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Ok so my daughter turned 2 back in August and she only has her pacifier when she sleeps, but she cant fall asleep without her binki!! Anybody else had or have this problem, and how do i get her off it!!

2007-11-09 04:42:09 · 17 answers · asked by rhi_05 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

17 answers

take it away and never give it back!! yea she will cry and scream and kick but it will stop!! tell her that there are babies in binkiland that need binkies. make up a story about how the binki fairy will give her a toy if she gives up her binki! have her place it in a bag before bed and leave is some place where its out of the way tell it byby and then go to bed!! when morning comes there should be a new toy where the binki was at the night before!! might as well they believe in santa and the tooth fairy and the easter bunny!!

2007-11-09 04:50:40 · answer #1 · answered by some girl 3 · 1 0

Shortly before my son's 2nd b-day we got rid of the pacifier by simply switching brands. It was actually accidental but it worked.

My son only accepted NUK orthodontic pacifiers...and nothing else (probaby because that's all I would buy) when he finally had lost every single pacifier, I went to the store to buy another. Unofrtunatley they were all sold out of NUK orthodontics...so I bought another brand with a different shape thinking it wouldnt make a difference. He tried it and didnt like the new shape....he would still carry the pacifier but he wouldnt put it in his mouth. After awhile he just stopped carrying it.....realtively simple considering he was THE binky baby....lol.

The best part was...there was not a single tear...he was done with pacifiers in a little less than a week.

Good Luck

2007-11-09 04:53:25 · answer #2 · answered by MIss J 3 · 0 0

So, I saw this episode of Supernanny. The family had the same problem. Nanny had the child put the binky in a sack, tie it to a tree and said the binky fairy would come and take it and leave a surprise. At night they took the binky, replaced it with a treat, and that was it. I'm not sure how realistic that is, but it worked on TV :)

2007-11-09 04:50:44 · answer #3 · answered by rachel b 3 · 3 0

My daughter was addicted to her pacifier. She would sleep with one in her mouth and one in each hand!! It was awful. My pediatrician suggested this and it worked without tears!!!...

Day 1...Find one pacifier and cut off the nipple part. Set it back down in the exact spot you found it. When your daughter finds it and tries to put it in her mouth, it won't work. Act surprised and tell her that it broke because she is a big girl now! Then have her throw it away.

Day 2...same thing but with 2 pacifiers....Keep this up day after day until they are gone. You want to make sure that you tell her that they break when kids turn into big boys and girls. You can also call grandma and grandpa and say "Jane's pacifier broke today...aren't you excited that she is turning into a big girl now?" Just make sure to give them a heads up before you call so they don't think you are crazy!!:)

2007-11-09 05:28:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had that problem too. I felt horrible letting him cry without it. He started biting the tips off, so I just told him he was getting too big for it. After he bit the last one, I said uh oh, that was the last one. No more binki. It took a couple of nights to adjust, but it went ok. Good luck!

2007-11-09 05:08:48 · answer #5 · answered by Crys* 2 · 0 0

Throw them all away and dont buy anymore i will be hard for the first week but it will get better. It sounds like she depends on it at night to fall asleep try to replace it with a new doll or something! Pacifers are really bad for you childs teeth. My sons pediatrician told me the best time to take the pacifer away is when they get the first tooth that way they are still young enough not to relay on it . Itook both of my kids away at 7 months with no problems!

2007-11-09 05:36:05 · answer #6 · answered by Heather 3 · 0 0

my niece and nephew both had the same problem! what the parents did for my nephew was: they simply threw them all away and told him he was a big boy now and only babies took binkis. he cried at night but they just let him cry it out and after about 20 to 30 minutes of crying he would fall asleep. and that only lasted a few days. my niece: she kept losing her binkis and the last binki she had, she bit the nipple off so the told her to go throw it in the trash, she couldn't use it anymore and big girls dont use binkis (etc...) so my niece threw her binki away herself and she only cried at random for like a day. since she has thrown it away, her speech has improved incredibly! so i suggest to either throw it away and tell her she is a big girl and the binki went bye bye. or tell her she is a big girl, not a baby, and let her throw it away herself. i personally would let her do it her self. also, be sure to not ask her "do you want to throw it away" or anything like that but tell her, "let's throw your binki away" or however you want to word it. but dont ask her permission, tell her what to do. good luck!

2007-11-09 04:55:31 · answer #7 · answered by Mary C 3 · 0 0

I know how you feel. My little girl turned 2 in June and she still takes her Nunni to go to sleep. I have yet to find a way to get her to sleep with out it I have med her throw it in the garbage and I have told her that she will just have to cry because she is not getting it. She cried from 8:30pm to 2am the other night and i finally gave it back because my other daughter who is 6 could not sleep because of her screaming. Well let me know what works for you I am just about up for trying anything.

2007-11-09 06:30:52 · answer #8 · answered by justbc_try 2 · 0 0

Well my 21 month old bit hers in half on Monday and I threw it in the trash. I won't sugar coat it the first couple days sucked. But I can say its getting better, she sleep all night last night. And now I can see her beautiful smile anytime I want without having to take her "plug" out.

So I say toss it (them all) in the trash so you aren't tempted to give them back. If you work during the week I would start out on a friday night since like I said the first couple days is hard. But wait for her to put it down and walk off from it, don't just take it out of her mouth and trash it while she's watching.

2007-11-09 04:56:23 · answer #9 · answered by maybe 5 · 0 0

To rid her of her pacifier you just going to have to stop giving it to her no matter how much she fusses, yes it may be a long hard couple of nights but if you continue to do this she will get use to not having it.

2007-11-09 04:50:42 · answer #10 · answered by Kasja 5 · 0 0

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