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2007-11-09 14:06:39 · 10 answers · asked by Juan E 2 in Pets Dogs

10 answers

the best way is a crate when you can't supervise the puppy. the crate should be large enough for her to be able to stretch and stand.
when you are supervising, you take the puppy out often, for a 2 month old puppy, every 3 hours and after eating and hyper playing.
when the puppy is outside, you use a command like "go potty" or "hurry up" and when she goes, reward and praise her alot!! Don't take her back inside right away after she goes, wait 2 minutes, or she'll stall going potty outside if she likes it outdoors to play.

2007-11-09 14:10:57 · answer #1 · answered by ♥shelter puppies rule♥ 7 · 1 0

The best way to potty train a puppy IMO is by crate training it. Do some research on crate training and go buy a crate. Because you have a puppy you should buy a crate that will fit the dog as an adult (it is kinda expensive to buy 2 or 3 as the dog grows) but then put a cardboard box inside so it is just big enough for the dog to walk in and turn around comfortably. Anyway then you want the dog to be in the crate whenever he is not spending time with you when you are really watching the pup (including at night). You should take it outside every hour. The key to potty training a pup is prevention! The fewer accidents, the quicker it will happen. Will the puppy cry when in the crate? YES, at first. Does that make it mean? NO it will be their safe place for the rest of their lives. NEVER let the pup out or give it attention when it is crying or scratching. You can let it out the second it stops though! Have fun and good luck!

2007-11-09 14:13:14 · answer #2 · answered by anonymoususer 1 · 1 0

1) buy a crate. The crate should be big enough for your puppy to walk into, turn around and lay down comfortably. Any larger and they will use it as a toilet.
2) When you are not able to supervise your puppy and over night keep them in the crate.
2.5) A puppy can 'hold it' 1 hour for each month of age. IE a 2 month old can hold it 2 hours. Some more some less but this is the standard. If you will be gone more hours then they can hold it use a pen or puppy safe room and use puppy pads.
3)A puppy will have to potty
-5-30 minutes after eatting or drinking.
-After playing
-After sleeping (nap or over night)
-any time they show 'signs'. Such as sniffing, circling, squatting.
3.5) limit access to food and water, when you know whats going in you know when it will come out. Be sure to offer lots of food and water just do it on a schedual
4) When your puppy has to go to the potty (see times above) take them to the place you wish them to use for a potty. Either a puppy pad or outside.
5)Wait patiently not playing with the dog. When the dog goes potty calmly give them a treat then leave the potty area. If they have gone to the bathroom they have earned the right to run and play in the house. This is a waiting game. you must be patient and wait till they go. It may take time.
5.5)If they do not go to the bathroom, put them back in the crate or keep attached to you by a leash so you can monitor them. Wait 5 minutes then go back to teh potty area to try again.

Do not:
-Rub the puppies nose in it
-Punish at the puppy for soiling (this will make them afraid to potty in front of you)
-Punish the puppy for making a mess that you did not see (this is your fault you should be supervising)

If you see the puppy about to have an accident make a sharp noise to startle the puppy and stop them then quickly take them to the potty area. Smaller/younger dogs may need to be carried there at this point.

-clean up any accidents with natures miracle or some other enzyme cleaner. Vinigar and water etc will not remove the odor from the puppies nose.
-supervise the puppy at all times
-reward your puppy for going in the right place

2007-11-09 14:29:38 · answer #3 · answered by Katt 3 · 0 0

The best way to house break any dog is to crate train. With puppies however, their bladders are not mature so they will need to be taken out every few hours. They stay in the crate the other time. Usually the first 24-48 hours is crate, then outside and back to crate. Then they will have the genrela idea. Lots of praise when they are going potty outside and treats!

Definitely do no discipline for accidents, unles you catch them in the act, and then a stern no, bad dog is sufficient. Never rub their nose in it because dogs do not think like us, so they don't get what you are trying to tell them.

I also reccomend Natures Miracle it really works on pet accidents, and it takes about 2 weeks to fully house break an adult dog. Although puppies may take longer and accidents may not stop until they are full grown.

Good luck!

2007-11-09 14:14:54 · answer #4 · answered by Reba 6 · 0 0

Go to the pet store and purchase a gallon of Natures Miracle which is an enzyme cleaner that you will need to use when an accident happens.

Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT discipline her for accidents - it will not help the situation but make it worse.

Have you crate trained this pup? If not you will need to crate train your pup as well or find a location that you can put the pup when you cannot be with the pup - this process is best done when you can be with the pup for several days in a row - you will have to miss the mall, miss going with your friends on the town and be committed to this process.

Put a bell on your door. Put a leash on your pet and keep her with you at all times. I don't know how old this pup is but this will work for all dogs it might take longer for an older dog. Remember, when a dog plays, wakes up from sleeping, eats or drinks, they will need to go out shortly afterwards to go to the bathroom. When it is time to go make sure you have some treats and ask your pup - you need to go potty - let's go potty - when you open the door they will hear the bell and ask them again as you lead them outside. Once outside let them sniff around and every now and then tell them to go potty. If they will not go don't worry - bring them back in - KEEPING THEM ON THE LEASH so that you can monitor them at all times. Watch your pup - after 15-20 minutes repeat above until they go outside - once they go outside REWARD - and keep repeating. The only time they are off the leash is when they are in the designated location because you are unable to watch them. Eventually the pup will equate ringing the bell on the door to telling you they need to go outside to potty - it took me about 4 days to get my pup trained doing this. Accidents will happen and when they do you do not discipline, you use the natures miracle cleaner so that the spot is not so enticing to them again and just keep being consistent.

2007-11-09 14:10:07 · answer #5 · answered by crazyboutmybear 2 · 1 0

I took my puppy out at the same times everyday and to the same spot. Day and night this was a shared job. Each time I would say "do you need to go pee"? Now he is 4 years and I just ask him "do you need to go pee" and he will spin in circles for a "yes" or he just walk away for a "no". He is a chihuahua. I don't know if different breeds respond differently to potty training. This worked for me. Good Luck

2007-11-09 14:17:17 · answer #6 · answered by shellnpepe 5 · 0 0

Do not ever use a kennel for punishment! Use it for sleep time, We always tell our dogs "go to bed" and they go right to their crates. But when your puppy poops on the floor tell him no and show him what you are doing and pick the poop up and put it out side and show him and say pottie outside do this for a week and I grantee he or she will get it!

2007-11-09 14:15:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

let him potty in the place where you want him to and if he does it give him what he likes maybe a toy or a rub. But if he potties in the place you don't want him to scold him a BIT.

hope I helped :)

2007-11-09 14:25:50 · answer #8 · answered by adrian 2 · 0 0

take him to the grass and everytime he does his stuff say good dog in a happy voice and give him a treat and when he does it in an area you dont allow then say bad dog in a mean voice hahaha....worked for me!

2007-11-09 14:10:05 · answer #9 · answered by Kaitlin 3 · 0 1

crate training

2007-11-09 14:10:49 · answer #10 · answered by leah 3 · 0 1

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