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was a mentally healthy boy during primary school with ba 230 psle score 4 As as i went into seconday school imy grades dropped i was picked on and i started not being able to think. During sec 2 my uncle started to pick on me by putting me in my room and beating scolding making me feel like the most usless person on earth , he say he's just trying to use hard disciplin on me but made me go bipolar during sec 3 with his abuse and the IMH doctor didn't do anything when i pointed him out that he did to me and even called me spoiled after talking to my uncle. My uncle is president of a leading insurance company in singapore. As the years gone by i beacme withdrawn passive , hypersensetive , unable to tell joke from insult, scared , unstable and think of what he did to me when ever i feeel stressed.As time gone passed i cannot tell subtlety , read body language or even look at people in the face when i talk to them , became violent during mood swings attempted sucide because i keep hearin

2007-11-09 14:52:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

his vocies scolding me, have a sense of everything is a walk in the garden from listening to what he say after the hospitalizxation, and my whole family supports him . MY mother asked me to go off my meds for a week, made incidents and recorded in the army, and IMH then together with my uncle threatended subtly that if i don't do things their way they will add to it. SHOuld i make a police report and clear my name and sue him? he's offering top play uni fees in aus where he can monitor me and make sure i don't squeal with my mother watchign , plus he say he will not allow me to go to too good a uni because of the "prerssure" and now my gandmother and the rest of the family has cut me off from the will, mother took out my sim card and said i dropped it got a new phone and said i was holding the wrong one as i was calling my friends and contacts for help and helplines.now they told the army to pes f me and want to send me away on the nearest opportunityn not even my grandfather support

2007-11-09 14:52:53 · update #1

my whole family want to know where i see a psychoilogist so they can interfwere,. using emotional blackmail and i cannot think, comnfusion as soon as i think i forget as my attention shifts SHould i make a police report and see a private psychrisit to say my side of the story

2007-11-09 14:53:05 · update #2

am 20 the abue happend when i was 15-16 then hospitalized my friends on my contacts don't wanna /cannot help as they don;t know how

2007-11-09 14:53:25 · update #3

don';t know but i think my uncle has tried to cover up the abuse by twisting the truthas it happened behind closed doors. they brand me paraniod , crazy ungrateful while my unlce a's sits on the bord of chruch methodists in singapore as a planner something with losts of pr for himself... as my mum faked those incidents and aded to my psychological record , i will find it hard to get a job as here's employers can see in the first round of hr checks my uncled is a NUS scholdar , UCLA Mba whomk the whole fasmily admires as sucessful and that's why my graqndmother sides with him and says he just scoleded me.

2007-11-09 14:53:38 · update #4

they thinkim gonna sue him that's why

2007-11-09 14:53:48 · update #5

it's been 6 years my mother has discounted many of my symptoims and as time passed i don't even notice them anymore help but i know i saw the world verydiffrently 6 years ago

2007-11-09 14:53:57 · update #6

like problems like slow movemnt etdc

2007-11-09 14:54:07 · update #7

memomry loss a symptom of bipolar disorder?

2007-11-09 14:54:16 · update #8

i really don't know what to do my whole immdiate family is aganist me
my unlce speaks like how do you say indirectly but his tone andf enucqations ajndand choice of words say what he's trying to say
he says that people believe what's on the outside but don't see what's on the inside i think he cooped up a stroty and when asked why this happended jhe said somem peopke are just repicious and cruel and made refereces to me being a clerk in sinagpore army,just a lowly clerk" as with my cionditions i coukld only do that

2007-11-09 14:54:35 · update #9

think searched my pockets and found the number for probono lawers and raffles medical what do i do they make act premerturely and im afradi to f\go home as i may find police / startit jacket when my mum made the incidents were reported my grandma tries to keep tabs on me on where i go

2007-11-09 14:54:45 · update #10

What would drive another to purposely try to make a person go crazy? Assuming you overheard it with your own ears. Assuming you know it to be true... Someone is trying to hurt you by making you go crazy, for instance doing something and pretending it never happened, playing mind games, trying to make you believe you are crazy.. what is the purpose of this?

2007-11-09 14:54:54 · update #11

im not paraniod but my faimly gives me specially prepared meals that are delicious and seperate from waht they eat, however recently as i eat it over the months recently my meomery has been fading and they urge me to eat more. am i getting some kind of drug to make me forget ? cause after every incdient i forget totally and more and more my don;t remeber the past, problems i face i was told short term memorym is a nurological problem. my friend says i can't answer who is "my name" question and my school mates say there' ssomething wrong about him. preseumnably from the way i act. awkard movements shy withdrawal. my father and mother were not around one diovorced andf the other working and line dancing m,aking friends was the above blackmail how casn i stop my family from interfering with a psychologist?they will all point the problem to me or twist it as i cannnot explain well as i have a foggy mind in this i cannot explain the full circumstance just roghly as i eep forgeting

2007-11-09 14:55:06 · update #12

there's this thing in singapore called the health science authority hsa that does these kind of testing how do i get them to test me? i am already descreridted using psychrisity
my mom with out the knowladge of my uncle use to bring mew to a toxicologist when i said i could't think in australia where he said he found soemthing in my blood and went into a room to talk with my mom

2007-11-09 14:57:10 · update #13

5 answers

It seems nobody in your family or even friends can help you right now. I suggest you see someone you can TRUST while you STILL CAN. While your condition still permits it, while you still can do it, i strongly suggest you see a SOCIAL HEALTH WORKER, CALL or GO to Charity or Social Help Organizations or even to any RELIGIOUS MINISTER of your choice. They can surely help. You can also go first to the government department of social welfare they may know what to do with your case.

2007-11-11 23:38:37 · answer #1 · answered by tcwmntcwtdod 2 · 0 0

Any kind of abuse can harm you in so many ways. It sticks
with you for your whole life. Sometimes family members and
friends don't understand or care, and sometimes they don't
beleive it.

I myself have have been abused in many ways, and it took
me a few years to realize I had to do something to get it out
of my head.
I went to the police and I had my father arrested. It helped me
move on and come to terms with the feelings I had. There
is no real justice but if I were you, I would put the negative
people behind you and move on. Life is to short.

2007-11-09 16:19:22 · answer #2 · answered by boxmaker40 5 · 0 0

You are dealing with a lot of issues. You wrote a lot and it's kind of skipping around. From what I read you need to take care of yourself and do the things that will improve you and not place energy into getting even with others. Take care of your own well being.

2007-11-09 15:04:14 · answer #3 · answered by Will 4 · 0 0


2017-02-20 16:02:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you need to excersice, go out and get some sunshine, get on meds (like wellbetron or zoloft AND ritalin) and move out of your family's house as soon as possible. Why don't you call your local authorities anonymously and ask for their advice, and if you get nervous talking about it, have it all written down to recite to them.

2007-11-10 16:09:58 · answer #5 · answered by Whole 4 · 0 0

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