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Im asking myself why the heck am i even living for?My dad calls me bad names and tells me that i wont do anything in life.
He always takes my sister's side even when she's wrong.And its because she older than me and has her own life and everyone loves her. She is very mean once she told my mom to shut up.She talks back to my parents.And whenever theres a fight at our house im the one praying to God asking him to give my parents their happiness.

ALSO,I have a lil mentally challenged brother who i have been taking care of him all my life.Whenever im having a bad day they think im mad and lecture me on how i turture them,etc.But they never realized What i go through and that theres no happiness in life because i have the responsibility of their son!

I dont blame my bro but my life.I pray everyday but ALOT OF TIMES i asked God why did he gave me this life?(btw im almost 17)Im not able to stay happy at all even when im with my friend(in school)im always quite,its like i forgot how to smile.Also no one likes me and i mean NO ONE!Im dieing day by day.What did i do wrong that God is punishing me like this so harshly? : (

2007-11-09 09:22:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Al Qiyamah......How did you think i would worship your God?Just because there sadness in my life you think ama worship the devil?My faith aint that weak to be doing that.I believe in my God and no matter how sad i may be ama keep on worshiping my God and i know he has great plans for me!
btw....Im happy that i worship Jesus and no other so called God!!!
Im proud to be CHRISTIAN!!!

2007-11-09 09:40:53 · update #1

19 answers

Talk to your school's counselor, or call a youth hot-line.

The life you've had thus far and have now are NOT the life you'll have after you leave home.

Of course you can't feel happy when you have so many pressures and causes of unhappiness.

Do you have any relatives (aunts, uncles, grands -- not in your immediate family, but family) that you can talk to?

You have only one more year that you have to stay in your current home.

Get some help in learning how to cope with your life -- there are people who can help you. All you have to do is ask.

You didn't make any of these things happen. Life is not fair. People suffer through no fault of their own.

But you don't have to continue to suffer alone. Get help.

If the first people you find don't actually help you, move on to others. Keep looking until you find someone who DOES help you.

2007-11-09 15:07:38 · answer #1 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 0

First things first. God is not punishing you and you are not doomed.

It sounds like you have a lot of emotion and feelings regarding this. Rather than putting all your energy on the NEGATIVE you need to focus on the POSITIVE. Your thinking is wrong. If you can watch "The Secret" on DVD it talks about your thinking and your mind and how it effects your life. It starts with you.

Since you are a minor your parents shouldn't be depending on you to care for your brother. You should talk to a counselor at school about this. You are probably putting so much energy into your brother that you don't concentrate on yourself.

Your sister....Just walk away. You or her will probably be out of the house soon. And if you have to talk to her do JUST that. TALK to her, no arguing. Be short, sweet and powerful with the words you use and she will probably get the point.

What you can do in the mean time is graduate High School. Look into going away to college and living in a dorm. If that isn't an option then stay busy working and going to a local college so you can save up money to move out and you won't be home as much. But what ever you do DON"T move out of desperation or with a guy(that will be more problems).

But in the mean time. Think less, quiet the mind. And when you do think, think good thoughts. This too shall pass. If you can read the '4 Agreements'

2007-11-09 09:40:24 · answer #2 · answered by NeeLynn12 2 · 1 0

Seems to me that you have a very important role in life if you've been looking after your brother. I'm sorry things are tough for you and I really hope things get better soon. You've got a lot of years ahead and you'll find the tough stuff you've been through will strengthen you. You make up your mind that you will do something with your life, and prove your Dad wrong. And when that happens you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that he knows it too, even if he never admits it. God didn't give you a tough life. He doesn't sit there giving out goodies or bad stuff to folk. Ask yourself, did he put some kids on the earth just to starve to death, or is it just chance?
Stuff just happens, and you should put your energy into making your life as happy as it can be. I bet you've made your brother happier than he would have been without you.

Try and make some friends away from your family too. And take pleasure from things like books and films and the Internet. There are a lot of folk who would like to enrich your life, so don't feel so negative. Find a hobby and some folk who like the same stuff as you.

Good luck.

2007-11-09 09:41:24 · answer #3 · answered by DavinaOpines 5 · 2 0

Hang on to the Lord. He will see you through this. Since you are unhappy, you make others unhappy. It is not because you aren't likeable. It is because you don't know how to be happy. We must make the best of what life we have. Things will get better. You will be rewarded for honoring your parents and helping with your brother. God isn't punishing you. God loves you more than anyone and God wants the best for you. Your dad is unhappy too or he wouldn't be saying the things that he says to you.

Study hard in school and do the best that you can. Get as much education as you can. You'd make a great RN - registered Nurse and they make good money. I don't even know you, but I know that you are good at taking care of people. You are very responsible, because you help your family. You are very respectful because you don't tell your mother to shut up like your sister. And even though your dad says bad things to you, you consider that your dad isn't perfect either.

