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its like this my mom drugged me and left me and my bros for pills and money well she took me with her becuz i grew up VERY quick and i helped her get her drugs i had what she wanted basicly so wen ever we left we go to west va cuz thats wer we wer born and its more street and gangsta and a bunch of drugs and thenshe started stealing my money rollin joints with me and everything well one day when we wer back home me and my bros wer gettin ready for skoolshe was packin said she would b back in 3 dayswell seh was gone for 3 and a half months
got kicked outta skool wich made **** so much worse while she was gone the skool went and told the cops cuz i brought a knife with a 5 inch blade well then my mom came back and stuff and we went to court but had to come back in a few monthsso we BOTH went to west va (wich i wasnt even suppose to leave the state)well i was supposed to be back home in 2 months for a probation meeting my 1st one and i missed it! then i got depressed cuz i knew i missed it and would be in more trouble so that night i went out and partied with my older siswell i got drunk i drank more than all of them put together then i got higher than all of them put together
and couldnt go hoome the next day cuz i was sick wel wen i did come home my sis (20) and my aunt came with me well after my court date we were goin back to west va but i dad wouldnt give us the keys he took them and stuff and my mom had a bf in west va (i covered for her) and he had supision and broke the phne into a million pieces so we couldnt call anyone well after 3 hours she takes a drive with him to go get sum cigs for my mom
mouth full of skittles! wanna taste the rainbow?: sumhow she got the keys and talked him outta slitting the tires well she put the keys in my pocket just incase he wanted them back he would hurt me instead well after he went to work we left wich was not good he was pissed well we ran outta money so my mom had me call (for the 1st time since i have been ther) and pretend to b sickand say i didnt have any money for my med well he believed it cuz my mom had me throw up and gag myself while i was on the phone with him but he didnt send money so i had to sell my drugs for money but my mom wouldnt sell hers well that got us some money my mom finally found a job wer she didnt have to pass a drug test
and i got enrolled in skool didnt really go though well my most fave person in the world is my big sis ex bf he got sent to jailso i had NOONE well my moms bf are rich actually both of them are (she has more than one) so she gets money from them too wich is good but then she gets into a fight with all of them and we have to go to vawell by then the summer is over and i have to get into skool well im on the border of another state so i go to skool in nc instead of virginia well after a month of being there everybody hates mebecuz im bisexuale
well i meet a guy and we start to talkin and stuff but yesterday his mom called me saying he couldnt talk to me anymore wen i asked her why she said it was becuz andy doesnt accoiate with gay people we didnt raise our son that way he was brought up better than that well then in september
i had went to my bff danas for her bday we stayed the night at her uncleswell me and her uncle had sex hes 33 has a wife and kid well andy told the whole skool about that and about me being on drugs and being bisexuale and about how my mom drugged me and **** now the whole skool knows and the school counselor and im scared that shes gonna say sumthin and send scott (the 33 year old) to jail well then during class i asked to go to the bathroom and while i was in ther i took a bunch of pills and stuff well i got sent to the hospitle and stuff and a mental hospital andand i was in ther a month and everything so now im even more depressed and yea thats half of my life it sux
but now the counselor at school found out about scott and are telling the police what do i do!?!

2007-11-09 15:14:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

btw i am 13 year old

2007-11-09 15:28:37 · update #1

please dont give me any of those fake answers im in tears over this idc if u believe me or not but please if your just going to mock me dont answer im not lieing this stuff is true but i cant make u believe it if you dont want to

2007-11-09 15:30:37 · update #2

btw letter dont insult west va please

2007-11-09 15:32:12 · update #3

10 answers

First of all, for all you smart a s s e s, this is a child you are talking to. Her parents have led her way down the wrong path. Mom needs a beating!
Dear, I came from a very dysfunctional family, and I can relate to you. You should be innocent, and looking forward to high school and dances. Going to football games, and laughing with your friends. Not selling and using drugs. Covering for your mom, and having sex with men. (who by the way should definitely know better) . These adults are messing you up...YOU ARE A CHILD!!!!!!!! this is not fair to you. You should let the state take you, and be placed in a home where someone can love you and teach you how young women should act. I know you probably love your mom...but she is no good for you. This is sad, and part of what is wrong with society today. Parents are not being parents, and that's not enough, they are putting all their bullshit on their children. Get away baby, get help, and live a good life. Write a book some day, I'm sure you have stories to tell. Go to school and college...that's your ticket out of all this dysfunction. Good luck!

2007-11-09 16:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Sweetie, there is nothing you can do to stop them telling the police, I'm not sure how old you are but your still in school so I'm sure your very young, anyway, you need to just get help and get rid of all those drug habits, "better said than done" I know what your thinking, if you really want to be happy again only you can make that change no one not even counselor or therapist or any one else with a million degrees, only you, if you really want to be happy make a change in your life change who you associate with, start a hobby, and meditate mind over matter, you can be in control no one else can control you no matter how much they try or lock you up. Just let go of all the negative in your life and do positive things, hope everything works out for the best good luck.

