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Please don't be discrimitory about this religion and I only want to know the truth, alright?

2007-11-09 11:21:50 · 19 answers · asked by CoUnTrY mUsIc FrEaK-a-ZoId 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

No, Kzracer, you're the one in the wrong forum; this is religion and spirituality, not relationships and dating; take another look at the headings above.

To answer the question: if you're confused about Christianity, you're not alone. It's no wonder with all the different denominations teaching their own interpretations of the scriptures--one says one thing, another says another--who knows what to believe! About the only thing they have in common is that they all pretty much say that IF we profess a belief in Christ then we are saved by his grace. How simple is that? How easy? Yet, it goes against everything Christ ever did, especially his teachings.

The real name of the Mormon Church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Other Christians pursecute them, saying Mormons aren't Christian, but that just shows how ignorant they are; too self-righteous to do a little research without prejudging and trying to prove them wrong while they're at it. I have several friends that are Mormon, and they're more Christian than the other Christians are who just profess their belief and don't follow Christ's example.

If you want some good detailed explanations go to www.lds.org. or you can find honest answers at www.donny.com and click on My Beliefs. This is Donny Osmond's website and there's an audio recording of him explaining about the "belief" page; you can click on the items that interest you.

I wouldn't go to other sites on the internet because a lot of them are ones designed by other Christians trying to give misinformation to keep others from looking into the Mormon Church.

If you really want to know what they believe, ask a real, active and dedicated Mormon, not a Baptist or Methodist. All they can give you is their opinionated answers which are usually lies or misinformation mixed with truth. Real Christian-like, huh?

2007-11-09 12:01:43 · answer #1 · answered by D P 2 · 3 0

spend a few minutes here and read, first, the Joseph Smith Story. It will give you a basic feel for Joseph Smith and how be became the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ:


Next read the 13 "articles of faith" which are the basic beliefs and tenants of Mormonism


Mormons also believe:
-in being chaste before marriage and faithful after marriage
-it's wrong to consume alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, coffee, tea, and cigarettes.
-In maintaining good language
-Families can be eternally bound and sealed in the Temple and husbands and wives can live together as such for eternity.
-In a "tiered heaven" of sorts that eventually nearly everyone will end up in. Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial (lowest) kingdoms. God resides in the highest of these.
See: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/dc/76
-that God has a prophet, called and chosen by him (God) to lead his church. Currently the prophet is Gordon B. Hinkley
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_B._Hinckley

Outside of that, Mormons share about the same beliefs as most other Christians that you know. Make no mistake, Mormons are Christians.

Warning: Lots of people don't like Mormons and will find some obscure quote from 100 years ago, twist it, and try to make it look like Mormons are crazy people that believe in kooky things.

2007-11-10 23:47:21 · answer #2 · answered by Ender 6 · 1 0

Hooray for Martin S. Every time an LDS question is brought up he literally cuts and pastes the same material from the same website. It appears taking the opinion of others is his way of life, because I've yet to see an original thought from him.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as a member I can tell you there is no greater satisfaction than having the Spirit of the Lord testify truth to your heart. I recommend to spend 1 hour with the missionaries in your area. Just one hour so that they can discuss further your question.
Go to www.mormon.org and click on "ask a question" and choose to have missionaries visit you. I promise it will be worth your while.

2007-11-10 03:11:13 · answer #3 · answered by Bubblewrap 4 · 2 0

We have what are called the Thirteen Articles of Faith. I will post a link so you can read them. Those are our beliefs in a nutshell.

The religion was established by Joseph Smith, but we believe it is a continuation of the church Christ started when He was live.

Joseph Smith was a farm boy from upstate NY. His family was poor, and didn't even own their farm, they rented. During that time period, there was a lot of religious reform going on. Lots of different religions were popping up, and people would church hop until they found one that suited them. His mother was prebyterian, and his father wasn't affiliated with any church. Joseph went to church with his mother and some of his brothers and his one sister. He just didn't feel like he belonged, so one night, while reading the BIBLE, he came to the passage in James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. He decided to do just that. So, he went to a grove in the woods and prayed.

While praying, he was visited by two personages, God the Father and Christ. They told him he was to join none of the churches. They told him that They would send someone else to teach and instruct him. This was the start of Joseph's conversion. I'll post a link so you can read it in his words.

Our basic beliefs are the third link. That will explain the basics.

2007-11-09 12:35:08 · answer #4 · answered by odd duck 6 · 4 0

We believe that after the apostles the church of Christ and the priesthood authority was removed from the earth because had it stayed humans at the time would have thrown the truth into a deep state of apostacy. The original church of the Old Test and then later changed a bit with Christ and the New Test was once again restored in all its fullness with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the priesthood to Joseph Smith. We believe this is not a new church, but a continuation of Gods original church and its organizations with prophets, apostles and temples.

