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i think it is horible and bad but thats my oppinion

2007-11-09 06:23:01 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adoption

45 answers

Many people say it is horrible
and i belive it most defently is.
But if i was pregnant,
i might have to have an abortion.
I can not take care of a baby at 14.
And Sadly for most girls, it is a desperate
and their only choice.

2007-11-09 08:22:20 · answer #1 · answered by Irreplacable <3 3 · 3 5

This debate causes so much heartache and sleepless nights that it is sickening.

Let's say for a second that we banish and outlaw abortion totally. What happens? Women resort to inferior methods of terminating a pregnancy. Taking drugs, drinking household cleaners, back alley abortions, suicide. Is this really a positive? If a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy badly enough she will move hell and high water to do so.

Now let's look at the other side of the coin. Abortion is legal and safe worldwide. It has been statistically proven that countries that embrace legal abortion actually have a lower abortion rate! That's right LOWER.

Viability of a fetus is what the real question is. Not abortion itself but when exactly does a pregnancy become a life? At conception? When the first brainwaves are detected? When the fetus can survive outside the womb? Or is it when the egg and sperm meet and the possibility of a future infant is formed?

Then there is the other side of it. When is it acceptable to terminate a pregnancy if you believe that a zygote or embryo is a life? If the mother was forced against her will into the act of reproduction? If the mother's life is a stake? If the fetus will not survive the birth? If the mother simply chooses not to carry the pregnancy to term?

There is no cut and dry answer to this. An eye for an eye and a life for a life. We condone killing in the name of war, god and justice but not in the name of a woman's right to her own reproductive health and well being.

May the Lady hold the unborn close to her heart until the time is right to once again release them into the world as She and only She sees fit. Brightest Blessings. If you can bring your god into the debate then I can bring my Goddess. She is tolerant and loving. As much as I hate to preach I detest being preached to.

2007-11-09 20:59:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a mother of 5 adopted children. all of my kids came from the foster care system in my State. These kids were neglected, beaten, malnourished and destine for horrible lives. My husband and I were childless and married for 16 years so bringing these kids into our home was a big change for us. They were 3,3,18m, 2 and 5 months. I thank GOD everyday for these kids. Believe me we tried working with the families and reunification and they didn't comply...now we often wonder where these little soles would of been if there wasn't DHS/Foster parenting/Adoption and people willing to open their hearts and their homes. You my dear were very lucky to have grown up with BIO parents and not abused, neglected etccc..and your right it is just your shallow opinion. But stop and think of all the poor children in this world that are born into terrible families...did they ask for this..NO. Also if an unplanned pregnancy happens thank God again that adoption is an option or we would probably have more children in Foster care in every state or possibly more murdered kids because some parents can't cope...I feel better...

2007-11-10 05:03:27 · answer #3 · answered by mrsbsy06 2 · 0 0

Heather is right wrong section for this question. Go to law and ethics and ask again. Now having said that, abortion and adoption do not equate, read it again it is not even close to being the same issue.

I have done both, the abortion I don't regret in the least, my daughters adoption? I regret that every single day of my life since I lost her. Abortion should never have been legislated in the first place. It is between a woman and her doctor and her god (if she believes in one) no man, or woman has the right to tell another what to do in this situation. Please spare me the whole "so many couples who can't have babies" arguement. With that said, please take your moralizing, patronizing, santimonious protestations somewhere else.

2007-11-09 20:07:15 · answer #4 · answered by Mary G 3 · 1 0

I myself think its wrong. There are to many people out there that are willing to take a child that a mother doesnt want. If you think its ok well let me say this. A person can get an abortion at anytime.This means if she is 35 weeks she can had a partical abortion. This is where they induce the mother and before the baby is born they stick a needle in the spine to kill the baby. This way they dont have to have make record of this baby. It was still born to them. Well, my daughter was born at 32 weeks and was in the NICU and lived. So a woman has one at 35 weeks this is a BABY, A HUMAN!!!!! A woman can have one at 22 weeks. Guess what,,,,,there are babies born this early and make it. So, dont tell me this isnt a baby. WHO ARE THEY KIDDING!!!!!!! IF you DONT want a child then dont go out and have sex. Abortion KILLS unwanted babies. So before you can say its ok got to a NICU and see these babies that are born at 22,23 and 24 weeks and then make a choice or go to an abortion clinic and see what they do.

