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I am really concerned with seculars thinking that it is OK to try and take away our way of life and freedom to worship. When the government can regulate what is being taught in the churches and how a preacher may preach to his people. Whether or not they can state what the Bible teaches on things like homosexuality and hell? Do you think the secularists are going too far? Please be respectful and say whatever you think! What do you say........American?

2007-11-09 05:39:29 · 34 answers · asked by Marie 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Amen Bert!

2007-11-09 08:29:41 · update #1

34 answers

Unlike the most of your answers, I have been aware of the bills they try to sneak past us that would take away our religious freedoms and shut us up. Luckily the harshest ones have been stopped in their tracts. Still all too many religious freedoms are being lost every day under the radar of most Christians. We better wake up and get involved before it's too late and we are jailed for hate speech for spreading the Gospel as we have been commissioned to do. What makes me so sad is the number of "Christians" that have no idea what this nation was founded on, and what a lie the so called separation of church and state is. Many even misguidedly support it. It will take an intervention of the Holy Spirit at this point to open the eyes of people, the lie has grown such tentacles into the fabric of our society.Folks believe it to be the truth. Some because they like it that way and don't really care what the truth is and others because they have been deceived. I shudder to think what can happen if a Democratic president gets into office with this much control already in the hands of the Democrats.We'll be looking at something very similar to Communism.May God have mercy on us. All I can say is, to those who see... keep interceding to God for our nation and ask Him to open the eyes of the people , and the Leaders to the truth. God bless!!

2007-11-09 07:41:25 · answer #1 · answered by BERT 6 · 2 1

No one is taking away anyone's freedom to worship. When Christians whine that kids cannot pray in school, they are WRONG. How would anyone know if a child is praying? What is not correct is to have teacher-led prayer. Can you honestly expect a High School Chemistry Teacher who is Hindu to lead his class in Christian prayers, whether he likes it or not? That's silly.

What the Bible teaches about Homosexuality and Hell is not relevant to the public good. Anyone who feels the need to believe the bible instead of think for themselves, is free to do so. Government should not and DOES NOT force people to believe or not believe certain things.

The US Government cannot and does not regulate what is being taught in churces, or how preachers may preach. I dare say, if a preacher, however, threatens someone with harm in his sermon, he will and should be investigated in the interest of public safety. This does not abridge his right to say what he wishes, however.

The secularists who authored and ratified the US Constitution were correct to keep religion and government disentangled. This separation accomodates everyone's right to worship (or not) as they please. And it forces NO ONE to worship a certain way, or at all. On the whole, it accomodates everyone and harms no one.

I find it utterly remarkable that Christians and others harp so much on what consenting adults do with each other in private. My former stepfather, an outwardly Baptist person did not engage in speaking or condone others using profanity. But he didn't think twice about practicing adultery. This is not isolated. Among christian Americans, this is very common.

2007-11-09 05:56:33 · answer #2 · answered by coralsnayk 3 · 0 1

You hit the nail on the head. There is a conspiracy to strip away all the rights of christians. To remove all the rights given to us by God through our forefathers. Lesbian feminists like Rosie O' Donnel calling christians 'terrorists'. People getting arrested for protesting against homosexuality. What happened to 1st amendment rights? We have a right to protest our government. This conspiracy spans WAY back. Some of the evidence has been there for us to see all along. On the back of any dollar bill, you will see the words NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, which stand for 'New Secular Order'. Above those words, you find an unfinished pyramid. The unfinished pyramid is actually a trapazoid, which is the most significant symbol in satanism. The eye above the pyramid stands for the 'great architect', or in other words, lucifer. How dare those hypocrites print 'In God We Trust' on the same bill? We are yielding our freedoms little by little. The 911 terrorist attacks provided Bush with an excuse to increase government spending, and declare a non ending global 'War on Terror'. Not only are we being policed here in america, but now the entire world is being policed, because anybody can be considered a potential 'terrorist'. Let's not forget about the two boys who had to register as sex offenders and have their lives destroyed because they swatted some girl's rear end. They were put under the same category as rapists and child molesters, because of something so minor. The government is striving to CRIMINALIZE EVERYTHING. There is a war on freedom, a war on our constitutional rights, and most of all, there is a WAR ON CHRISTIANS. The only thing that stops these monsters from rushing into our homes and putting computer chips up our asses is that some of us take full advantage of our 2nd admendment rights (hehe). 'Gun control' is a conspiracy to disarm the citizenry, so that we will be unable to resist when the global elite invade our homes. We must fight back as christians and americans. We must preserve the rights our forefathers were willing to give their lives for to give us. "Give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry

2007-11-09 06:06:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

the government can't regulate what preachers can say as long as there isn't killing or rioting. Preachers can say whatever they like about homosexuality. Have you heard of the Westboro Baptist Church? They go around saying awful things about gay people and protesting at soldier funerals, and they're basically untouchable (except a recent lawsuit by a person whose son's funeral was invaded by the protestors) you've been deceived by people who think this secularism is really happening. there's no real war on Christmas either. Fox News uses stories from years ago and distorts the facts so much, the people in the stories are left scratching their heads, wondering where they came up with such garbage.