2007-11-09 15:26:04 · answer #2 · answered by Chachis 1 · 2 2

Okay. So you have choices all along the way in your life and it sounds like some of them haven't been the best for you, your mom, your family or anyone else. It sounds like Scott is going to go to jail and honestly, we don't want guys who would have sex with someone as young as you are out on the streets anyway. You sound like you're smart enough to know that things are waaaay screwed up but that you've not made the choices to make your life better. You'll have to live with the consequences of those choices for a while but if you set some goals for yourself (go to school for a month solid and do the work required - for instance) and work on fixing your life. It won't be easy if your mom is helping you get drugs, have sex and whatnot, but you're probably stronger than that.

2007-11-09 15:29:20 · answer #3 · answered by chick2lit 5 · 2 1

(((hugs))) You have had a tough life, and I'm glad that someone now is helping you (the school counselor.) It is obvious that you are hurting, and have been hurt a lot.

Please let the adults do what is right in this. He isn't going to jail because of you. He's going because of him, and what he does. You couldn't have changed/ stopped him if you tried, at 13? NO way.

Keep talking with your counselor. She really cares about you. I hope things change for the better for you, and I'm sorry that you have had to struggle so in life. There are better days ahead for you, if you work with those who know and care. Other adults have used you, now it's time for you to use good adults in getting the help you need. Don't give up.

2007-11-09 17:50:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I actually read your whole letter. It's hard to follow but I got the gist of it. Here's the thing, that 33 yr old had no business having sex with a 13 yr old. If he goes to jail he's getting what he deserves. He should know better. You slept with him because I suspect you are looking for love and someone who will make things ok. But it's not going to happen that way. The absolute best thing you can do is to get out of that situation though. That doesn't mean to run away , that won't make it any better. Talk to your councelor at school or to a crisis intervention councelor. I'm surprised that you weren't put into foster care after you were hospitalised. Were you honest with the doctors? You have to tell someone what's going on at home. I'm sure you love your family and that's ok, but the way they are living and bringing you up is wrong. You sound mature enough to know that. You have to get off the drugs, they only make things worse, and stay in school ( education is soooo important to have a good life later). If you stay with your mom and that lifestyle it's going to be VERY hard to get yourself together. It can be done but it'll be hard. Is there another family member you could stay with? Just don't give up. I know things are bad but they can get better if you want them to bad enough. Do what is best for YOU. You have alot hangng over your head , too much for someone your age. But if you stay strong you can do great thngs. I had a very rough life too, but I came thru it. Sometimes it was very hard but I am proud of myself for hanging tough. I didn't have family I could turn to but I was lucky, my best friends mom took me in. She was one of the kindest women I have ever known. She didn't have to take on someone elses 14 yr old but she did without a second thought. I hope you find a way out. Stay strong ok? Huggs.

2007-11-09 16:18:32 · answer #5 · answered by Sniggle 6 · 4 0

Everything is on the right track, just make sure you tell the truth. Do you understand me? This is about you, never mind anybody else. You are just a child, your mother has not been protecting right because of those nasty drugs she's takeing. I want for you to trust the counselor and the police, you tell them everything. You haven't done nothing wrong, ok? Now listen, if you don't tell them the truth then you will be doing something wrong. They want to protect you. Promise me you'll tell them the truth. I'll be think'en bout you. God Bless you sweetheart.

2007-11-09 19:42:36 · answer #6 · answered by joni 5 · 2 1

You still need help yourself.
Do not keep following the ones that are leading you down the wrong path... because your on the wrong path.

Stay in school and away from drugs and dope heads.
Get clean ... let the law cope with the rest of them and they will get help as well.

maybe the family will come together after all this crap is over.

Good luck

2007-11-09 15:28:39 · answer #7 · answered by bigthinker 4 · 2 1

I think the best thing for you to do in your situation is to wait until the spring when it gets warmer again. Then buy a one way grey hound bus ticket to Arthur, Illinois or some other small town in the country side.
Go spend the rest of your life working on a farm in exchange for food and a stack of hay to sleep in at night.
You'll be much happier.

Seriously though. I'm not kidding.

2007-11-09 15:37:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

My first suggestion would be enrolling in school and learning what a period, a sentence and the other punctuation we use in the english language is. Spelling would be another point of emphasis. This butchering of the english language is more depressing than the story. (Not that I read it all) If anyone could make any sense of that, they ought to be nominated for the Yahoo Dean's List.

2007-11-09 15:20:33 · answer #9 · answered by M.M.12 3 · 7 4


2007-11-09 15:29:24 · answer #10 · answered by letterstoheather 7 · 1 4

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