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my parents don't frekin let me do anything! i'm getting so pissed! the lateis i can stay out is like 6:00 pm, i can't spend the night at any of my friends house unless my parents know them, every where i go i have to call them and tell them where i am, if i go to the mall with my friends one of my parents have to be with us at all times what fun is that?! the only fredom i have is at school. i can't go anywhere without planing ahead like 3 weeks, cuz my parents have to know where i'm going, who i'm with, how long i going, and if theres gonna be someone over the age of 18 with us.

2007-11-09 13:45:09 · 41 answers · asked by Daina 1 in Family & Relationships Family

i'm 13!
i'm not stupid i don't do frekin drugs or have sex! i don't even have a boyfriend!
i'm a stright A student do you really think i would be doing drugs and having sex?

2007-11-09 13:53:26 · update #1

i have no soical life just schooli like school more than i like being at home cuz i can talk to my friends. i can't even talk on the phone with my friends without my parents asking who i'm talking to every 5mins.
yeah i now theres alot of creepy people out there, but i think i'm smart enough to see who they are, i am a stright A student and i'm not stupid

2007-11-09 15:24:01 · update #2

41 answers

sounds like they are just being good parents, you will thank them when you are older. I know I do

2007-11-09 13:47:50 · answer #1 · answered by wditt2 4 · 3 0

well, first of all how old r u?
second as a parent im kinda the same way with the two teenagers that im raising (husband's siblings). I freak out every time a teenager gets killed in a car accident or raped by an idiot just because the young person wanna to have fun.
i am sure ur parents are trying to keep u safe and avoid to go through all kind of bad situation.
and i know that u can't always be thinking like that but that's life my dear. and i think if you r a minor and they are paying all the things that u wear, use, eat, etc, they can be anyway they want with u.

now, try 2 talk to them about it and see if there is any age limit for their control over u. but be nice u still live with them and getting mad and screaming at them is not gonna help u.

2007-11-09 13:53:24 · answer #2 · answered by daniriz♥ 3 · 0 0

I can understand as my mother wouldn't even let me go to a birthday party since she didn't really know them. I was allowed to go and drop off a gift, but not to stay for the party.

I was allowed to go to a sleepover to someone house that she did know, but I was not allowed to sleep over.

She was over protective. I know it can be frustrating. I also know that she has your best interests at heart. There are so many things that can happen that you don't even know about it. I agree that you should let them know where you are. Don't shut them out because they want to know where you are. If someone kidnapped you and you didn't tell them where you were going, then they wouldn't even know where to begin to look for you. People take advantage of kids/teens. They sneek and you honestly do not believe what can really happen.

Try talking, not yelling, but honestly talking to them. Tell them you feel like you have no freedom or feel as though they do not trust you. Ask them why they feel that way. Be open and honestly listen. Let them tell you how they feel about it and you, being respectful, tell them or ask them if they can let the reigns go a bit. Still be respectful and tell them where you are going.

Be glad you have parents who really care. Some do not and never ask, and that is where you or anyone else can get into serious trouble. There is no guidance, no discipline, no rules. Our parents have rules for our protection. I do not know how old you are, but please listen to your parents. Do not give them an attitude about it. It will only make things worse. Be honest and respectful. Do not use a tone when you are frustrated about it. Work something out with them. Your parents love you. You will see this in the future and be grateful they did protect you. Tell them you appreciate their concern, but you don't feel they trust you. I know you are a good person and have the right intentions. You sound like my sister when she was younger. She could not use a respectful tone and yelled or used a tone because she was always angry. Please let go of any anger you may have. It doesn't get you anywhere. Show them how responsible and respectful you can be. They will let the reigns loose when you are able to do both.

2007-11-09 13:55:13 · answer #3 · answered by Stephanie F 7 · 0 0

Apparently there is an issue of trust. Your parents don't trust your judgement. Maybe they are over protective. Have your friends parents call them if you want to spend time with a friend at their house. If your friends parents are home then your parents may be more lenient with you. They have a right to be very protective of you. There is a lot of stuff going on in the real world. Sex, drugs, crime, shootings, gangs, babies, just to name a few. Try to understand their side. Work with them, to help build the trust you need for them to let go a little. It will take time. Reassure them how you are a young adult and you will follow their rules, even when they are not around. Then prove it to them. Ask you friends parents to help you. It's great you have parents who are strict and care about you. There are a lot of kids on drugs and in gangs because their parents don't care what they do. Be thankful. Good Luck. I am sure it will work out for you, you sound like a nice young lady who respects her parents. They will see it when you get a little bit older. I'm sure of it.

2007-11-09 13:57:29 · answer #4 · answered by FILE 4 · 0 0

First how old are you?
They just love you and want you to be safe. Would you rather they let you off on your own and not care what you do at all? They are a little over protective but once your a parent you will inderstand. If you'd like you could try talking to them. Say "Mom, Dad, I know you want me safe but I'm (enter age here). I deserve to have my own time to spend with friends and go to the mall. Without you there." If that doesn't work ask them to at least let you stay out till 7.

