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Why do you care so much about other people? It's no ones business on what dog they buy, or how much they pay for it. We don't sit and tell you where to buy a purebred, and tell you why would you spend that much money on a stupid purebred dog?
I own both purebreds, and a mix breed that is a designer dog. Everyone wants to say go to a shelter and get one, if you don't you are supporting byb's and puppymills, well let me tell you something, I'm sure you people who show your dogs, didn't get them from a shelter, so in reality everyone with a purebred that didn't buy from a shelter is supporting byb's or puppymills, because no one here thinks that any breeder is a good breeder, look at everyone question asked about breeding, and at least one person commetns about them being or supporting these things... If you people are so smart, why are you still supporting them to? What are the only good breeders in the world the ones you use? I'd say there's lots of great breeders out there.

2007-11-09 07:15:59 · 29 answers · asked by Brecken's Mommy 3 in Pets Dogs

As for did the breeder give us any health gurantee, yes she did, if anything was to happen the puppy get sick or die, she would refund our money, and give us another dog if we wanted... Also, you are wrong about mixed breeds being sickly, I've owned plenty of purebreds, that were very sickly, we had to even return some... Any breed of dog can be sickly, it doesn't matter if it's a purebred or a mix!

2007-11-09 08:02:08 · update #1

29 answers

I care because I get to deal with the mistakes people make when they buy puppymill and backyard bred dogs.

In all honesty, I make a decent amount of money rehabilitating these dogs and training their owners how to train them. My income would probably go down drastically if everyone only bought dogs from responsible, reputable breeders.

There are people on this forum who are responsible, reputable breeders. You just don't hear most of them in the cacophony of shelter workers, spay & neuter police and backyard breeders.

2007-11-09 07:28:29 · answer #1 · answered by animal_artwork 7 · 6 0


I don't give a damn about other people! They are in charge of their own destinies as far as I can see. I do however care about dogs. They cant speak for themselves!!!!!!
I've been rescuing them for 50+ years from both puppymill and BYB's. (I always find out where a dog has come from) I usually take the old and weak that no-one else wants, not because I'm a 'goodie-goodie but because it's also what I do for a living! I look after the old and disabled in Human society too! I've lost dog's through Heart disease at 8 years old, my last girl had a stroke at 6 yrs old and my new dog is 3yrs old and already she's had 3 litters of pups! At least the miller kept records! She's not even showable! Not because she lacks papers but because she lacks pigmentation! She will never be a fully fit dog as being bred from as she has without proper care or nourishment she has weak legs! She can't be worked which as a shepherd she should be or fully exercised though at least now she stands a good chance of living a decent life! Why was she bred from? So that some idiot could line his pockets! Nearly everyone I know who has a pure-bred show dog also has a 'rescue' dog and they do so because like me they love dogs. You call your dog a 'designer' dog but be honest it's a cross breed! Calling it a fancy name and paying an exorbitant price for it doesn't change the facts!!! Do you even know why the FIRST so called designer dog was bred? (Sorry to contradict you TLCtreecarer but you're wrong) It was bred to produce a dog that could be trained as a Guide dog for a Lady whose Husband was allergic to dogs. Poodles and most other dogs that shed little CANNOT be trained (they tried lots of them first) so the Labradoodle was born! Nowadays people just put any two breeds together and give them a fancy name and idiots buy them not caring where or how they were bred.
It's not the pure bred owners who support puppymills or BYB's it's people who want a dog as a pet and think that getting a pure-bred dog CHEAPLY is OK! Yes some people who breed at home are responsible and make sure that their dogs and those they mate them to are healthy and that the blood-lines and everything else are as compatible as possible, the same as there are bad breeders of show dogs who are only in it for money but sensible people research not only what breed to get but the best place to get it from!
You may not like the answers I give when some idiot asks a question that NO Responsible breeder would even need to ask and you may say it's none of my business but I'll carry on doing so! If one person stops and listens and thinks perhaps I shouldn't breed my dog afterall, I'll achieve what I set out to do!
The people on here that say don't support the puppymills and BYB's dont support them when they buy a pure-bred dog because they make sure that the breeder is one of the great ones out there!

2007-11-09 18:17:04 · answer #2 · answered by willowGSD 6 · 2 0

Why do I care?

Why wouldn't I? I hate that there is suffering in the world, both human and animal. You might claim that it's nobody else's business, but the reality is that if you (for example) support a puppy mill, you are condemning more animals to suffer. If I can reduce the amount of suffering, I'll be happy.

Should I encourage people to give financial support to people who are responsible for so much suffering (whether they mean to or not)?

Yes, I do recommend that most people who are after a dog go to a shelter. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that by taking a dog from rescue you are helping to save the life of one dog.

If you only require a pet, you will be able to find one that's suitable within the rescue system.

I do not condemn ALL breeders. There is an important distinction to make between responsible breeders and irresponsible ones (aka puppy mills / BYB). Obviously, if EVERYONE stopped breeding dogs they would become extinct (as in the "one generation and out" model as supported by the Animal Rights groups).

My own view is that breeding should be done responsibly. If somebody buys a dog from a responsible breeder (see link below for a summary) then they are supporting GOOD breeding practices.

A responsible breeder takes great care to create healthy dogs and to place them in suitable homes. They offer an after-care service, which includes giving advice to owners. It includes taking the dog back if things don't work. In short, they do all they can to ensure that the dogs they create have happy lives, and that any burden on the rescue system is minimised.

A backyard breeder does not do these things.


ADD: You are right when you say that not all breeders of purebred dogs are ethical. IMHO it's far more important HOW a dog is bred than WHAT is being bred.

However, whilst the number of "designer dogs" ending up in shelters continues to rise - I can't bring myself to support the people who cause that. If you're not breeding to create something better than what is already out there - then IMO you have no business breeding.

