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I've seen lots of post on here from folks who say they are "ex-atheist" or "former atheist"......what experience(s) changed that for you? Just curious....

2007-11-09 14:26:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Growing up, my mom became a Christian when I was five, my dad was a hard core atheist, I began following in his footsteps. I believed just as I hear so many say on here, that Christians are weak, silly and need a crutch and escape from reality. When I was 18 I ran away with a boy that I was obsessed with. He was into some weird occultic stuff and I saw some pretty strange things. Most of which a lot of people would just think I was making up if I told them so I'm choosy who I share all the details with. But being faced with the reality that there was a supernatural world, I began wondering about the existance of God. I came under strong conviction of the Holy Spirit because a lot of people were praying fervently for me at that time. I was at a crucial point in my life and my mom and my sister and some others were praying for me a lot. The Holy spirit was drawing me to the Bible and when I read it, it made sense to me, where it hadn't before. I reached a point where I called my sister and asked her,"If I come home, will you send me to a shrink?" Because I thought I was loosing my mind because I was really believing in God and I had always thought that people who believed in God were crazy. She said yes of course, but I didn't go home just yet and never went to a shrink. I did eventually get myself away from my boyfriend and go home. I kept reading the Bible and put my faith in Christ for salvation. My poor dad was so concerned about me because I was obsessed with reading the Bible (all versions at once and with a Concordance). He came in one day when I was sitting on the floor surrounded by Bibles and gave me a big hug and said " I'm glad you've found something that your so interested in, but please don't read so much of it, it will make you go crazy."My life was totally changed from that point on. At first it was strange, it was almost like I didn't know who I was when I looked in the mirror. When people say that there is a transformation of the heart, I know what they are talking about.It changed the way I thought about everything. I realized that I had believed so many lies and my whole world view changed almost overnight. I'm thankful that God didn't give up on me even though I had rebelled against Him and thought I was too smart and too cool to ever need a Savior to lean on. Boy was I wrong. If He hadn't cared enough to rescue me when He did I probably would be dead and in hell by now.
One last note... I got to see my dad saved and baptized 4 days before he died this May. Some said it would never happen but they didn't realize the depth of patience, grace and mercy that the Father has toward us. Seeing Him baptized was of the happiest occasions of my life! God bless!!

2007-11-09 14:37:33 · answer #1 · answered by BERT 6 · 2 0

I was atheist for a little while and I have a from my social studies teacher that probably explains for a bunch of people {even does "tough" ones that aren't scared of dieing... try almost dieing see if your still not scared!} why they aren't atheist " nobody is atheist in a foxhole" Which is true everyone at one point is scared of death and prays to "God". Or to a deceased relative but even if you pray to a relative then your admitting that heaven exists. That's the reason I'm no longer an atheist I'm still scared of death and I decided its more fun to think that I can talk to someone that's not there and no one will criticize me. Besides no one knows for sure right? Their might be a god or not. Don't chose to believe everything you hear in religion {things like does who aren't insert religion here are damed} and don't think that God whoever He/She might be is something for the weak it isn't. Let people believe in whatever religion they want to believe as long as it doesn't hurt others. Don't push your religious ideas down someones throat just share them.

2007-11-09 14:37:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly, I'm sorry for your loss. :'( I've never experienced such grief but came awful close to losing my hubby one night, too. He barely survived a major accident between himself and a drunk driver. I firmly believe this tragedy you're going through is a perfectly justifiable reason to seek God. You are granted hope that you may be reunited with your beloved again in Christ's kingdom. ;-) I simply wish to add a word of warning as lovingly as I may. God's Holy Word is the foundation of understanding light vs darkness. Without this standard or proof-test, if you please, the truth would be virtually indiscernible. What I'm getting at is: regardless if you're catholic, Pentecostal, SDA like cupcake, or non denominational Christian, be sure to study to show thyself approved... Know what you believe and why. Make certain beyond the shadow of a doubt that you be not deceived; that you follow Christ in Spirit and in truth. Let no man steal your crown! This is a principle of 'sola scriptura,' something for which your current faith of choice isn't based upon. Just make sure you study this matter out, ok. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you consider this important matter. The consequences of your decision are Eternal.

2016-04-03 04:54:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Atheists that became christians were really just christians in-the-making. Since everyone are born as an Atheist, your assumption is erronous. Buddhists, Hindus, Islams, Christians, etc., were all Atheists to begin with. But the true Atheists are those that remain Atheists after being approached by the brain-washers. Once they pass the test, they're qualified as true Atheists and wil never be affected by your delusions! Good night.

2007-11-09 14:44:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

i knew an ex-atheist person named John. His wife met a few people that where Christians and they had a great time and eventually attended a gathering and for the First time he asked key questions that hung him up. They got answered and he accepted Christ and got baptized. We asked him what could be said to others to get them to accept also. His answer was sadly for most , Nothing.

For him it just clicked and the desire to hear the same responses from people he liked at the right time. God's time.

2007-11-09 14:32:09 · answer #5 · answered by Dennis James 5 · 3 3

I dont see how either side can say for sure that there is a god or there isnt a god. I was misguided in calling myself and atheist, im actually an agnostic

2007-11-09 14:29:10 · answer #6 · answered by jecebn86 2 · 2 3

It all comes down to perks- almost every religion has holidays that involve food, drink and/or gifts. When you're an atheist you miss out on all that. And since so many people who claim to believe in God never go to church, synagogue, mosque, etc. you can just fall back on calling yourself "spiritual" and nothing really has to change in your life- like your "spiritual" friends you don't go to church, you don't pray or have anything to do with any of those annoying religious things- but you do eat, drink and be merry whenever possible.

So it all comes down to perks!!

2007-11-09 14:31:28 · answer #7 · answered by QandAGuy 3 · 2 5

They're probably fibbing so they can say "look at all the atheists joining our side". When I'm sure more religious people are turning atheist or agnostic. That's what happened to me. I found the truth. The truth is nobody knows the truth, especially those reading from a book of myths written by tyrants and thugs.

You know it's true! You worship myths. Might was well worship unicorns.

2007-11-09 14:30:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 7

Actually I can define the conditions that occur to change atheists over.

1. Life threatening situation.
2. Getting older
3. Brain Injuries
4. Addiction/Sobriety

The first two are based off fear and fear does many things to our psyches. The third one is obvious. The fourth one is usually people need to cling to something to get them out of the addiction so they turn to what is easily offered by organizations like AA.

2007-11-09 14:34:44 · answer #9 · answered by meissen97 6 · 2 6

God saved my life one more than one occasion,not only that I have had encounters with my deceased sister and neice.

2007-11-09 14:32:48 · answer #10 · answered by boldyman2 2 · 4 1

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