12:04 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

to answer your 1st question, He was all of them. yea i know, it's pretty confusing. Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit? 3 or 1?
let me put it another way.
ok so, water is water right? we can agree on that right? ok moving on.
ice is ice, yes. ice is also water though, just another form. (catching on yet?)
gas/vapor is gas, but is yet another form of *drumroll please* water.
3 differnt things, yet they're still the same thing. pretty cool huh? lol

God made us, and He loves us. like a mother loving her children, except more. if a mother is willing to sacrifice her life for her child, why would Jesus be any different? He sacrificed Himself (one "person") and saved MILLIONS of others.
And God wanted to give us free will. if He just "zapped" everyone to be perfect, then we would be like robots all doing the same things and all feeling the same things. woopadeedoo. *cough* sarcasm *cough*
why all the drama you say? how else would people believe in Him then? if he just went poof, there, sins gone, would anybody know it was Him? some people might've thought it was some strange coincedince, the sun did it, some strange evolution *creepy music*, or they might even think satan did it and start worshipping him. ew. XP

Why on earth would God need chromosomes? what kind of a god would be limited by something so humane? God is not limited to matter, space or time. He'd be a pretty lousy god if He was.

2007-11-09 17:35:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God the Father , and God the Son, are one in nature. Just like when you look at a tree, think of the trunk as God , the branches as Jesus and the Life that flows throw is the Holy Spirit, Yes the tree has different aspects but has the same Life within it.

2007-11-09 17:11:26 · answer #6 · answered by ckrug 4 · 1 1

Son of God, Son of Man
One of the really confusing parts of the trinity
I got passages to back it up to
"In the begining was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God
"The WORD* became flesh and dwelt among us"
"Thy WORD I have hidden in my heart that i might not sin against you"

Im not going to explain it connect the dots yourself.
In case you still cant figure it out, maybe the caps will give you a hint.
If you still can't figure it out, your not so smart.

2007-11-09 17:23:43 · answer #7 · answered by Aeristes 3 · 0 0

Let me explain listen carefully Jesus came as the Son of God He was 100% God & 100% man The Holy Spirit empregnated Mary & she gave birth to Jesus the man, but God [Jesus] has allways been. Peace!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-09 17:23:07 · answer #8 · answered by GREGORIOUSITY 5 · 1 0

Interesting to see the tangle into which logic and reasoning can get - when you are talking about the supernatural - which means above the natural understanding. Without the appropriate insight given as a gift from God - no-one can understand Christianity.

2007-11-09 17:15:26 · answer #9 · answered by cheir 7 · 0 1

If Jesus was god, then how can he be his own son? It is a paradox...a mystery that can't be explained with logic but only through divine revelation. However, logic tells us that just because we can't understand something doesn't mean it is false.

Why would he sacrifice himself...why wouldn't he just zap us into perfect sinless beings? Isn't that like asking a parent why he or she doesn't just drug a rebellious child into submission (or worse, just go ahead and lobotomize the child to prevent him or her from harming him/herself)? Logical argument...if God exists and if the bible truly represents his nature, then it logically follows that he created us and he loves his creation. It also logically follows that God's love is perfect. If I, with my imperfect ability to love, would do anything to bring my son home if he was lost (as would many other parents), why is it so hard to believe God would be willing to sacrifice himself for his children?

I'm confused by your argument about the "purpose of sins". Are you suggesting that God created sins so he could punish us? If so, that's inconsistent with the image of God as a loving father. Good parents don't make rules so they can get their jollies from handing out punishments...they make rules to protect their children from real dangers (and in the case of human parents, imagined dangers too!). God's warnings (or rules if you prefer) define sins that he knows can hurt us and our relationship with him...in fact, he knows that everything he identified as "sin" shares a common consequence...death!
Note that I said consequence not punishment.

...and "bound to do the time" isn't accurate in most cases...it's called parole when they allow a criminal to leave prison before serving his/her entire sentence...judges can commute a sentence...and some government officials can even pardon a crime. I even know of a few cases that involved a person confessing to a crime committed by a loved one and willingly serving the sentence for them. In God's lingo, it is called grace!

"...god doesnt posses chromosomes"...really, you know that? The bible says that God created us in his image...it doesn't say anything about chromosomes but unless you have access to a genetic analysis of God (and for that matter Jesus), the logical interpretation is that it is possible that God is genetically compatible with a human. ...and if he doesn't, couldn't he create what he needed...perhaps even using the original chromosomes he used for Adam?

"...god isn't the all powerful being we are told he is, he is human". The most significant difference between man and God is chromosomes? If God has them he can't be God? In the absence of any evidence that God does NOT have chromosomes, why focus on that as the defining characteristic of humans. The way I see it, the big difference between God and us is wisdom. Humans only use a fraction of their brains...the capacity AND the capacity utilization of God's brain is far superior. Humans are subject to the limits of their physical body and confined to the earth (and surrounding plantes)...God can exist simultaneously as spirit and body and he can exist in infinite places. Heck, a human that could learn to use just 50% of his brain capacity would be a powerful being...if God is genetically human but has infinite wisdom, he would still be "all powerful"!

Finally, your original question...was Jesus God, the Son of God, or human? The answer is "yes"...if God is capable of doing what the bible claims he did, he's certainly capable of doing and even being things that we can't possibly understand. We call this a paradox...a mystery that we can understand only if God chooses to reveal it to us. For me, it just makes sense to believe that God is far more complex than a human being so applying human perceptions about what is impossible isn't going to help me define his nature!

This whole thing is weird because you're making it weird. It is really quite simple...God loves us and he wants us to come home...we're the ones that make it a complex problem.

Surely you've seen movies that depict people with powers you think are impossible...but someone thought them up...that suggests that those things are more than just possible for the God that created the mind that dreamed up superhuman powers!

2007-11-09 18:25:12 · answer #10 · answered by KAL 7 · 0 0

You are trying to comprihend spiritual things with an earthly mind. Who said God doesn't have chromosones that are governed by a higher law? Christ ate fish with the Apostles and then went out without opening the door. Joseph
smith saw both Christ and God and they both had bodies. After all, we were made after their image. Christ still has a body but it is not bound by earthly laws.

2007-11-09 17:33:05 · answer #11 · answered by scotty_84116 4 · 0 1

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