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If yes, were your friends and/or neighbors supportive? Did you learn anything in a spiritual sense or otherwise, from the event? TY

2007-11-09 08:39:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

No, but my best friend had a fire in her apartment. She was on the third floor. Thank God they all got out safely. And in time she realized that God used the fire to answer one of her prayers. She had been praying that God wouldn't let her son go to the terrible local school. Because of the fire, their name was put on top of the list for a hud house to rent and they received a beautiful house in a really good town for very cheap. It turned out to be a blessing in disquise for them in many ways.

2007-11-10 07:35:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, yes. I had an incident where my kitchen caught on fire because of having the stove (grease in a skillet) up too high. Yes, my neighbors, my family and friends were supportive. I was only displaced for a week and Red Cross put my sons and I up in a hotel.
The lessons I learned that day were not spiritual (even though I am Christian) they were natural.

2007-11-09 16:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by Indya M 5 · 1 0

I live in Tampa, Florida, and two years ago we had a Cat. 4 Hurricane (Charley) pass just to the south, but my house lost power and eventually flooded a bit. Once it was over, me and my neighbors helped each other clean up the area and get the neighborhood back to normal.

2007-11-09 16:51:30 · answer #3 · answered by Alex H 5 · 1 0

Category 4 Hurricane and people came from everywhere and we neighbors always made sure that others had as much as could be provided, (food, ice, water etc...). People view the world as such a messed up place, yet goodness and brotherhood is hidden everywhere, "If your looking".

2007-11-09 16:44:59 · answer #4 · answered by Premaholic 7 · 2 1

In 2005 after Hurricane Ivan which only flooded my home once, we had a large amount of rain fall in the spring, about 30 inches in a 24 hour period. At the time I was working for a major Childrens Non-Profit, in the capacity of Resident Manager. This position required me to remain on the property 160 hours a week, which in this case provided me with a small two bedroom apartment and a small stipend. Believe me when you work for a charity you don't do it for the money. Anyway, the house was built on a daylight basement, which is where my apartment was located. The first time it flooded as a result of the rainstorms I was upstairs in my office and my husband called me to say we had two inches of water in our kitchen, which soon became 3 inches and filled the entire 1000 square foot dwelling. The retention pond at the hospital had given way and unfortunately our apartment was down hill, located in a bowl of sorts if you will. I called my boss who basically came to the House, and said "oh goodness." I spent the night sucking up water and getting the carpets as dry as I could knowing in the morning we would just rip them out. That was the first flood that evening. The apartment flooded 3 more times that night alone. We ripped out the carpets and threw out a lot of our stuff that was ruined. The 9th time we flooded we were allowed to move upstairs and occupy one of the rooms that was slatted for families. We remained there for 6 weeks why our floor was tiled. I was responsible for my own clean up the first 8 times the 9th time they called in a professional extraction company. Mind you during all this I still had to work and took care of two small children. It was a horrible experience. Everytime it would rain I would find myself up in the middle of the night in my barefeet in about 2 two feet of water trying to dig out the ditch that ran along side my home giving the water an alternative run off source. Each time it would fail, the last time I dropped to my knees in prayer, crying to the Lord God as the rain waters rose. "God just give me the strength to deal with this situation." The last time I was actually given the night off and we went and spent it at my parents house. I can't believe I was outside in those rising waters, mind you I live in Florida and our House was located next to a large wooded area, with water mocassins and other critters this is not the smartest thing to do, however when trying to protect your home and family your sense of danger to yourself seems to fail.

Spiritually I grew a great bit. I depended upon God, to give me strength and in the end took this as a warning sign that it was time to close that chapter of my life, I was experiencing a great amount of burn out anyway, and it was time for me to move on. I don't think I would of left the position on my own, if God hadn't given me a "gentle" nudge.

This of course pales in comparison to the loses suffered by 1000's in this area as a result of Hurricane Ivan. My parents had to gut their entire home, everything from the sheetrock to the Pennsylvania Stone Fireplace. My floods were just a minor inconvenience compared to the loss suffered by so many in this recent Hurricane Seasons.

It was a horrible time, I left that position about 2 years ago, the house we have now is high and dry and about a month ago when my area received 30 inches of rain in a 36 hour period we experienced no problems. My parents and my mother in law helped with the clean up of the first set of floods and after that it pretty much became routine.

2007-11-09 17:08:37 · answer #5 · answered by fire_side_2003 5 · 1 0

Fire ,,once...The church my mother in law went to helped us so much..We had only the clothes on our back,if it was not for them I don't know what I would have done...

