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every year, when the Royals come out wearing more medals than the ones who actually fought in the wars. If tomorrow I see the likes of Prince William ( Noted for heroism for shooting deer at Balmoral, whilst being protected by the SAS) and Prince Harry ( Noted for shooting two rare birds at Sandringham) come out stacked with medals like their dad, who couldnt steer a boat out of the harbour, or fly a plane on his own, then as my father used to say, scrap this farce and let people just remember the dead in our own way.

2007-11-09 12:39:19 · 24 answers · asked by monno 1 in Politics & Government Military

I dont see what point you are trying to make. If you are refering to him serving in the Falklands war, well, you are one blinkered, dyed in the wool buffoon.

Prince Andrew went out to the Falklands, and wouldnt you just guess it, he just by chance, obviously, was on board the ship that was the furtermost ship away from the action. He then got into an helicopter lifted up from the ship for around 30 minutes and this was intended to draw any incoming exocet missiles from the ship. For this he came back as a war hero. Well excuse me and everyone I know from Laughing, you see the Argentinians had very few of these Exocets and the ones they used was for the purpose of sinking the ships that were carrying troops who eventually took back the Falkland Isles. Ask people like Simon Weston, He was burnt from head to foot and had lost most of his friends. The British press and the Army usshered him in through a back door into Britain. Andrew finished up the war hero. My ****.

2007-11-09 14:26:25 · update #1

Yes. I certainly would be embarrassed.

2007-11-09 14:50:02 · update #2

Ms mat unity
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

2007-11-09 14:52:59 · update #3

Sam sock puppet
Everyone look at this answer. I know that I am appalled by it. But it serves as a reminder for what we remember today.


2007-11-09 15:00:27 · update #4

24 answers

Jasonan - now look what you have done - you've disturbed a nest of Sycophants.

2007-11-10 08:05:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Conranger you have out done yourself on this occasion, I salute you! You have saved me much time in gathering the facts...thank you.

Jasonan - Your stupidity is only out classed by your ignorance of British history.

This is further outclassed by your ignorance of the history concerning the Falklands conflict.

Argentina had 5 Exocet missiles capable of being launched by fighter jets. 1 hit HMS Sheffield on 2nd May, 2 hit the Atlantic Conveyor on 25th May. I believe 1 more ditched in the water and the other never saw action.

The only other ship hit by Exocet was HMS Glamorgan, however this was fired from the islands themselves.

Non of the ships hit by Exocet were troop carrying ships as the argentines were to busy trying to attack the main fleet, which also coinsisted of HMS Invincible (Prince Andrews ship), with said Exocets.

Any ship targeted in Carlos water and Bluff Cove were done so with cannon fire and bombs.

The RFA Sir Galahad was hit by 2 bombs not Exocet, which caused so many deaths and the wounding of Simon Weston. Why was Simon Weston taken in the back door and not paraded around, that would be because he was at deaths door..........I suggest you read your military history and start with 'Walking Tall' and 'Going Back' both written by Simon Weston.

Tomorrow is about our fallen not about what medals the Royals are entitled to wear. You'll probably find that most of those gongs are state medals or as already stated jubilee medals. Those that are military, would have been awarded for the reason they were intended.

Knowledge is power as Conranger has proven!

Dood49 - It's FACT. If some person wants to start spouting about things they haven't done their homework on, then they should expect to be corrected. If they can't even get the basics right then they deserve to be knocked down a peg or two. Sycophantic tendancies don't play a part.

2007-11-10 01:35:22 · answer #2 · answered by hottotrot 2 · 3 0

Conranger, shame on you mate, you forgot to mention Prince Andrew is also Colonel in Chief of the Royal Irish Regiment, the Royal Irish Regiment today whats left, is the 1st Bn is in fact directly the 1st (And 2nd) Bn of the Royal Irish Rangers, 1st Bn Royal Irish Regiment (GS Bn).

Other wise another excellent post, I am impressed, what this knuckle head and his rant is doing is nothing short of just showing himself up. There are plenty of soldiers who also have campaign medals for not doing anything other than their jobs (I have several) we call them the standing upright and breathing medals, I see no reason why the royals are no less entitled to medals. As for the two princes wearing any, I doubt they have more than one maybe 2 at most and those are likely to be some kind of jubilee medal etc.

2007-11-10 00:37:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I would love you to put this point to one of the four remaining survivors of the Great War. They would put you most firmly in your place about the nonsense you are spouting.

