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What are you and why? I am 13 years old. We literally pray at dinner every OTHER day. I am tired of this. My mother gets very upset when my father tells me that he doesn't believe in God. I tend to think my father is right. I just can't figure out which way to go with my own beliefs. So, tell me, if you do or do not believe in God, will you tell me why?

2007-11-09 14:22:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Are you serious, you actually pray every other day? Wow. Um, I'm curious as to why you say you tend to think your father is right. Why do you think he is right? If something sounds right to you, it pays to explore it. I wish you the best. Just remember to always question everything. :o)

2007-11-09 14:30:57 · answer #1 · answered by Linz VT•AM 4 · 5 2

I do believe that there is a higher power, but I don't fall into any specific religion. I can't tell you why I beleive in God, for me it's been a personal journey to this point. My beliefs constantly evolve and change as new truths cross my path.

You are only 13, but appear wise beyond your years. If I were you, I would spend as much time exploring and finding the answers to the questions within your heart. Yes, your parents will try to mold you to their beliefs and for now, I'm afraid I don't think there's anything that can be done, but read read read read and explore. Study all religions that you can get your hands on - and find your truth.

Good luck!


2007-11-10 12:05:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I completely 100% believe in God, and I am a born again believer- I cannot "make" you believe anything, however, I can share why I believe.
First of all it is awesome to see a 13 year old asking questions like this- and by the way, if there was not a God, you would not be asking this question. I know this may sound ridiculous to people who do not believe in God, however I will explain what I mean. The holy spirit is the only one that places a desire in any of us to know God. The reason I believe in God, is I know that I am a sinner, and I know that I deserve eternal separation from God- however He made a way so that I could have that relationship with Him- Jesus died on the cross- when I accepted Christ as my Savior, God truly has revealed Himself to me. Pray and read the Bible and allow God to reveal Himself to you.

2007-11-09 15:43:38 · answer #3 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 3 2

not something ameliorations you basically do not flow to church or pray to a concept. i substitute right into a catholic. Baptised, raised catholic and stuff. In center college, i began out doubting faith so i began out reading the bible. not an rather sturdy e book yet I study mythology to boot. It began opeing my techniques yet I cud not enable flow of the assumption of god. So i substitute right into a theist, then over the years I grew to become agnostic in severe college, then by potential of the tip of high school I grew to become an atheist. i'm in a school now. Why I left my faith a million) have you ever study the bible. 2) concept in God seems stupid if there's no info. 3) Bible has many historic inaccuracies. 4) If the bible is real does not issues that have been pronounced that befell interior the bible take place now, yet so a procedures not something. 5) there's no checklist of Jesus latest. 6) the prophecies have been set up after jesus died or conformed to in nice condition jesus so as that they have got been in no way real prophecies. 7) history of the church. 8) Justification of slavery and girls human beings utilized by potential of the bible. There are greater yet u get my element.

2016-09-28 22:35:31 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe that there is a source from which all things have come from and will continue to come from. Theists call it "God" , atheists call it the "Big Band" I call it "Energy" or "The Source". Is it intelligent? I tend to think so, after all it has been around since at least the dawn of time. And humans much less and we have developed somewhat of a brain....well, at least some of us. You might want to try looking into some of the eastern mythologies like Taoism or budism there explanations about the origins of the universe are very interesting. Just because your mother chooses christianity doesn't mean that if you choose to believe in a god that you have to as well. Is any religion better than another? I don't think so, and if someone chooses no religion that's there choice as well, as long as you choose freely and with thought then in my opinion you should be applauded for making that choice of your own free will, not because someone told you that was what you had to believe.

2007-11-09 14:40:49 · answer #5 · answered by Debbie A 2 · 1 4

You have to look inside yourself and find the answers that are confortable for you. Do you feel confortable believing in a higher power? Is God the one you would choose, or is there another way? Do you think it's all a bunch of stories? These aren't questions you can answer overnight, but they're the kind of questions that will help you realize what you do believe in, whether it's believing in something or not.

