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okay i really need help i am 13 years old and i was baptized at age 10.okay see,i've been thinking lately(i went through that ''is God real phase''about 6 weeks agoand i came to a conclusion that he is real.but every since then weird thoughts have been coming into my head,like you know you arent good enough to go to heavenand i dont feell good enough to go to heaven.i know that i have alot of things that i need to work on,because i lie,i cuss,and i sometimes argue with my parents and stuff.i want to stop im trying but stuff is tempting me.i use to be good until i got in Middle school and i just started doing what everyone else was doing.and my moms a alcholic and she sometimes says mean things to me and no matter how hard i try,i say something mean back and then after ifeel bad.please someone help me because i know that i need God and without him i wont suceed in life and i have this empty feeling.:( i know im wrong but im trying to change.

2007-11-09 10:34:03 · 13 answers · asked by Mrs.Pepita ^_^ 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Hi! I wanted to let you know that we all sin and fall short, each one of us. When you do, ask the Lord to forgive you. Really feel sorry for what you have done and resolve to not do it again. After that, start reading your Bible and praising the Lord. Ask Him to take away anything in you that is not of Him. We are ALL works in progress! How wonderful that you are concerned about pleasing the Lord at such a young age. What is coming into your mind is the old devil trying to take you away from the Lord. You tell him that you are a child of the Most High God. Rebuke him in the name of Jesus! The devil is a LIAR! You are one who is able to overcome, You are more than a conqueror in Christ ! You have are a child of the Most High God. Hold your head up because the Lord loves you and you are His cherished and loved child. Jesus came and died for you. How very loved you are for Christ to have done that for you! You do need God, we all do! But what you don't realize is that God is near you. He counts the hairs on your head, and is near to you when you are brokenhearted! You are a child of the King of the universe! You are royalty! Don't let the old devil tell you anything to make you think you are not worthy! Don't buy his lies.

Talk to God, your heavenly Father and tell Him your problems. He is listening and waiting for you to go to Him. Pray for your mom. I will also be praying for her. Email me if you would like me to agree in prayer with you.

May the Lord bless you and make His face shine on you!
May He walk with you always! May you grow up to be a God loving adult who will be a mighty warrior for the Lord! God bless you child!

2007-11-11 06:34:18 · answer #1 · answered by Marie 7 · 0 0

hi. I'm an atheist so discount this if you want. You can't go through life expecting god to solve everything, people are the ones that will help you out. Sure god is important and valuble in making you feel supported and not alone, but trully you arent, speak to a teacher, councillor or a friend.

Saying mean things to your mom is part of being a teen and although it's hard, you really shouldn't... as when you grow up, you will still want a good relationship. Everytime you can feel the tension growing, count to ten, breathe deeply...walk away. The mose difficult part of growing up is realising that your parents aren't perfect, and you might have to be the stronger, more responsible, grown up.

I know it's hard coping with someone who is addicted, and because of that it is A MILLION times more important that you stay AWAY from those kind of things, it is extra likely you might be addicted yourself. But above all, don't put yourself down, try to be a good and decent person, you are strong.

2007-11-09 10:51:03 · answer #2 · answered by GEISHA 3 · 0 0

Okay. I am not an atheist I am Pagan and this is my advice from my viewpoint. So you obviously have a connection to god already. Something which makes you believe he is real and gives you your faith in him. I am not going to belittle that at all or criticise that. A spiritual connection to a deity whatever religion you believe in can be a huge source of strength to you. My advice is to pray directly to God. All these churches are at the end of the day run by human beings. If you do have that connection to the divine which it seems you do have then you are very lucky and you should use it. Good luck with your family situation I am sure that your faith can help you get through it.

2007-11-09 11:11:09 · answer #3 · answered by freyatru 2 · 0 0

Being American, I suppose I do feel the need to label myself. The problem is I don't really know what label that would be. I guess I could be an Atheist as I do not believe in "God" and the bible. I see that as merely a fairytale with life lessons, much like Grimm's' fairy-tales if you will. But I do believe in certain, well a lot of, Pagan beliefs. And I am very scientific in my thinking as well. I think things would be better without the labels but everyone wants to categorize everyone so maybe there could be an "undetermined" section for people like me.

2016-05-29 00:10:56 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Hi Chunkee, it is so good that you are feeling bad about the wrong that you are doing that proves that you are willing to change .There are so many of us who sin against God without a second thought.The feeling that you are experiencing are called convictions you see once you gave your life to Christ He put His Spirit on the inside of you and that Spirit lets you know when you are not pleasing God .Ask God to forgive you for all that you know that you are doing wrong and repent ( that means to turn from that things that you are doing) The strength to stop doing those things are on the inside of you .The power never to do those things again is in reading the Bible Every chance you get .But dont get discouraged when you find yourself doing the things that you've asked God to forgive you for just ask Him to forgive you again and He will forgive you then keep reading the Bible soon the word of God will change you and you will become free from all your sin.It's the devil that is saying that you are not good enough ,but just know that Jesus has made you good enough you are worthy. His Blood has covered you and now it's time for you to grow in Him.Best Wishes>>

2007-11-09 10:57:10 · answer #5 · answered by Man of Arms 2 · 0 0

Dear, remember one thing: NO one is ever going to be good enuf to go to heaven. No one.
I'm sorry about your mom. You truly do need God to get thru this tough period in your life.
One day you will be grown and will be able to get out of there. Please concentrate on your education and make good friends, don't hang out with the wrong crowd. Against our will, we become like our friends--the ones we hang with.
Do the best you can and if you fail sometimes, remember Perfection is not an Option for anyone.
Pray everyday.
Good luck to you.

Sending you a smile to help pick up your day.

2007-11-09 10:44:05 · answer #6 · answered by Prof Fruitcake 6 · 0 0

You sound like any other teen that I know. It is a VERY confusing time. Do what you can Hun to try to do the right things, find others who feel the same as you and try to support each other.

It also helps if you believe in the bible to read that, Psalms and Proverbs are good for your age, and each one are pretty short.

You are not alone!! God Bless!!


2007-11-09 10:53:20 · answer #7 · answered by Jaye16 5 · 0 0

nobody is good enough to get into heaven. it's only by His grace that we may be saved.

you are trying, and that is wonderful. that is what the Lord asks of us.
the best way to overcome this is to commune with God daily. read your bible, spend time with Him in silence, listening and praying. seek fellowship with other Christians.

we all have the times where we question our faith and feel "empty" inside. and those are the times we need to rely even more in God...when you surrender all to Him, you have no need to worry anymore. this is very difficult and i struggle with this everyday, but it is something we must do in order to be happy in Christ.

God bless you, my sister.

2007-11-09 10:41:08 · answer #8 · answered by Ames 3 · 3 0

Sweetie... lying, cussing, and arguing with your parents doesn't make you bad, it makes you like every other adolescent in history.

If you're true to youself, no matter what your religion, you should be fine.

2007-11-09 10:57:31 · answer #9 · answered by xx. 6 · 0 0

You need to connect with other Christens to gain spiritual strength. We were never ment to be alone in our faith. See if you can go to a local church and meet some christens your age.

2007-11-09 10:46:05 · answer #10 · answered by GARY M 2 · 0 0

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