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I'm German, so I want to honor my ancestors. But in my heart I'm wiccan.

2007-11-09 09:59:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

What follows is my opinion, backed by my personal experiences. Since you're asking.

I do not feel that a person can be both Wiccan and Asatru. Every Wiccatru I've known over the past 17 years has been a complete flake. 100% of them.
There are a number of inherent problems with trying to be both.

1: Focus.
Face it. The focus of Wicca is based in Witchcraft. Magic (I don't and won't spell it with a k... screw you guys). The focus of Asatru is based on the relationship between humanity and the Gods. Dividing that focus will end up making you less of both. Asatru means True to the Gods (Aesir and Vanir).

2: Theism.
Asatru is a hard polytheistic faith. The Gods are the Gods. They're not Jungian archetypes for aspects of nature. They're not aspects of other deities. Thor isn't Zeus, Osiris, and Lugh... The Gods and Goddesses are unique individuals unto themselves. Not parts of a plural set of meta-deities, nor aspects of a singular omnipotent meta-deity.

3: Worldview.
Wicca is a very peaceful religion. Asatru is not necessarily a peaceful religion. Peace is always preferred, but we honor the ability, capacity, and willingness to protect and defend oneself, one's family, one's kin, one's kith, one's homestead, one's community, and one's nation. There is a reason the symbol for Wicca is a harmonious blend of the elements into a living whole, while the symbol for Asatru is the weapon Thor uses to aggressively protect and defend his kith, kin, and community.

4: Wiccan Rede - Havamal. 'nuff said.

I'd say you should be Wiccan.
It's what you are in your heart.
This means that honestly, you'd end up paying lip service to the Aesir and Vanir.
I won't be arrogant enough to speak for the Gods, but I can't believe they'd care for that.

Compare it thus...
You're married.
Your spouse lives, cohabitates, loves, and has sex with another person. But, once a week, like clockwork, your spouse comes by and says they love you. Then they go back to their life with the person they truly love, and to whom they are truly dedicated.

Personally... *I* would be offended.
I, however, am not one of the Aesir or Vanir. But we get our aptitudes from somewhere.

So... be a Wiccan. Be a good Wiccan. Study, and shape your environment to suit your will, and do so in peace and harmony.
Leave the honoring of the Aesir and Vanir to those who are more suited to such a purpose.

I hope you don't think this is elitist, though you may actually see it that way, I admit. My point is that while you're Wiccan, and that's fine and good... a Wiccan is not an Asatruar.
I'm an Asatruar... and as an Asatruar, I'm not cut out to be a Wiccan. The worldviews are nearly diametrically opposed. Which isn't to say we can't co-exist in peace and relative harmony, but merging the two... doesn't really work.
A poster, above, said our ancestors merged religions... some did... during conversion eras, but they always eventually ended up choosing -A- path. Asatru is not a dabbler religion.

Notice, even when I preface this answer with the fact that it is my opinion backed by my personal experiences, I'm accused of lying, and being dishonorable for stating my opinions.
Priceless. I love fluffies. :)
I honestly do. (really... no sarcasm or anything, there... fluffies entertain the hel out of me)

And silverentrantress, that article is great!
I just read through it, and the guy says many of the same things I said here, simply in a more flowery manner. He also elaborates onto subjects I didn't go into.
Overall... excellent article, and VERY true to how I've experienced things.

Especially the bits about the differences in our language usage.

2007-11-10 02:48:57 · answer #1 · answered by John Q. P 2 · 6 1

Depends what parts of Asatru you want to follow. If you're just interested in honoring the Norse pantheon, you can easily do that within a Wiccan framework. If you're interested in the culture and rituals of the Norse, however, you might find Asatru better addressing your spiritual needs. In that case, identify which parts of Wicca appeal to you. Depending which parts, they may not conflict with Asatru practice.

Whatever you end up with will probably not be both Asatru and Wicca. It'll be Asatru-flavored Wicca or Wicca-flavored Asatru. But that's just terminology. I would say figure out your spiritual practices, THEN figure out what to call it. Don't do it in the other direction.

2007-11-10 13:54:09 · answer #2 · answered by Nightwind 7 · 0 0

Nope. I'm Heathen, and you'll find many other Asatru that feel the same. You cannot be Asatru and Wiccan. Asatru is a sect of Paganism that worship the Norse/Germanic gods as the old Norse/Germans did. We don't worship our gods as the Wiccans do. You CAN, however, be Norse Wiccan - worshipping the Norse gods as a Wiccan. But Asatru and Wicca are very different.

Please look over this site. It's great explaining the difference between Asatru and Wicca.


2007-11-10 21:38:42 · answer #3 · answered by Heathen Mage 3 · 4 1

Yes, you can practice two non-competing religions simultaneously, as long as you respect both and don't blend them into a nonsensical mishmash.

Most Asatru who disagree with the above view have never actually met a halfway decent Wiccan, and don't understand Wicca at all.

Polyfaithed practice (the practice of two or more noncompeting religions) was the way our ancestors did it.

edit: Speaking as a Wiccan for over 20 years, Wicca *IS* Polytheistic (hard and soft are nonsense, soft polytheism is not polytheism) the focus of Wicca is a relationship with the gods NOT magic, magick or whatever else some claim it is and the Wiccan Rede ONLY discusses those actions which HARM NONE, all the other actions are covered in other parts of the religion....The vast majority thereof.
Why any ALLEGED Asatru would baldfacedly LIE about my religion and the religion of my peers while claiming to be a creature of honor is beyond me. MY gods don't let me speak ill of those I don't understand just 'cause. I mean, I'm not basing MY view of Asatru on DJ Conway's "Norse Magic" am I?
Dishonorable nonsense to lie about people who've done NOTHING TO YOU.

2007-11-10 09:23:42 · answer #4 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 0 3

You can be Asatru or you can be Norse Wiccan. But don't ever tell a Heathen you are Asatru Wiccan. LOL Sorry guys, but that's how Heathen feel.

edit: Silver that article is AWESOME! I was laughing through the whole thing. It's spot on. lol

2007-11-09 19:38:08 · answer #5 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 5 1

If in your heart you are wiccan then that is what you are. Though the ancient Gods and Goddesses of your ancestors are clearly calling you. Often we follow more than one path in a lifetime. it may be that you are destined to follow both but I would say not at the same time.

2007-11-09 19:43:51 · answer #6 · answered by freyatru 2 · 3 0

Of course. Wicca is accepting of many different pantheons of deities. Just turn the Asatru deities into manifestions of the Goddess and her Horned Concubine.

2007-11-09 18:02:51 · answer #7 · answered by Eiliat 7 · 1 4

Take no notice of cheir...Ignorance appears to be their only strong point.
Yes, of course you can be Asatru and Wiccan.

2007-11-09 18:08:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Well sort of... you can be Wiccan and honor the norse deities at the same time of course.

2007-11-09 19:18:19 · answer #9 · answered by xx. 6 · 1 3

There's nothing wrong with that. Abide the Wiccan law we must, in perfect love and perfect trust!

2007-11-09 18:03:43 · answer #10 · answered by cprucka 4 · 1 4

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