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A local writer said, "Today’s college students tend to be more liberal and tolerant than their parents and grandparents." But he went on to smear Christians opponents of homosexuality as “our local Taliban,” and he called presenting the biblical view of homosexuality “smug and nasty Leviticus-mongering hatred of homosexuals.”

I'm wondering if sexual liberals endorse such tactics, and if Christian conservatives are cowed into silence and acquiescence.

2007-11-09 08:11:43 · 24 answers · asked by Bruce 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I hear quite a few posters saying that dissent against the current faddish views about homosexuality from those faithful to Judaeo-Christian traditions constitutes intolerance, and that intolerance should not be tolerated. Are biblical admonitions against homosexuality really comparable to totalitarian oppression?

2007-11-09 12:34:29 · update #1

24 answers

Yes, liberals do seem quick to embrace the tactics you describe.

They preach the gospel of "tolerance". What they mean is that they are tolerant of any ideas that don't conflict with their own.

But any belief that runs contrary to their way of thinking is branded as "hatred" and venomously ridiculed as "intolerant".
The sheer volume and shrillness of their scorn reveals their true intentions, and drowns out any meaningful exchange of ideas.

Liberalism is as much a religion as any other belief system. Their priesthood sacrificing integrity and truth on the altar of "tolerance".

2007-11-09 08:21:32 · answer #1 · answered by spencer7593 3 · 1 2

Okay, I am a Christian. I practice Love liberally. Is that conservative or liberal? I am not crowded into silence when it comes to His love...period.

But seriously, we cannot politicize God's love...when one steps into a political arena dragging Christs beautiful name across it all one is doing is warping the very Love that Christ is sharing with us and through us to others.

The biblical view on everything is Love and from the beginning; the progress of the Lord's redemption. We have no business shoving people's noses in anything...

"Antichristians" are that way because of certain people who claim that they are Christian (who practice their own brand of hate) and show nothing of Christs Love to those who need it most!

If one feels persecuted due to ones belief's...check out the beginning of the book of James...or read about what Paul has to say about suffering in any one of the letters or epistles...or, for that matter, flip open one of the 4 gospels to the end where Jesus suffered the worst persecution of us all due to us all. Not to mention how people of The Way have it in other countries. Count it Joy to...

"...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Matthew 12:30-31

2007-11-09 08:41:42 · answer #2 · answered by luna50051 3 · 0 0

I do not recall Christian conservatives being cowed into silence, missed that happening around here. However, I find it ironic that you call out liberals for practicing hate when they are simply standing up for oppressed peoples and speaking out against christian extremists who practice hate against homosexuals. Take a deep breath and read this again without your holly roller glasses on and you should get the irony here and have a better understanding of liberals and free speech, as well as protection of others rights. You see we live in a constitutional republic not a giant religous school run by the fundamental christians.

2007-11-09 08:24:37 · answer #3 · answered by tk 4 · 4 1

Just bc your a liberal does not mean that you are antichristian. Infact, I would say most liberals are christians to some extent. Liberals believe strongly in separation of church and state. Thus, they are very angry over the Evangelical party taking over the Republican party and dragging the party to the far right. Liberals believe that it is not right to interfer in same sex marriage or abortion bc the reason that society gives for not allowing them have a religious basis...Similarly, just bc your a republican or consider yourself conservative does not mean that your christian, as some are fiscally consertative and socially liberal....Personally, I am both a Christian and Liberal and I believe that homosexuals deserve to be treated as people and enjoy the same freedoms as the rest of us. Not to long ago it was African Americans that were the targets of social intolerance, and i would hate to see history repeat itself by homosexuals being denied basic civil rights...I dont think that all Christians are bad, I just wish that some Christians would stop making us all look like intolerant, prejudice Nazi's that are out to make everyone accept us as superior.

2007-11-09 08:26:05 · answer #4 · answered by smartass23 4 · 3 1

First: Tolerance is accepting people of other race, beliefs and ideas. It is letting people be who they are as long as thye hurt no other. It is living in harmony.

Second: Being non-tolerant is making laws that are based on your beliefs to control acts that you dislike but acts that are not hurting anyone else. So by definition the Christians being spoken of are anti-tolerant and of course a liberal person would oppose them!

Honestly I'm decently liberal (and yes I m straight). I support personal choice more than anything, and freedom of speech. Anything anyone does is okay as long as they aren't hurting anyone else-- you have the right to live as you see fit without others forcing you to live by their ideas. I won't force you to give up Christianity because I don't agree with it-- as long as you keep it out of my home I'm fine with you. That is tolerance.

I do view anyone who is keeping two people in love from marrying, regardless of gender, as something like a terrorist. It's pretty wrong to keep two people apart especially when they aren't hurting anyone else. There's no "liberal tactic" here...that guy was just telling the truth. People who oppose gay marriage are just being mean for the sake of it, and doing nothing good. They are just pushing their views onto others by the way of law, and it's wrong.

You always hear about Christians oposing gay marriage, but never once have I heard of a gay person opposing straight marriage.

It's not that we're against Christians, we're just against those few Christians making laws to control us. How messed up is it that someone wants me to live by their ideas and their religion based laws, when I don't share their beliefs and I am hurting no one else?

First, no gay marriage. Next, no tattoos or piercings. No workplaces open on Sunday. No eating pork...ths list goes on.

2007-11-09 08:23:41 · answer #5 · answered by mathaowny 6 · 2 1

The writer is right. Why should we be tolerant of intolerance? Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The same stupid arguments that Christians used to make the blacks into slaves are the arguments used today against homosexuals and its really disgusting.

2007-11-09 08:17:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

No, they went on to smear people who use the Bible to support their own intolerance. And when I say smear, I mean accurately depict.

How many "present the biblical view" of shellfish? Or slavery?

It's the mark of the intolerant one who simply wants to justify what they already believe.

Yeah, conservatives cowed into silence. That'll be the day.

2007-11-09 08:16:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

You can spin it any way you want, but as that article suggest, Christians are not a "tolerant" group. Just because someone supports gay rights, doesn't mean they are "sexual." (Although being sexual is NOT bad).

You've done a great job of continuing the Christian stereotype of intolerance. Congrats.

I'm liberal, and I'm all for bringing public attention to the absurdity that lies within Christianity.

2007-11-09 08:17:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

Anything that breeds hatred and deems it appropriate in Gods name is wrong - no matter what words you try to spin it with or ways you try to condone behaviors or red herring you throw up to divert attention from the pure hatred it's still just wrong.

2007-11-09 14:40:51 · answer #9 · answered by purple dove 5 · 0 1

This is a particular hypocrisy I do not understand.

They justify their hate by "hating back" basically. Why cant they just own their hate? Why put a nice little bow on the hate stating to be openminded and tolerant when in all actuality they are tolerant of what they agree with (and whats so hard about that) True character is kindness and tolerance for ones opinions, no matter what.

2007-11-09 08:16:29 · answer #10 · answered by Loosid 6 · 3 4

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