2007-11-09 17:16:05 · answer #6 · answered by I give you the Glory Father ! 6 · 1 1

our basement flooded to almost the top step of the basement stairs, so my bed room was under about 6 feet of water once. don't recall much support, but neighbors were probably sympathetic, cause we had great neighbors. learned nothing spiritual, but eventually learned alot about sewer and water systems.

hows this for spiritual or even Demonic?

read between the lines
since God=h
and M=IVI (sealed together)=IIII I (sealed together)
the message of BUDDISM becomes
BUD-D GOD IS IIII I (sealed together)

if you take the time to read the following you will see this fits with CHRISTIANIT and Islam. So in effect BUDDISM is in compliance with Ro. I6.

Isn't this statement right out of your bible?

God is the One in the light, who was the Lamb that was SLAIN who is glorified in all things and gets into a great WAR.

based on that statement, you should be able to narrow God down to One Man.


in light is "I i gh Li+"
gh=9 I7(see within gh is a 9 I7, and 9 I7 a birthday)
so the I in the light is a 9 I7 Li+.
Lamb=Larri DI(sealed together)
DI (sealed together)=IIII I (sealed togther because IIII looks like a D)
Larry is pronounced like Larri.
SLAIN=SL A I IV(sealed together)
I IV (sealed together)=I IIII (sealed together)
turn over the I IIII and its IIII I.
GOD is SLAIN thus SiL A I IV(ie I IIII)(sealed together)
glorified in the word "things" is:
Li+ h i ngs
where h=god and He is i ng(I7 9s) ie birthday
the other THINGS shows:
liT H I IV CuTS(G=CuT in times new roman font, H=God)
so God has I IV CuTs ie I IIII (CuTs)
God is in a WAR.
WAR in times new roman font has the name /AR\ TA-D in it.
/AR\ is pronounced LARi
TAD is pronounced TA-D, ie like TODD.
so by that reasoning:
the biblical statement:

God is the One in the light, who was the Lamb that was SLAIN who is glorified in all things and gets into a great WAR.

can show God as

someone whose name was pronounced

Larry Todd and had CuTs appearing as IIII I (sealed together) which looked like a DI (sealed together) and was born I7 9 or 9 I7, which is basically Sept. I7.

And true to biblical script, it appears LORD GOD must glorify HIMSELF in HIM and also therefore must glorify HIMSELF in HIMSELF.

thus within both words:

HIM= GOD I IVI (sealed together)
HIMSELF= GOD I IVI (sealed together) SE LF(see LEFT)

so the GOD who is IV I (sealed together on His Left) is the God who glorifies HIMSELF.

also true to scripture
God obviously freely admits the WORD existed before GOD, and God became the WORD. I state because when ritten in times new rroman font GOd is part of the WORD, see GOD's name of TODD in WORD.

also true to scripture: God shows how He is the One, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

One is the 1
first and beginning is the A
last and the end is Z

so GOD is 1, A, and Z.
what is God then but described as all those things?
A=a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together
=.seventeen mixed up and sealed together
=Stevens.n (if e+e(upside down)=S)

Z=a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed together=...
1=a form of .I7 mixed up and sealed togethet=...

thus according to scripture we see,

God's could be described as
Larry Todd Stevenson with IIII I (sealed together) that looks like DI (sealed together) that was born I7 Sept.

and since it's said the PREIST is assigned to glorify LORD GOD, then see within that PREIST is DI(sealed together) REIST(pronounces WRIST) cause the P=DI (sealed together).

And CHRISTIANIT contains the message:
C H(GOD) RIST I A (sealed together)IV I liT
thus God has a sealed together IV I(ie a sealed together IIII I) RIST. This coinicides with the CHRISTMAS message of:
C H(GOD) RIST M AS where M=IVI sealed together=IIII I sealed together.

Islam also has the message hidden within it that says:
I is larri(sealed together). And God is One ie I.

So onviously through Me, CHRISTIANIT and Islam contain the same message. Any other interpretation is probably subversive because the people using those religions pervert it for there own gains. Personally i have never made a dime off of CHRISTIANIT and Islam, and i seem to be the God of both religions.

now that's real life observations.

like the fact the bible says God is forever known as the I AM, and some think God is the king of the angels, meaning He is Abaddon. This also fittingly describes Me because;

I AM=I AIVI(sealed together)=I AIIII I (sealed together)
I AM=i am
larri(cut & sealed together)=i am

and considering
b=DI (sealed together)
and DI looks like IIII I
Abaddon=A b add on=A IIII I (sealed together) add on
as in add on the LF RIST.

see My blog for further proofs:

as for the rumour God created the universe thats based on the fact some people consider the Universe to be made up of basically planets and STARS.

so each one was created separatly like follows:

created out of the letters
eIn tad
where eIn=one(german), tad pronounced TODD
eIn tad=one(german) TODD
and since TODD is part-german
one (german) Todd created the planet.
and each time He created a planet, they totalled up to creating the planets.