They would tell you that they fought for King and Country to save this great nation from foreign interference and foreign ideas. The very reason we have to remember the glorious dead is because we, of all the people in Europe, wanted to retain our identity: that involves, in part, but essentially, having a Royal Family.

It is not because they are royal that they have all the medals - it is because they are the heads of this great state of ours. Have a look at Putin - see his medals. And if that isn't enough, look at the Chinese leadership.

Finally, as always, I ask this. IF the royal family was replaced, with what would you replace it? Of all the leaders since Churchill, who would you have as an elected Head of State?

If the election was held 5 years ago, we would have President Blair. Bedecked with medals.

I really don't think so.

As I march past the Cenotaph tomorrow morning with many thousands of others I will feel proud that Her Majesty the Queen and her family led our nation in its annual festival of Remembrance - a family whose whole ethos since the day they were born is to serve - instead of someone who has chosen to serve for money.

(And yes, of course I am aware of the wealth of the Royal Family. That goes without saying - I don't suppose for one minute that there is a leader anywhere in the world who lives in anything other than luxury.)

2007-11-09 19:44:10 · answer #4 · answered by Essex Ron 5 · 4 1

Let me start by telling you the Royal Family are entitled to wear their Medals just like anyone some of them they wear are campaign medals others are decorations and different orders that they belong to also don't forget that the Queen lost a relative during the last war and apart from that she played her part so my question to you is why shouldn't they wear their medals like anyone else

2007-11-10 07:58:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Forget what you think about the royals - Rememberance Sunday is FAR bigger than that - we're remembering the fallen in two world wars and I don't know how many conflicts. People who gave their lives.

Today, British men and women continue to serve their country, in Iraq, the Falklands, the Gulf, Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Ireland and Afghanistan. They need to know that The Royal British Legion will be there to help them when they need it most.
Pick a different soap box.

2007-11-09 12:54:33 · answer #6 · answered by Emma Jean 7 · 9 0

During the severe bombings in London, both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth put on their wellies and helped with the clear-up and food supplies, giving away their own food to people who were running short. My great-grandfathers and grandfathers fought for King and Country and were very proud of the Royal family. A lot of the Royals have done military service and the veterans admire and adore them. I'd much rather see the royals there than any politician, who seem to want nothing more than screw our military over to feather their own nests.

2007-11-09 12:53:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

None of the medals worn by royalty are gallantry or campaign medals unless they were actually earned. So you shouldn't take issue with that.

While we are on the subject, PRINCE ANDREW, BLUFF COVE 1982 he repeatedly took his Sea King to stricken ships UNDER FIRE in HEAVY SEAS and in THICK SMOKE.
All this was to save as many lives as possible. Time and time again he collected casualties and brought them to us. He showed true courage and determination and courage on that day and will always have my utmost respect.

His actions, along with the actions of many more have ensured your right to post such garbage.

BTW what campaigns did YOU serve in?

2007-11-10 02:43:40 · answer #8 · answered by dadseimaj 4 · 6 0

So well said, I have realtives whom I never knew lost in the Second World War. Nothing personal against the Royals but what the hell do they wear medals for???? No doubt for the absurd reasons you have tried to explain. Lets just be sensible, thank all who fought to give us the freedom we have today May they RIP.

2007-11-09 12:54:20 · answer #9 · answered by Ms Mat Urity 6 · 3 2

I find it fascinating how the whole of the country goes quiet at the same time. Have you ever been in a supermarket at 11 o clock on remembrance sunday? It's soooo weird. I think it's good though because it shows respect to all of those who lost their lives in the wars

I don't like the royals much, they have no idea what the real world is about

2007-11-09 12:44:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

We in the States have the same kind of thing.. at least to some extent. While we don't have "Royals" there is some abuse of the proliferation of medals.

When I was in Vietnam, high-ranking officers would time their visits to coincide with tour dates. They would arrive one day and leave the next and get two devices for their medals indicating they were present for both tours of duty although they were only there for a couple hours in each. There are also medals only given to senior officers. It's sad too, because I know men who aren't allowed to wear a third of the medals they earned because of the clandestine nature of their work.

But those who've served... we know. And we honor those who have gone before us and who follow after us "in our own way."

2007-11-09 12:51:37 · answer #11 · answered by gugliamo00 7 · 5 3

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