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Then why is there sin? If all comes from Him, and from his own image, why sin? Some say because He gives us a choice, but why give such a forbidden choice? We are from His own image, and look at us (mankind in general). What does that say about His image? If you are given the power of choice, and there is nothing of sin, then sin is something you can't chose. So explain to me, why sin? Whats the point? If he knows all, and what will happen, then there would be no reason to do it. If He gives a choice, and you chose wrong, then He will already have known before you do it, it seems more like a sick game than anything.

2007-11-09 08:09:06 · 22 answers · asked by Mike Tyson 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Without free will, we aren't children: we're just puppets or playthings for God.

When God made us, He wanted children to love, not toys to play with.

2007-11-09 08:12:10 · answer #1 · answered by Acorn 7 · 1 2

You know, that and the fact that it seemed "too good to be true" were the last two (and the longest lasting two) things holding me back from accepting that God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The resurrection, etc was truth. It is a very VERY hard issue to wrestle with and I don't envy you. See, you have to look at it not from the relativistic ideas of today (truth is relative, everything is relative, life is what you make it and you can believe or disbelieve anything regardless of its actual existence) but from the absolute that is truth. You seem quite smart so I am sure you remember in several areas in Algebra (1 or 2), Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry, etc that if JUST ONE thing in the equation does not figure in to make the rest of all of it true, then THE ENTIRE THING is false. OK, so apply this to the free will aspect: what would be the use of a LIMITED free will where we could only ever make right choices. That is not free will anymore is it? If I was mad (I mean REALLY FURIOUS at you-and not a Christian hopefully...in this case) and I was on the verge of beating the tar out of you and, of course, you like anyone who is mostly sane hopes-A LOT-that I change my mind and do nothing to you aside from saying I am angry at you for...whatever. Would you be more impressed if, after really putting yourself in my shoes and understanding how I could be so upset, I 1. COULD NOT as in it is NEVER an option because no human is anymore capable of flying (on their own) than hitting someone-in anger/purposely and so I did not hit you, or 2. I could very easily have done this and it really could have gone either way...but I CHOSE not to do it? I would think you would have no choice but to choose #2 because the first "world" had something so impossible, NO CHOICE, that few if anybody would ever let it cross their mind. Do you ever think of becoming a glass of prune juice? NO!! It's impossible and absurd. So there is no merit for us if we have not real choices. We ultimately have to make ONE HUGE DECISION in our lifetime. That is the CHOICE (God will NOT force Himself upon you), to believe Jesus is who He said He is, that is, God, to accept/ask Him into your life because you, like everybody else have sinned, admit that to Him, and believe that He really did rise from death so that we need not fear any part of our life because He has already been through every part that any of us might experience. Remember also, that once you do this, that is believe, then all of your sins, past present and future (that one will keep you up at night) are totally forgiven. Now, you have to make a choice not to sin just because you're already forgiven...something EVERY Christian struggles with. God Bless you.

2007-11-09 16:38:07 · answer #2 · answered by MICHAEL C 2 · 0 0

I'm sorry but you don't sound very "enlightened" at all. Why do you not apply reason to your thinking? Good cannot exist without evil just as light cannot exist without darkness. If there is nothing to chose between then there is NO choice and therefore there can be no free will. Your parents did this to you as they raised you. Did you not listen? They told you what you could do and what you could not do. They told you what merited rewards and what merited punishment. How is this different than the picture of God you are attempting to debunk? I can guarantee that you parents knew that you would make mistakes as you grew up...but they still hoped that you would not make them. Just as every action has a reaction...every choice as a consequence.

2007-11-09 16:14:52 · answer #3 · answered by Rance D 5 · 0 1

God made the angels, and they were made to serve Him, but he wanted a being that desired to serve Him. He made us and gave us free choice so that we can one day be His bride. God didn't creat sin, man sinned in the Garden of Eden. God made a way so that our sin could be forgiven and forgoten on Calvary. It is his will that none should perish, but when we make the choice, we suffer the consiquences. He does know all and sometimes with a carnal mind that is hard to understand, but through spiritual eyes you can see. Most ppl like this aren't wanting to understand anyhow, but just like to poke fun, so this probably won't mean diddly to you. It just depends if your heart is open or closed to these ideas. God bless,