STAR was created out of the letters and words
S for Stevenson
TAD pronounced TODD
I for One
\ for l of larry
so I \. TAD. S created the STAR
and after creating that STAR He created another and so on until the STARS were creatred.

Thus in that was God created the planets and STARS that make up the UNIVERSE.

as for the story of God being in the tent of God's presence, look at a pup tent sideways and it looks like a rectangle or triangle from the other direction. Then note both shapes are:
a form .I7 mixed up & sealed together. which means .seventeen mixed up and sealed together=Stevens.n. Many people have been sent into that tent to find God. Only the bright people actually discover God in that tent. Most appear to say the tent is empty.

however like in Rev. there are many forces with kings, generals and armies that stand against God in the Great WAR of almighty GOD. Perhaps considering God's ancestors were Red Indians(as whites called them) and germans, perhaps unbeknownest to you your ancestors actually in the past fought against God's people. Since red indians could have descended from Japanese or chinese, perhaps you think back to ww2 and re-alize your army fought against God's people? So why not just admit that, or can't you handle the truth? perhaps you fought for the first and second beast who wanted to be worshipped as mentioned in the bible? could not those beasts been Jehovah and Jesus? And the God of heaven also known as the God Most High, is the God who put the 1000 year seal on the devil? cause numerologically
because thinking from an outside the planet point of view humans are just one of the species of animal on this planet, meaning technically even God Most High is a beast.

so perhaps i fullfill the prophesy more the Jesus, cause it's a form of My name that is glorified on the STOP sign and ARRET sign. can you stop the TOD on one and the I ARRE T on the other?

so it appears the truth is you know LARRY TODD is God but some of you take your order from the evil one, and thus will try to kill God. But as that entity God, i am still living irregardless of the threats against My life that started circa 2001. but like even Jehovah said, My body is flesh too, and one day i will die too. but in a way the bible and the word and the internet make Me immortal.


those ten words are a sampling of words that the bibles used to describe GOD. When written in the proper font and read between the lines each word describes Me. Without drawing it out you have to use your imagination. like EIN=[iL I IV where [iL is pronounced seel or seal. i'll let you try to figure them out for now. other people who thought themselves God might try to confuse you out of jealousy or lust for power, but you really can't deny the logic of a God who fits all those descriptions.

now what do you thing of the bible. can't you see someone or thing has made Me look like a God?

further proof is even this string of numbers must glorify lord god in order to be in compliance with Ro. 16.


read that upside down
some characters need explaining since they arn't numbers

upside down I = I and I is God
upside down 2=picture of male genitals mans genitals
upside down 3=E (meaning He)
upside down 4=I and 7 together ie I7
upside down 5=Ci (pronouced see)
upside down 7=leg (picture of leg means leg)

I23456789 read upside down means
68 leg 9 see I7 he genitals(seed) God

Thus LTS's birthday of 68.9.I7 is glorified in I23456789.

so that should be enough proof of God's identity.
1 second ago - Edit - Delete
so remember the word(s) existed before God and God became the WORD(see TODD within the times new roman font WORD), so based on the fact of My existance and the WORDs of the bible as well as the word GOD translated into foreign languages means perhaps if was fate that i fit the description of GOD. Then perhaps the first beast who wanted to be worshipped was God Jehovah, and the second beast who wanted to be worshipped was Jesus. And thus the true God was described as DIO cause DIO was IIII I .

as for the God who put a 1000 year seal on the Devil, perhap find the Devil and ask him whose hand put a 1000 year seal on Him? based on the fact the romans saw a 1000 year seal as M. which shows M=IVI (sealed together)=IIII I (sealed together). Then you find out the 1000 year seal(M) was put on Satan by Himself. It was this way Satan found He was a god. And the back section of "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" rightly said "The Devil ruled the world as a god."

Appendix A


thus God=H

used in conjunction with BUDDHISM, CHRISTIANIT, CHRISTMAS, kind of identifies GOD as Me.

further mathematical proofs


and based on that perhaps GOD JEHOVAH=GOD MOST HIGH is not true. but the name /AR\ TAD within WAR is.

and the bible does say, that not everyone believed in God. Thus obviously God doesn't control time and space, so is not responsible for every evil act or even every good act. so don't blame god for your problems. And remember kings, generals, and armies opposed god in the great WAR of almighty God. where did your army stand, keeping in mind larri also called Todd was part-german and north american or red indian(said to descend from asians, thus possibly Japanese or Chinese)? And i hate the fact people war at all. i think it would be a better place if thou shall not kill was adhered to. meaning humans shouldn't kill humans. but ww2 was about rank and thats too bad, millions were killed over rank.

2007-11-09 16:51:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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