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where are the majority of those new immigrants coming from??... or is it a mix of many countries? idk.

also, what kind of issues are you guys experiencing with immigrants, if there's any??

i am curious to know :). because here in the U.S, boy do we have issues with illegals! i wouldnt even know where to begin!

2007-11-09 05:03:39 · 23 answers · asked by ILoveGreen ZipZapZop 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

23 answers

Most immigrants are coming from the new EU countries like Poland and Lithuania. It's very hard for anyone outside the EU to come in. Many people are upset by this but you can't blame those immigrants. If you lived in a country where there were no jobs, no prospects, and where even basic amenities like food were hard to get, wouldn't you want to move somewhere better? They are being PRO-ACTIVE in bettering themselves. Whinging and crying about how bad your life is, which is what the Brits here do, won't achieve anything.

The people here complaining about immigration are just miserable people! They've been crying all of their life. Today it's because they think the East Europeans who are taking over the country. Yesterday it was the Bangladeshis. The Indians, West Indians, Irish, etc, etc before them.

I say good luck to them. I'd rather have them than the bigots over here!

2007-11-09 07:48:19 · answer #1 · answered by thingy 4 · 3 3

The majority of immigrants come from the EU, especially the new member states, as the free movement between the EU allows them to come and settle in Britain easily.

Most of these are legal immigrants, and the issues really are that more immigrants would put even more pressure on an already overstreatched National Health Service, schools, housing etc. Also, we have enough unemployed British people on benefits, more immigrants means we are supporting more people as there are less and less avaliable jobs. Also, we are already having to build millions of new houses in the South East of Britain, and, frankly, our transport systems can't support us building any more. Also, we have to import so much in this country, and increasing the population would only lead to us having to rely on other countries even more for food, electricity and other goods - something that could be disasterous with the current state of international affairs...

However, the real worry is illegal immigrants, who not only cause all the problems above, but are often the ones associated with increased crime, filling up our already over-flowing prisons, and making the general running of the country difficult, as no-one knows exactly how many people there are here.

The language barrier is also a big deal. If someone can't be bothered to learn the language, they should not be allowed in. It's rediculous to have people living in a country, when they don't even TRY to learn English....

2007-11-09 06:05:01 · answer #2 · answered by Kit Fang 7 · 3 3

The European Union opened the door to anyone from any EU country who wants to come and live/work in the UK. Unfortunately as a lot of poor former communist bloc countries like Poland have joined the EU, people from these countries are flooding here in their millions to take advantage of the higher wages etc they can earn here and whatever their supporters say, it is having a bad effect on the livelihoods of many Britons. Its the sheer numbers which are coming that is causing problems, not the individual immigrants themselves.

Asylum seekers are refugees seeking leave to remain in the UK as they are "fleeing persecution" in their homelands. Many are genuine. Some are not. Those who are successful in their appeal and granted leave to remain can work or can claim free housing and benefits many of which are denied to British taxpayers.

Failed asylum seekers often "go missing" and become illegals.

2007-11-09 09:42:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Where they come from is an issue. Eastern Europe and Africa mostly. Unlike America with its problems with Mexican immigrants, we are an island and should be able to keep them out. The bible said the meek will inherit the earth. I think that should be Blair, Brown and New Labour will give the immigrants our land.

2007-11-09 09:29:34 · answer #4 · answered by deadly 4 · 0 0

The UK is vastly overpopulated. It has land mass for a self sufficient population of around 30 million. There are currently 60 million, plus illegals.
As long as the super tankers from china keep arriving, we'll be OK. The day they stop, we're in trouble.

Any fool that says it's 80% fields is misguided and foolish.

The biggest problem is the PC indoctrinated establishment that is afraid to offer real solutions to a growing problem.

2007-11-09 07:10:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

there are a lot of Eastern Europeans and Asians but by far the biggest influx I see are from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Issues experienced (by me personally) is that the latter two groups tend to have a complete disregard for the law of this country and seem to think that laws should be changed to suit them, rather than their conforming to the laws of this country, and that many immigrants from the final category seem to expect everything should be free to them. I see them time and again failing to pay for public transport, parking etc etc then if they are caught by parking attendants or ticket inspectors, they complain

2007-11-10 21:40:23 · answer #6 · answered by vdv_desantnik 6 · 0 0

People in the Uk need to wake up before it's too late. It is my belief that much of the social problems come because of these immigrants. When they come in and keep wages low, take all the council houses and benefits, what hope is there for the young people of the UK today???

2007-11-09 08:07:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The whole world has moved in to the UK (including the whole of Poland)and alot of the Brits are/have got out cos the services are now strained,wages are not going up,pay freezes,firing the Brits for cheaper labour,council houses are being given proirity to foreigners and I've been turned down at agencies cos they've told me they'll only take on Eastern Europeans.Yet WE are accussed of being racists cos we've had everything striped from us.The government rolls out the red carpet for the rest of the world and the locals are left to fend for themselves.I'm getting out myself in the next few months! It's not just illegals here!Britain is like a ticking time bomb as we have had enough of the government treating us as 2nd class citizens.We're also the laughing stock of the world!I work/onsite/duty all my waking hours to survive-24/7 hours a week.It just ain't funny.WE'RE SICK OF IT!

2007-11-09 07:30:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I do think most of the immigrants are coming from eastern europe and I can say that people in the UK are not so much fed up with that but what happens with them when they get here such as the crime rate and the services they receive free of charge over and above UK residents.

2007-11-09 05:52:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

We proper British people are now classed as second class citizens . Immigrants take priority over the Brits . They come here to claim benefits and steal our jobs and our government allows this to happen . We proper Brits are not allowed to complain about it , we get told that we are talking politically incorrect . This country is going down the pan mate at a very fast rate . ( Close the borders Mr Prime Minister you fool . ) All the immigrants should be made to go home and all the Loony Labour Party should be expelled for the mess they have caused . Lets not forget over here we have got loads of Evil Muslims to . Thats another problem we have . ( Islam should be banned )

2007-11-09 07:15:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

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