2007-11-10 05:04:20 · answer #6 · answered by Blue Oyster Kel 7 · 1 1

Several others have said it as well, but I'll reiterate -- you should study and learn as much as you can about ALL religions. Read books that are critical of scripture, as well as those that praise it. Read from the Bible, but also look at the I Ching, and the poetry of Rumi, and the writings of Confucius and Muhammad. They're like the parable of the six blind men and the elephant -- each experiencing something completely different, but all missing out on what the whole, greater truth actually is. This is what I did as a teenager; and it's what led me to recognize that they all had something useful and profound to say about the human condition, but very little to back up their claims to the supernatural.

As for your folks? Sometimes you just have to smile and keep your thoughts to yourself, for the sake of family harmony. You can bow your head and join hands at dinnertime, but your mother can't force you to THINK the way she might want you to.

2007-11-09 23:01:38 · answer #7 · answered by The Reverend Soleil 5 · 3 2

Hey, I know what your going through. Both of my parents are not religious. I had always wondered if there was a God and what faith was like. Although my parents do not disagree on faith, because their lack of it, I still know how hard it is to find the truth and pick between the two worlds. I started going to church with my friend and getting invloved with religious things. It was all really knew to me. I have found that my life is much happier and fuller with God. I have a purpose and eternal life in heaven. How can you not want that? Honestly, I think that sometimes people are Athesit because it is easier for them.
Tell your parents how difficult it is for you to keep on going like this. They praying every other day..that is rediculous. Ask them to give you a chance to think things over for yourself. Ask them to anwser some questions if you have any. If your mom goes to church during the week,do with her. Read the bible and ask your mom to read it with you. I am sure that she would be overjoyed to share that with you. Explain to them that you are just trying to figure out what you believe though. I hope that you can find your beliefs and come to be a happier person. You're in my prayers.

2007-11-09 14:34:54 · answer #8 · answered by * 6 · 2 3

There are two excellent books to explain to you why Jesus is the way. They are written by a former atheist who now is saved. They are, "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel. You could probably check them out at your local library or ask the librarian to get them if they don't have them. Read those and then see what you think.

Jesus DID die for you.. you just have to accept Him. Being a Christian is not a "religion".. it's about knowing and fellowshipping with Jesus personally.

Hope that helps ya sweetie! I will be praying for you. :)

2007-11-09 16:04:52 · answer #9 · answered by starburst9876 4 · 2 2

First of all, I'm still trying to even fathom the idea of a Christian married to an atheist. No wonder you're confused. Anyway, it is your choice but your mother is on the right path. God gave every person the right to make their own choices but He wants us to look to Him for what He wants for us. I don't want to confuse anymore than you already are but God already knows what's going to happen. If you simply pray to Him and ask Him for help, He'll guide you the right way. God knows everything, He's a spirit and He's with you everywhere you go. If you give your life to Him meaning if you accept Him as your Lord & Savior, and stay close to Him by reading the Bible you'll never have to worry. You never should worry. God is on your side, God wants you to come to Him, He only wants the best for you. And yet He already knows what you're going to do, He has the answer to every one of your questions but you have to ask.

You are very young and vulnerable to believe in anything that people throw at you but if you want a solid relationship in your life, turn to God for that relationship. You may have an earthly father, but God is your Heavenly Father. Christianity is NOT a religion it is a relationship between you and God. Read your Bible everyday and you'll never have a worry. And instead of going along with praying at dinner every other night, pray everyday ALL day long. Don't just pray to God if you're in a sticky situation or in big trouble, pray everyday and thank Him for the good and bad. I would also recommend that you and your mother go to church if you don't do so already. By example, you can lead your father to maybe consider going and maybe by the grace of God he'll go. God will lead you down the right path, so trust in Him.

Pray before you go to bed, pray to yourself during the day -- don't care if you're not allowed to do so in school, stand up for what's right. That's a whole other issue but I strongly suggest following your heart, you have the choice but take into consideration your mom and ask her questions to decide for yourself. By going to church, you can choose what you want but I'll remind you - life is not about what YOU want, life is about what GOD wants for you. God bless you and I hope you make the right decision.

2007-11-09 15:10:37 · answer #10 · answered by elway07 1 · 2 4

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