No Matter what you do dont sneak out or get in major trouble. That will cause them to watch you more and give you less freedom by raising your curfew.

2007-11-09 13:50:36 · answer #5 · answered by Melia C 3 · 0 0

just talk to them a lot of parents are just worried. especially with all the pedophiles and murders in the news. but if your in a group there is less of a chance of anything happening. and if that doesnt work lie. parents are over protective im guessing you are an only child that makes them even more protective. if there is someone over 18 how does that change anything it just means they are old and will go to a real prison on a prison for minors. and there is always a chance of something happening soemone dies every 3 seconds do you honestly think that it matters where u are when you die if you cant know about it or control it. and there is a huge chance of dying every time you go in the car just remind them that ur getting older and need some space

2007-11-09 13:53:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you watched the news at all in the past 13 years? There are a lot of horrible things that happen to kids your age and older. Your parents may be a pain in the butt, but they love you enough to piss you off. One day you'll thank them for it. Today, however, you feel like you're being held back from having fun.

What you describe doesn't sound unreasonable:
-you can't spend the night at your friends house unless your parents know them.
-where ever you go you have to call them and tell them where you are.
-if you go to the mall with your friends one of your parents has to be there.

These all sound like the kind of things a loving parent would insist on. There are so many kids in this world who would love to have parents who cared enough about them to do the things your parents do.

I'm guessing the part about having to plan 3 weeks ahead is a bit of an exageration. I'm also guessing that you probably get pretty snippy with them when these kinds of things come up. You want them to trust you and in time they will. In order for that to happen, you have to show them you're mature enough to take care of yourself and to handle any kind of situation that may arise. You can do that by seeing the reason behind their rules and understanding why they impose certain restrictions. If you're not sure about any of them, holding a conversation where there's an exchange of ideas rather than emo will show them you're willing to consider their point of view. And that will show them a mature side of you.

In all likelihood, the rules your parents have imposed have more to do with them wanting to protect you rather than thinking you're doing drugs or having sex. If you continue being pissed off instead of trying to find a common ground with them, the drugs and sex suspicions will come later. So chill out a little, thank your parents for loving you and try to work out something that will work for all of you. Your teen years have only just begun and if you start off like this you can expect to be pissed off a lot more over time. If you demonstrate your maturity by being responsible and working with them, you've got a much better chance of earning the freedom you want.

2007-11-09 14:47:51 · answer #7 · answered by innerradiancecoaching 6 · 0 0

You should consider your self lucky! Yes lucky. If your parents watch over you all the time, it's because they care about you. I'm pretty sure they trust you, but they don't trust your friends. I know it most be difficult for you to accept it. I don't know how old you are, but it doesn't matter. I've learn that when somebody cares about you is because they love you. Have you check the news lately? There are so many twisted people that you should take in consideration what your parents tell you. You mentioned that you have no freedom, what do you mean by that? Or what would you do if your parents weren't with you? Don’t be selfish. Your parents love you. They trust you, but think about it, they don't trust the people around you or for that matter any stranger. Someday you won't be able to complain about them, and when that day comes, believe me it will be too late to reconsider they thoughts. . Because you won't have them around you anymore. They love you. Enjoy them while you can.
Don't be immature. Do you really want them to trust everybody around you? Then just show maturity! Believe me they will let you go.

2007-11-09 14:01:59 · answer #8 · answered by star 2 · 0 0

Well technically you're SOL and I certainly understand why parents do take as much control as they do. Do you have a job? If not I'd ask your parents if you can get one. Show some responsibility, that you know right from wrong and can be trusted. Then maybe they're loosen up. But you're never going to get away with not telling them where you are going and when. That's good parenting. A parent should know at all times where and what their children are doing. I don't know your age of course. If you're younger than 14 then you're parents are doing nothing wrong in my opinion.

2007-11-09 13:49:41 · answer #9 · answered by pamalalauren 2 · 0 0

It's a big scary world out there. Someday you'll appreciate your parent's worry for you. Yes, it's frustrating, and maybe they're even a little overboard with the protecting, but better too much than not enough. Cut them some slack, they love you and they care about you and I know from experience that a lot of your friends are probably jealous that you have such devoted parents.

2007-11-09 13:49:22 · answer #10 · answered by Rebeckah 6 · 0 0

Thank God!! I thought i was the only one. I am 15 and my parents are the exact same way i live in a little town with no more than 200 ppl in it and i have to be in at 10pm. If i wanna go stay at my friends house they have to talk to each other and tell them where we are going to be. I hate it so much....i have no social life except at school and that's about it. I want to be able to go to parties and stuff but i cant im not allowed to leave the compound that i live in....(i live in a town with a prison in it and i live right outside of it) so i know what its like.

2007-11-09 14:36:50 · answer #11 · answered by oklahoma_sooners1992 1 · 0 0

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