Wait on the Lord, Sweetheart. Keep praying every day and one day He will make things better for you. What you are going through right now is making you a stronger person and you don't even know it. God Bless You.

2007-11-09 09:47:13 · answer #4 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 1

God is not punishing you. ok. Life is something that will always has its ups and downs. (sometimes more downs, unfortunately.) I will forever remember what i heard someone say: "It's not what people call you, it's what you answer to."
Sometimes people is going true a whole lotof mess with their own lives, they can't see how its affecting others around them. Some times they realise what's going on but they are to troubled to try to change or unfortunately in some cases, they just don't care.
You might be asking yourself what you are here for and losing your will to go on but there is a reason why you are around so long. Not to sound too churchy but God has a plan for your life. a plan so great, so brilliant you can't perceive it. Keep on praying, never lose that. Pray not only for your family but for yourself and your lil brother.
Think for a second , what would have happened to your lil brother if you weren't around. he may be in aworse of situation. who knows maybe that's probably a small reason for you still being here, for your brother to be able to grow up with a close to normal life.
Sometimes you have to make them understand what is happening with you, even if you have to pull in external help. ok. i know people might be vex thinking that you have no right to 'expose' them and 'put them in the spotlight' and they might dislike you more but at least you would've got some sort of help or backing both for you and your family.
the thing that most people hate to do in life bcuz it has been seen and people chastise it as a form of weakness is ask for help. Think for a moment the happiest thing you know of, or happiest time and believe that it doesn't represent even 1 trillionth of the love that God and little brother have for you and the admiration of alot. myself included.
Don't give them the satisfaction to see you crumble and fall. Become the best you can in life.Prove to them that you can.
Keep fighting an fight hard. This sort of situation makes us stronger and believe me when I say you are a lot stronger than you think you are. It is said that if you want anything, you have to believe you have that already. Keep praying, get some help, believe that you and your brother will get through.
I'll leave you with my favourite quote that has gotten me through a similar situation to yours, plus many others:
Read and believe:
"Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, no dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you may go."

2007-11-09 10:11:19 · answer #5 · answered by Leigh J 5 · 0 1

Sugar, God is your life. In fact He is the living spiritual substance in all living things, and we call Him life. He is more than mere life, He is HolyLife. A Holy Spirit or Ghost. He knows and sees what you are going through because He is living in you. You think you've got it bad, I am over Fifty years old, and I had to take care of my two brothers and little sister. Child, whenever they did something bad, and I didn't whip them for it, I got a whipping. I didn't ever get what I wanted for Christmas. The stress of being a teenager made me fat, and I was picked on at school every day by bigger, badder, guys, who beat me up. But, the Holy Life in me kept me here so that I would have a chance to tell you my story. We must unite with Him, in spirit and in truth, before we die, this is why we're born. And guess what, you sound to young to understand this but listen, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And everything I have said is the truth. Just hang on in there. I bet when you're fifty plus, you will look back at this stuff and be glad that HolyLife kept you too.

2007-11-09 09:57:32 · answer #6 · answered by Plato 2 · 0 1

I'm sorry that you're going through some hard times right now. But it seems like you have a lot of faith actually. Life can be really hard sometimes, and that's when its most important that you stay faithful. God leaves no prayers unanswered, but nobody can tell what He has in store for you. Just keep praying and I'm sure your life will be filled with more happiness. And as for friends... once your out of school most people don't stay in touch with many people from high school anyways, but I once heard that the easiest way to make friends it to let them talk and just listen to them, instead of talking to them. People love it when you ask them about themselves. Stay strong sweetie!

2007-11-09 09:39:30 · answer #7 · answered by ohio.is.for.lovers. 2 · 1 1

First of all honey, God is NOT punishing you!!!! i know where you are coming from with your dad... my dad mentally and emotionally abused me growing up... it wasn't til i was about 19 almost 20 that i finally stood up against him, but i still deal with my insecurities and depression from that. I wonder sometimes too why am i still alive? what's the point? but you know what? you have so much to live for!! you are taking care of your little brother who needs you!! can you imagine what would happen to him if something happend to you!? things will get better, your 17... once your an adult you will be able to make decisions based on your needs and that will put you back in control of your life, and trust me, it will feel great! hang in there honey, it will get better!!! whenever i am going thru a rough time, i think about how i got thru all my other rough times and i realize i am stronger than ever!!!!

2007-11-09 09:31:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, I hate the Cubs the main, then the Twins, then the crimson Wings, then the Packers so i assume I hate 2 communities from baseball till now I hate communities from the different activity. i'm a White Sox, Blackhawks, Bears fan btw.

2016-10-15 22:47:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a way out of your situation. It's called education.

Study hard, get the best grades you possibly can. Before you know it you will have gone away to university and left this toxic environment behind.

All th best, Xylo

2007-11-09 09:39:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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