2016-05-28 23:18:52 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I've read the other answers, and the people who do not see that our religious freedoms are being trampled must not be in the churches where pastors are arrested for preaching what the Word of God says.
Don't think that it's only in other countries, it's here, too...it's simply that no one cares anymore, so they don't make it public, and if they do, they put a spin on it, so you don't really know what happened.

As for those of you who think we (Christians) try to "spew" our religion at you...Please don't put us all in the same group. Where I come from, the Truth of the Word of God is preached. If you don't want to listen....DON'T, but leave us alone and/or those who would hear what we have to say.

Also, those of you who think all Christians are "gay haters" ... oh please!!! There are some who would do wrong things to homosexuals, we are not all the same...

Talk about stereotyping people. Just because you had a bad experience, or heard of a bad experience with someone who says they're a Christian, don't put that on all of us....just as the Muslims who are terrorists don't speak for all Muslims.

Sorry, got off on a tangent...bottom line here...we ALL need to be careful that the government doesn't take away our GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS as set up in our Constitution. And if you don't see that happening, you're not paying attention, or you have your head in the sand.

2007-11-09 05:57:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

"Secularists" like "Christians" are terms so broad as to be meaningless.

As for our rights being violated that some have harped on here, can they name them? What "rights" have we lost under the Patriot Act? (I mean be specific.)

Ever hear the term "political correctness" the left uses to silence others? How the "incorrect" end up in jail, fired from their jobs, etc.? Isn't that a violation of free speech?

How come the ACLU will sue to close down anything Christian in a public school, but Ignore Muslims under the guise of multiculturalism? Wasn't Islam a religion and a very violent one to boot? How many Christians have blown up buses, trains and aircraft today?

How many Christians were rioting and killing in the streets over some Danish cartoons?

Why is it a hate crime to flush a Koran down a toilet, but not putting Jesus in a jar of urine?

Why is not multiculturalism, part of a pseudo-religion known as Marxism, that's extremely hostile to all Western values in general and Christianity in particular, permitted to be dispersed in the public schools?

Why is secular fundamentalism OK but religious (Christian only) fundamentalism bad?

2007-11-09 06:40:55 · answer #6 · answered by Lewis L 1 · 0 0

I am an American, & in my Church we do not compromise anything, if the bible says homosexuals is a sin we will also say it is a sin. No government can take away from you what is in your soul, In fact our church is broadcast live all over the world, & we preach against homosexuals, Now we have not heard one thing from The USA government, & if we are ever forced to close our doors, then we will have church in our houses.

2007-11-09 06:00:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, I don't think our freedoms were being eroded. In an earlier era--someone picketing the funeral of a fallen soldier with the kind of trash that "church" and i use the term loosely--in an earlier era--they'd have been tarred and feathered--and their right to use picket for their cause--wouldn't have been adjudicated. These days-we don't beat the holy crap out of disrespectful people, we use the courts to administer a whipping. Clearly the church had no rights to picket the dead soliders funeral. This would be like the church moving onto your parents front lawn and proclaiming "kill abortionists". Your rights--religious or other have limitations. You have the right of free speech--you can scream fire in a crowded building--but the courts have decided you also have responsibility that go with those rights--if you screamed fire in a crowded builded--you'd go to jail and also be sued for damages. That church did not act responsibly and the courts correctly whipped their butts.

2007-11-09 05:59:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hon - if you want to b*tch about "taking away your freedom to worship", try being Pagan.

It took the threat of a lawsuit to get the Wiccan pentacle approved for use on military headstones, even though "Wicca" was available on dog tags for several years.

More than one governmental council has denied Wiccans the ability to present the Opening Prayer for their proceedings, even though Christian pastors and ministers are able to do so on a regular basis.

Wiccans are at risk of losing custodial rights to their children in divorce cases, simply because of their religion, or can have restrictions that their faith may not be taught to their children.

Try walking a mile in those moccasins, then get back to me.

2007-11-09 05:54:49 · answer #9 · answered by Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess) 7 · 2 1

I really doubt the government will ever be able to control what is taught in church, I have never heard that they were even trying to. But going to church is optional and I suppose they should be able to preach what they want because if you don't agree you don't have to go. School on the other hand is a different story and I don't believe any religion should be practiced though all should be respected.

2007-11-09 05:46:43 · answer #10 · answered by scooter 5 · 3 2

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