The plan of salvation (very briefly) is as followed. We were born to heavenly parents as spirit children and chose to go with Gods plan (that Christ presented and Satan was opposed to) We chose to come to earth, gain a body, be tried and tested and to learn and grow. We believe Christ as our personal savior and that it was becasue of the atonement we can once again live with our heavenly father. We believe after this life there is a period of waiting for those that have not been baptized and heard where missionary work will be continued and all will eventually have the chance to hear the plan of salvation and accept it and repent.
All will attain a level of glory, or heaven depending on their worthiness and their own actions and their own hearts. The ones that dont live up to their fullest potential and accept the plan and repent will be at the bottom, stuck with no progression, but still content. But they will know that they will have no further growth or knowledge because of their own choices and they cant live in the presence of God. The highest degree of glory or heaven will be to those that have proved themselves, performed all the ordinances necc including an eternal sealing. They will live in the glory of God and will be able to have all the blessings and knowledge granted to them.. Their reward will be eternal knowledge and progression and eternal increase of their own where they will get the right to start their own plan with their own eternal families.

That is a very basic overview. We believe that works and faith are equally important because you cant claim you have faith if you arent doing the works. We dont believe anyone is penalized because of the original sin of adam. We dont believe anyone is going to burn in hell. We believe in a loving God that knows our hearts and will judge each according to their knowledge, hearts and works.

what are you talking about?????? The Book of Mormon has been translated into hundreds of languages. Clearly you really dont have a clue about the Book of Mormon or the church.

2007-11-09 11:35:27 · answer #5 · answered by cadisneygirl 7 · 4 0

After Christ's apostles died or have been killed off, His church slowly fell into apostasy. in spite of the undeniable fact that nicely-which ability human beings created what are immediately stated as protestant church homes, they nonetheless lacked the fullness of the Gospel. Restoring a fullness to the earth required a prophet, fairly than a actuality seeker or a theologian, subsequently Joseph Smith replaced into stated as to be the 1st prophet of the final days. Restoring the Gospel no longer in basic terms meant greater prophets, yet in addition apostles, pastors, instructors, and so on. (Ephesians 4:11-13), and so as Latter-day Saints we've self belief our church has the comparable business enterprise as Christ's unique church. The priesthood (authority) replaced into additionally restored by using Joseph Smith. With a residing prophet immediately (Thomas S. Monson) it relatively is achieveable to acquire revelation and education on issues the scriptures do no longer especially handle, to boot as reminding on issues the international and the Saints are not doing nicely adequate. The e book of Mormon, it relatively is seen as an substantial different to the Bible, is scripture translated by employing Joseph Smith as a 2d witness of Jesus Christ. those are the fundamentals. maximum of what we Mormons have self belief coincides with the the remainder of Christianity although, fairly on the subject of Christ. in case you have have been given any further questions or elect greater element you're welcome to message me.

2016-10-15 23:04:05 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The LDS church was founded by Joseph Smith through revelation from God. See www.mormon.org for a good background on the LDS church.

2007-11-09 13:43:15 · answer #7 · answered by moonman 6 · 4 0

In the early 1800s, religious and social reform movements swept across early America. They included socialistic farm communes like Brook farm, religious movements like Shakerism and Mormonism, and an increased focus on women's rights and the end of slavery (this was right before the civil war).

Joseph Smith, who as a boy had trouble choosing a religious denomination with which to align himself, received several visions from God telling him that he had been chosen to create a new, unique church. Other posts go into this in more detail, but the gold plates basically said that an ancient middle-eastern civilization existed in the Americas, and Jesus visited them soon after His resurrection.

Mormonism survives to this day, unlike the other radical reform movements. This is due to Mormonism's conservative message of a patriarchal church, stress on individual entrepreneurship, and actions by Smith and his successor, Brigham Young, who took Mormons to Utah and set yp successful communities.

Many feared Mormons because of their supposed secret rituals and their ability to influence elections by voting as a bloc. To this day, these paranoias still exist.

2007-11-09 11:49:32 · answer #8 · answered by eV 5 · 4 0

You can find them on a website established by the LDS church to answer your questions: www.mormon.org

2007-11-09 13:44:40 · answer #9 · answered by FlyingSouth 2 · 2 0

It was started by a convicted fraudster who was apparently visited by an angel who told him the whereabouts of some golden plates which explained all about how things really happened. Apparently 2000 years ago America was inhabited by a Jewish civilisation who lived in large cities.

No trace of these people has yet been discovered, but presumably its just a matter of time.

I think that Jesus actually came to visit these people when he was reincarnated. I suppose it was a kind of holiday for him and he fancied a change of scene after hanging out in the Middle East for so long.

It all sounds very plausible. Personally I'm a Pastafarian, born and bred, otherwise I'd be LDS.

2007-11-09 11:40:52 · answer #10 · answered by Celestial Teapot 3 · 1 4

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