If you can justify WHY designer dogs are better than what is out there already (without resorting to lies) then you'll have taught me something.

2007-11-09 16:07:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are an angry person over something some one said or did and over pure breds and mutts. Well show dogs have to be registered with AKC. They do this so that the blood lines of the dog is pure like a poodle is a poodle and a yorkie a yorkie not a mix. Shelter dogs are what we in the show and all animal realted employees consider a pet dog and they are just that wheather they be a pure bred at the shelter or a mutt they are a pet and no matter how beautiful and cute they are they cannot be proven to be of good blood line there are a diffrence and maybe you should investigate further before you fly off the handle and rant and rave about how wrong breeders are. Dogs are dogs no matter what there pedigree and just want love but they have to have a degree for a good job just like us. We have diplomasand masterets, they have a Pedigree.

2007-11-09 15:46:06 · answer #4 · answered by stacy g 4 · 1 0

Everybody has their own opinion on what's right and what's not. I personally feel that adopting from a shelter is good, but I also know that there are good breeders in the world and they aren't all puppy millers and bybs. I have a beautiful, purebred Dachshund that I rescued from a puppy mill, but I don't show her. I feel that rescuing dogs is the best way to go, for me anyways, but everyone has their own way. My dog in the picture was going to be euthanized, I heard about it, went to go save her, and now I'm probably going to save another from dying tomorrow and I didn't pay a dime for her, even though to me, she's worth millions because she's such a wonderful dog! I would never pay for one from there, but I'd sure as heck save it's life if it's in as bad conditions as I found mine in. I don't care how much somebody spent on their dog. It's not my money. I do care that people breed their mutts though to make "designer" dogs, which are really no more than mutts though. That's not to say they can't be good dogs, but that can cause health problems and there are already too many deserving dogs that need good homes. I also care that people breed their purebred dogs at too young an age or too many times. There are several good breeders, but in all honesty, there are several sucky breeders too. Just the other day, in a city near mine, there was a puppy mill raid at a Dachshund puppy mill, and there was a Dachshund laying in its urine and feces and weighed 1 pound AND it was used for breeding! I would most definately not call that a good breeder.

2007-11-09 15:36:05 · answer #5 · answered by Dachshund gal? 4 · 1 0

If you have a problem with what they are saying just ignore them they are idiots!!! If you buy a dog from a breeder then that breeder would probably have put them in a shelter eventually if they didn't sell them. all you have to make sure of is that it is not a puppy mill and a good way to tell if it is a puppy mill is if they breed more than 1 or 2 different types of breeds then they probably are a puppy mill. So if you do buy from a breeder than you are just keeping dogs out of the shelter so good for you for buying a dog! A lot of puppies from p.m die a couple of days later because they are so badly treated they are never cleaned except maybe before they are shipped to a new owner and they are malnourished! i bought a purebred sheltie from a breeder because they are smart, small, and i love shelties i just made sure the breeder was good and my puppy is great and I've had him for 1 1/2 years one thing you never do is get a puppy without seeing the place they have lived in if a breeder suggests that you meet them 1/2 way they probably don't want you to see the home and that is a very bad sign. F.Y.I. Also you do not need a pure bred for agility.

2007-11-09 15:36:31 · answer #6 · answered by jellypuffer0362 2 · 1 3

Where you get your dogs is a personal choice. I tell everyone to buy from a responsible breeder or shelter. If you buy from a puppy mill or byb , you could end up with a sickly dog plagued with genetic problems. So no not every dog bred by a byb or puppy mill is sickly, but why gamble ? I have bought most of my dogs from breeders or , I bred them myself. I wanted to know exactly what I was getting, a high quality puppy that meets breed standards. Yes, I do have one shelter dog GSD/Lab mix that we love dearly. I'm not going to overpay someone for breeding uneithically, when I can get the same dog at a shelter for $100 or less.

2007-11-09 15:32:04 · answer #7 · answered by redneckcowgirlmo 6 · 6 0

There are a lot of good breeders out there. I have gotten dogs from good breeds many times. I have never supported BYB or puppymills.
Shelters are a good option for many people and that is great, but that view should not be forced on everyone!! Neither should the idea of buying from a breeder!!

2007-11-09 15:22:09 · answer #8 · answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7 · 11 0

You're just ranting... which is a reportable offense.. Im not gonna tho because I agree with you.. to a point.
There are a lot of good/great breeders out there.. but there also a lot of bad irresponsible ones...
Purbred or Mixed breed doesn't matter so much.. the debate and the point that Posters try to shed light on most is WHAT breed of dog is right for you and your lifestyle.
A lot of people dont really research a dog breed that much before getting one.. unfortunately they just see that the newest fad is to have a toy dog, so they rush out and buy a chihuahua or maltese or yorkie and dont realize that these dogs require exercise and companionship that they might not be willing to give/have the time to give.
Thats all that people try to tell other people in this section... so lighten up a lil.

2007-11-09 15:24:02 · answer #9 · answered by Peter Griffin 6 · 5 0

I care because I have two of the dogs that those puppymills are producing that people like YOU support! You know how much their health problems will cost me in their lifetime because people like YOU won't stop buying from pet stores?

Let me tell you... when my dog was 8 months old the vet told me she was destined to have surgery on both knees and have arthritis for the rest of her life because of BAD BREEDING PRACTICES. Is that any way for a dog to live its life?

And your question makes no sense... if you had read any of MY answers about stupid BYB's on this site... you'd know the difference between a BYB and a reputable breeder... reputable breeders DO NOT contribute to overpopulation, or the success of pet stores or puppy mills. Get your facts straight.

2007-11-09 16:02:03 · answer #10 · answered by Amanda 6 · 3 1

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