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Try not to include the bible.

2007-11-09 14:26:21 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Look at Fireball's answer-some Christians will trick themselves into seeing/believing anything to retain their delusions!
Edit: haha. What god/goddess did she 'see' when that Indian baby with four arms and named after the Hindu goddess of wealth was born?
(BTW, I just heard. The operation was successful!)

2007-11-09 14:36:32 · answer #1 · answered by strpenta 7 · 1 0

Unfortunately, there is no proof that God exists.

Those who say that there must be a God because there had to be a creator or a "prime mover" are stuck in a contradiction. Where then did the creator come from? Who created him? Where did the "prime mover" come from? What caused he, she, or it to come into existence? It's an endless circle that doesn't make any sense.

There is also no proof that God doesn't exist (unless you define God by certain specific terms). But this really doesn't tell us anything. There are an unlimited number of things that "could" exist, but that doesn't mean they do. However, if you define God very specifically, by saying, for example, that "he" is all-knowing and also allows us to have freewill, then you can disprove the existence of God by showing that those two things are mutually exclusive.

In the end, you can believe in God, but you can never know for certain that God exists. If you are the kind of person who requires more than belief and thinks that you should have some kind of evidence for God (which is perfectly reasonable), then you won't find any solid factual reasons for thinking that God exists, only emotional ones.

2007-11-09 15:02:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

OK. No Qur'anic verses. I promise. This is just my two cents. Where did earth come from? who made it? how does the earth keep its system and order? how does weather work, and why does each day the sun rise and why doesn't it just now rise? how does gravity work? where did gravity come from? why are some animals so smart? why is it there are more animals than humans on earth and they're not ruling us?how come the earth doesn't move even a mm away from the sun so we wont freeze to death? what do you think is gonna happen when you die? are you just going to lie there in your grave and dance? is this life all for fun and enjoyment? if this life is for us to enjoy, how come people who are even atheists try to be good people? whats the point? why are people humane to each other then? why are people afraid of death? so this life has no purpose? who made us? where did people come from (and no, not from monkeys because monkeys came from somewhere too), how does the complex bodies of humans work so efficiently, however our flesh is so soft and even if we fall to the floor we break bones and get scrapes and bruises, but we're basically ruling earth (well, Allah is but you know what i mean), and even some animals have a better outerprotective covering. who gave us this mental capacity? why? how? when? who? THE QUESTIONS NEVER END. THE ANSWER IS ALLAH. Its in front of you. If you cant see it, no one can make you.

2007-11-09 14:41:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The mystical scriptures of Hinduism can give some logical answers.

Who is God? Where is God? How can I come to know God?"

God has no names, but all names are the names of God. Whether you call Him this or that, He remains Who He is. But in our tradition we call God by the loving name Siva, which is only one of His 1,008 traditional names. Supreme God Siva is both within us and outside of us. Even desire, the fulfillment of desire, the joy, the pain, the sorrow, birth and death -- this is all Siva, nothing but Siva.

This is hard to believe for the unenlightened individual who cannot see how a good, kind and loving God could create pain and sorrow. Actually, we find that Siva did not -- not in the sense that is commonly thought. God gave the law of karma, decreeing that each energy sent into motion returns with equal force.

In looking closely at this natural law, we can see that we create our own joy, our own pain, our own sorrow and our own release from sorrow. Yet we could not even do this except for the power and existence of our loving Lord. It takes much meditation to find God Siva in all things, through all things. In this striving -- as in perfecting any art or science -- regular daily disciplines must be faithfully adhered to.

Siva is the immanent personal Lord, and He is transcendent Reality. Siva is a God of love, boundless love. He loves each and every one. Each soul is created by Him and guided by Him through life. God Siva is everywhere. There is no place where Siva is not. He is in you. He is in this temple. He is in the trees. He is in the sky, in the clouds, in the planets. He is the galaxies swirling in space and the space between galaxies, too. He is the universe. His cosmic dance of creation, preservation and dissolution is happening this very moment in every atom of the universe. God Siva is, and is in all things. He permeates all things. He is immanent, with a beautiful form, a human-like form which can actually be seen and has been seen by many people in visions. He is also transcendent, beyond time, cause and space.

That is almost too much for the mind to comprehend, isn't it? Therefore, we have to meditate on these things. God Siva is so close to us. Where does He live? In the Third World. And in this form He can talk and think and love and receive our prayers and guide our karma. He commands vast numbers of devas who go forth to do His will all over the world, all over the galaxy, throughout the universe. These are matters told to us by the rishis; and we have discovered them in our own meditations. So always worship this great God. Never fear Him. He is the Self of your self. He is closer than your own breath. His nature is love, and if you worship Him with devotion you will know love and be loving toward others. Devotees of God Siva love everyone.

This is how God Siva can be seen everywhere and in everyone. He is there as the Soul of each soul. You can open your inner eye and see Him in others, see Him in the world as the world. Little by little, discipline yourself to meditate at the same time each day. Meditate, discover the silent center of yourself, then go deep within, to the core of your real Being. Slowly the purity comes. Slowly the awakening comes.
For more info,please visit http://www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/books/wih/

2007-11-10 12:56:27 · answer #4 · answered by Siva 3 · 0 0

It is the Bible and God wrote it!!!! There's your proof but its your choice to believe.

2007-11-09 14:47:07 · answer #5 · answered by elway07 1 · 0 0

The proof that God exists, dear one, lies with every single person who has a personal relationship with Him. We KNOW He exists. We KNOW His voice. We follow Him because He IS.

God bless!

2007-11-09 14:54:23 · answer #6 · answered by Devoted1 7 · 1 1

Now that is a bit silly. If there was proof, you wouldn't need faith now would you? Just because there is no proof, doesn't mean He isn't real. Each person has to decide for themselves. Don't let Satan trick you. Good luck.

2007-11-09 14:34:43 · answer #7 · answered by Diane C 3 · 0 2

Human life, animals, trees,plants, stars, planets, suns, moon, scientific laws. Creation implies a creator. Look at Mount Rushmore and you dare tell me that the carvings of the presidents happened by random chance.
So what do you believe, absolutely nothing created the heavens and the earth?

2007-11-09 14:34:24 · answer #8 · answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7 · 0 3

Where is the proof that He doesn't?

God reveals Himself. He does so personally and through creation. May He, in His mercy, reveal Himself to you.

2007-11-09 14:36:11 · answer #9 · answered by TroothBTold 5 · 0 2

life! you believe that life just happened? Look in a mirror and tell me you are an accident, a chance happening of nature, that your mind is a product of evolution. It takes more faith to believe that there is no intelligence to the universe than to believe that there is.

2007-11-09 14:35:20 · answer #10 · answered by dave 3 · 0 2

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