2007-11-09 16:21:20 · answer #4 · answered by Nita 4 · 0 0

Life is hard. One is going to make moral mistakes called sins. We learn from our mistakes and get better. We struggle in life and get stronger, like exercising. We use God as our guide, so we don't mess up and get injured. God is not all powerful. We have power in our world, and we can make this world better, if we would accept the challenge before us. Serious problems could be address, and solved. Man can do amazing things, if he would only try hard enough, and not be affraid of struggle and some pain. We could become tough enough spiritually, if only we had better religious organizations, with the latest and best in spiritual ideas and training techniques. Our definition of God, does have to change to a better one..

2007-11-09 16:24:22 · answer #5 · answered by astrogoodwin 7 · 0 0

You base your nonsense on supposition. Sorry, but the premise of your argument is all wet.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and actually explain it to you.

I will use two examples to illustrate the point I will soon make.

First, is dark the opposite of light?
NO. Dark is the ABSENSE of light.
You can remove the total amount of light from an enclosed space, but once all the light is removed, you can not add more "darkness" to the room. When we say that a room is darker, it is a relative term that means that there is less light.

Second, is cold the opposite of heat?
NO. Cold is the ABSENSE of heat.
You can remove all the heat from a body, but once all the heat is removed, you can not add more "coldness" to the room. When we say that something is colder, that is a relative term wich actually means that there is less heat.

Now, to the point.

Is evil the opposite of good?
NO. Evil is the ABSENSE of goodness.
You can remove all the goodness from a person, but once all the good is removed, you can not add more "evil" to the person. When we say that something is more evil, that is a relative term wich actually means that he or she is less good.

When satan rebelled against God, he was pushing God away. God is good. When you push away the good, evil is what's left. Since he totally rejected God, satan is totally evil. God did not create evil. We "create" evil as we push God (Good) out of our lives. We have marred the very image of God by rejecting the God in whose image we were created. This makes us evil.

God can not know evil because it is outside His nature and character to be involved with evil, since evil is the rejection of God.

God gave us the freedom to be like Him, but if we choose to reject Him, then we are becoming more evil (actually, less good). If you choose to get closer to God, you become less evil (more "good", so to speak), but it is not God's doing to have us push Him away. WE do that!

God gave us the choice to follow Him, but if we turn down that freedom, then we become slaves to sin! That's not God's desire at all!

Is any of this making any sense to you? Or have you pushed God so far away that you can't understand because your heart is darkened from the lack of God's presence there?

2007-11-09 16:23:58 · answer #6 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 0 0

The last I heard, the answer to this was, "If you go out with your friend, and you know them really well, then you already know what they will order at the restaurant. Does your knowing this make their choice superfluous?"

Of course, this is a false analogy and doesn't account for the fact that god not only created your friend and the choice, but also was in control of the results of the choice. Silly theology.

2007-11-09 16:14:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Honestly - God just makes stuff, humans interpret it, generally based upon their own peceptions. When a society gets large enough and people believe the same things, laws are made. It really has nothing to do with the creative force in the Universe - even human hands wrote and editted all our holy books.


2007-11-09 16:13:28 · answer #8 · answered by carole 7 · 2 0

What I know is that there is love and good and the helping of others in the world. This is, in my experience, the essence and nature, the will, of God. There is also evil and hate, self-absorbtion and selfishness. To the extent I choose evil and hate I am running counter to the way I ought to be, the Way of the universe, to Love. Call it sin, call it whatever you like but it's still wrong.

2007-11-09 16:14:53 · answer #9 · answered by ledbetter 4 · 0 1

It is a difficult thing to understand but have a free will and at the same time he knows the future. He doesn't move in time like we do. He knows the end from the beginning, but in the mean time, we make our own choices.

2007-11-09 16:16:29 · answer #10 · answered by Neil 7 · 1 1

We are mankind, but an imperfect example. Jesus is the true example of mankind, not us. I see your poin,t but it's not a sick game... He wanted to give us the chance to experience life. Even though life can be rough, I bet most people wouldn't trade it for never being born.

2007-11-09 18:12:56 · answer #11 · answered by ohio.is.for.lovers. 2 · 0 0

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