2007-11-09 14:35:37 · answer #5 · answered by Amie M 3 · 2 0

I personally believe abortion is both right and wrong. First of all, let me just say that no one has the right to judge anyone who has had an abortion without understanding the situation first. For those who say that abortion should be outlawed, how you thought about what the consequences. It would lead to illegal abortions done incorrectly or unsafely possibly causing the mother die. For women who have been raped have to deal with the depression of being pregnant with a child they never asked for and this could lead to the women taking her own life. Then there's the women who just arent ready to become mothers or arent stable enough to provide for a child. I'm sure thats were the topic of having safe sex comes in and the solution of just putting the baby up for adoption... well all that does is put another baby in a foster home and hoping that he/she gets adopted by a good family. By no means am I justifying an abortion is right but these are just things that I feel should be taken into consideration. I do believe abortion is wrong for those who us it as a birth control method. Every women has the right to choose what is right and wrong for herself. They may live with the guilt of killing a baby but then again they could be just as miserable raising a child they didnt really want.

2007-11-09 09:31:46 · answer #6 · answered by = )~ 1 · 3 2

Your opinion can change, given on your situations in life.
For myself, I had an abortion when I was sixteen years old because I was forced into sex by someone who I thought cared about me. I was young and scared and unprepared.
Now, however, I strongly regret it. I went through a horrible miscarriage, and I'd give anything to change the past.
I'd never have an abortion now, no matter what the circumstance.
So again, it depends on your experiences and views.

2007-11-09 07:40:16 · answer #7 · answered by Ens5909 4 · 5 0

This needs to be between a woman, her doctor, and her God.

The government needs to get its collective nose out of a medical procedure.

I shouldn't get to make this choice for anyone but ME, and neither should you.

For you guys out there that are screaming about "father's rights": you made your choice when your pants hit the floor. Now your job is to support the woman in HER choices, whatever they are.
You didn't want a kid... keep it in your pants. You DO want a kid? Discuss it with her BEFORE your pants hit the floor!

2007-11-10 02:03:43 · answer #8 · answered by mommy2squee 5 · 0 0


One aspect bothers me though, if you are selectively terminating a pregnancy by choice....very little pain relief is administered. If you are losing a pregnancy, (are married, and insured) - general anstheia will be used.... Very different types of pain management for the same procedure.

In one circumstance the procedure is done in a punitive way - the other in a humane way.

Our society really sucks sometimes.

2007-11-11 15:48:05 · answer #9 · answered by Adoptionissadnsick 4 · 0 0

I've always been a big disbeliever in abortions but recently I was raped and I didn't hesitate for a second to take the morning after pill. In the event that I do become pregnant, I'd be beating the abortion clinics door down. I wont bring a rapist's child into this world for my husband to raise. I just couldn't do it...

2007-11-09 07:28:15 · answer #10 · answered by carolinaz_most_wanted85 4 · 3 2

Abortion is disgusting and cruel. How can someone live with themselves if they take the life of an innocent person? And YES human fetuses or zygotes may as well be people because that is ULTIMATELY what they BECOME! Some babies are so developed by the point that it occurs that they can FEEL their bodies being torn up and ripped into pieces! It's murder and never should have been legalized...murder is illegal but I guess some prejudiced, fickle people failed to take that into account because "a woman should have the right to do what she wants to with her body"! Well it's not just HER body, it's HER BABY'S body too! I disagree that women should have the right to abort just because it's their body. If they made the conscious decision to have sex, knowing FULL WELL that pregnancy was VERY likely to occur then they deserve to suffer with the consequences of their actions...NOT THEIR BABY! Shame on them! How can women be so selfish? Even if the baby occurred as a result of rape or something of the likes, there are enough people in this world who are unable to have children of their own who'd LOVE to adopt! I also disagree with aborting because of disabilities or birth defects...no doctor can tell you if your baby has the gusto to continue living. The chances could be 1 in 100 but guess what? People have overcome those odds! Some of the most talented and smartest people were born with a disability, be it physical or mental. Adoption is an option! Abortion is not! Sorry to be harsh but abortion flat out pisses me off and I LOATHE it with a passion.

Both my brother and myself were adopted and had it not been for God's good grace in leading the decisions of our mothers we would cease to be here. I would not be able to sit here and deliver my personal belief had my mother selfishly aborted me.

2007-11-09 09:58:05 · answer #11 · answered by carebearnmbr46 3 · 2 4

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