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I am young and I love God with all my heart...but i deal alot with masterbation..and i need to know what to do..I pray about it..but sometimes i slip up...I feel like i really let God down.

2007-11-09 06:31:28 · 33 answers · asked by temple_of_his_spirit 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Interesting that people presume you are a guy in their answers. As for answering your question: if you truly think masturbation is wrong, why do you do it? I doubt you sit around and think to yourself "what can I do now to hurt God? I know, I'll masturbate!" Of course not. Instead I think it is a matter of weakness.

People will tell you masturbation is ok, but so what? What matters is how you feel about it. As long as you feel bad about it, you should try to look for ways to align your actions with your beliefs. Are there situations where you feel more temptation than others? Avoid them. Are there activities that take your mind off of it? Do them. Are there ways to find pleasure that you consider good? Pursue them.

Even though you work at it, you may fall. But God is not stupid. God knows the difference between you falling for a weakness and doing something just to be hurtful.

2007-11-09 06:47:46 · answer #1 · answered by Tommy 5 · 1 0


Its good to hear that you truly desire to be acceptable to God and that your conscience is being bothered by these actions of yours.

While many will say things like ''its natural'' ..''it doesn't harm you'' etc this advice is not Bible based.
It is advice generated from imperfect people going after their own desires.. so it is hardly reliable.

The facts of the matter is that to please God a person must be clean, clean in a number of ways.

The first and most important cleanliness is being 'clean' spiritually.
This means that we follow what is really written in the Bible regarding what we believe , in our daily lives ,and in our worship.
This of course means leaving behind things that are not taught in the Bible , such as the teaching of hellfire , the trinity , and the immortal soul , which are well known pagan teachings.

Another way we must be clean is morally.
Yes our actions must be moral , and in harmony with what God expects from us.
Regarding sexual matters God has made it clear about the use of that part of our life.
Masturbation isn't a sin like murder or stealing , but it is an uncleanness , as it deviates away from the normal use of our body , according to Gods standards.

Like I said before to please the living God in the heavens - Jehovah fully , we must be clean in this regard.

No doubt it is a big struggle , and you are not alone in this matter , it is a common weakness.
But it is better to fight the weakness than give yourself over to a disapproved state of low morals.

That is what many people in the world have done today , they believe that ''anything goes , it is all ok , do what you want.''

Keep on trying , you will succeed if you work hard at it.

For more Bible based info please feel free to email me.

2007-11-09 07:13:17 · answer #2 · answered by I♥U 6 · 0 0

OK, I have answered this question many times before. Catholics will tell you it is a sin and will use the story of Onan as an example (Read Gen 38:7-9). They err in that Onan did not masturbate, he lay with his brother's wife to provide an heir for his brother as the law demanded, but refused to provide the heir! He had the pleasure of the act, but would not provide a child because he did not want to have to share the inheritance, this has nothing to do with masturbation. Masturbation is discussed in Lev 15:15-19. If you have the seed of copulation on you, then you are considered unclean, must wash, remain unclean until evening and then you are clean again. Being unclean is NOT a sin. All sin requires a sacrifice. Being unclean simply means that you cannot enter the temple until you are clean (you were also considerd unclean if you touched a carcass, but it is not sinful to touch a carcass). The sin comes in the thoughts that you have during masturbation. If you are thinking about your wife...no sin. If you are thinking about someone other than your wife...sin. If you are not married and are thinking about a particular woman, then you are lusting after her and that is a sin. The sin is the thoughts you have, not in the act itself.

2007-11-09 07:22:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The answer is simple, but it's so profound that it's hard to accept. Masturbation is a sin. If Christ died for your sin/sin nature, then why do you have to struggle with something that He defeated over 2000 yrs ago. Your problem is a faith issue because if you truly believed in His finished work on the Cross, then you would know how to walk in victory. Not to say that you wouldn't "fall" into sin or even be overtaken in a fault, but you would not live in sin or plan to sin. Because you have a desire to live for God, He will get you where you need to be. He knows that the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing. Just Pray that God will help your unbelief and don't listen to all these people saying everyone masturbates. This is not true!

2007-11-09 06:52:43 · answer #4 · answered by Gail R 4 · 0 1

Continue doing what comes naturally, but stop beating yourself up over it!

No loving god would implant strong sexual desires in you and then tell you you cannot fulfill them.

Plus, if you're male, your body is going to work its sexual cravings out one way or the other. The difference is whether you want to get it done awake and in a relatively sanitary fashion or at night when it will be more embarrassing and likely to ruin a pair of pants.

2007-11-09 07:01:44 · answer #5 · answered by Minh 6 · 1 0

I don't really think God created us with a sex drive and then sits there and laughs when he sends us to eternal damnation for committing these alleged "sins of the flesh."

I don't subscribe to the doctrine of absolute abstinence. If there were such a thing, there would be a lot more wars.

Also notice the ratings people got for there answers. Thumbs up for "go ahead no problem," thumbs downs for "you heathen, how dare you."

2007-11-09 07:01:12 · answer #6 · answered by Dr. AjC ♍ 3 · 0 0

Don't listen to Atheists they're fools that will burn forever in hell. Jesus said, "whoever looks at a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart."
If you're struggling with this sin, remember look to the cross, and not to yourself. It will be impossible to overcome this sin on your own, you need to pray to God that he would give you a hatred for what he hates. The desire may always be there, but it will become less of a force the longer you refuse. Whenever you're tempted to sin, do something else to get your mind off of it. Whatever you do, do not even think on lustful thoughts, or it will be to hard to fight it off.
If you find victory over sin, God will always bless your life.

2007-11-09 06:50:07 · answer #7 · answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7 · 0 1

Masturbation is natural, healthy, pleasant, common so just go ahead and enjoy dear.

Oh by the way, thinking that invisible things are around you, watching you, listening to you and influencing your life are symptoms of schizoid delusional mental disorder. If you have those symptoms, you should speak to a psychiatrist. He will help you get rid of religious superstitions and delusions.

2007-11-09 06:51:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God made each of us, and as you know we are not perfect. Oh and by the way..... It's pretty normal, I don't know anyone who has not masturbated before, and as you get older you will not do it as much. LOL Blessings young one, all is well. You will be fine.

2007-11-09 06:38:49 · answer #9 · answered by Bobbie 5 · 5 0

Prayer is mental masturbation, so you might say masturbation is central to religion. Instead of loving imaginary beings, I suggest finding a real partner, then you won't need either physical or mental masturbation as much!

2007-11-09 06:53:21 · answer #10 · answered by Brent Y 6 · 1 1

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