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Whether your of an organized religion or not.

1. Do you think that you know everything?

2. How do you feel when you're called stupid and unitelligent for what you believe in?

3. Do reject everything scientific? Scientific teachings, do automatically disgard them?

4. What do you say when people people blame God for every aspet of evil that happen? War, the suffering in Africa whatever? How do you explain that?

5. What's something that you're tired of having to explain over and over again? Something you're sick of hearing about your belief?


2007-11-09 04:37:10 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality




2007-11-09 05:07:50 · update #1

39 answers

1. No
2. Encouraged, because people only result to verbal aggression when they’re out of logical arguments. Or they’re just special.
3. Ummm, No. Scientifically proven things are fine… don’t believe what your atheist friends tell you. Christians aren’t Neanderthals, we just don't waste all of our time trying to claim the intellectual high ground.
4. God gave us free will, if you’ll recall. So while he is constantly able to interfere, he doesn’t. If God’s hand came out of heaven and smooshed all of the bad guys… there would be no doubt about his existence, and therefore no merit to having faith in Him.
5. That a lack of God is in no way easier to prove than his existence. Either the matter that makes up the universe has always existed… and it blew up and we’re all here by chance, or God always existed, got bored, and spoke the universe into existence. The latter may be harder to believe, but it’s no less empirical than the former.

2007-11-09 04:48:52 · answer #1 · answered by Rabullione 3 · 4 0

Whether your of an organized religion or not.

1. Do you think that you know everything?
A: Never, I keep learning new things all the time, every day.

2. How do you feel when you're called stupid and unitelligent for what you believe in?
A: Sorry for the individual persecuting me, I know stuff like that is not true about me anyway. It's certainly not a good way to treat anyone and they're being rude and insensitive - shows me that they are immature.

3. Do reject everything scientific? Scientific teachings, do automatically disgard them?
A. Never. I do scrutinize them for fact finding, but not for truth -value and eternal importance finding.

4. What do you say when people people blame God for every aspet of evil that happen? War, the suffering in Africa whatever? How do you explain that?
A: They do not know the difference between what God does and what people do. If they are sincere I'll try to elaborate if they want me to, otherwise, I leave it at that.

5. What's something that you're tired of having to explain over and over again? Something you're sick of hearing about your belief?
A: That God is NOT a magical genie in the sky and that God is not a myth and God is not an evil supernatural entity and so forth...

2007-11-09 04:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by Holly Carmichael 4 · 3 0

1. Do you think that you know everything?

2. How do you feel when you're called stupid and unitelligent for what you believe in?
I laugh.

3. Do reject everything scientific? Scientific teachings, do automatically disgard them?
No, but I don't believe them without investigating them either.

4. What do you say when people people blame God for every aspet of evil that happen? War, the suffering in Africa whatever? How do you explain that?
I wonder why people say that and if it has more to do with the personal hurt they feel so they use war in Africa as a symbol of their own unhappiness. I wonder why they think war and suffering proves there is no God, when I would say all it proves is that humans have been given the right to make their own choices and continue to make bad ones.

5. What's something that you're tired of having to explain over and over again? Something you're sick of hearing about your belief?
That I'm brainwashed, when this is far from being the case.

2007-11-09 04:43:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

1. Do you think that you know everything? No.

2. How do you feel when you're called stupid and unitelligent for what you believe in? I just disregard it. The simple will confound the wise.

3. Do reject everything scientific? Scientific teachings, do automatically disgard them? No, but I don't believe that science is the bottom line either.

4. What do you say when people people blame God for every aspet of evil that happen? War, the suffering in Africa whatever? How do you explain that? Man allowed that stuff here. Man opened the door to it. God warned Adam not to eat of the fruit of the tree, and he and Eve did it anyway. Even when a believer suffers, their suffering could provide a strength for someone else who needs it. We don't always see things as God sees them. I believe it was Paul who said that we see things through the glass darkly.

5. What's something that you're tired of having to explain over and over again? Something you're sick of hearing about your belief? The differences between Christianity and the Muslim faith. Many people are mislead thinking that they are the same.

Have a wonderfully blessed day! :D

2007-11-09 04:45:39 · answer #4 · answered by Mommymonster 7 · 2 1

1. Do you think that you know everything?

Of course not. It would be arrogant and completely false to make such a statement.

2. How do you feel when you're called stupid and unitelligent for what you believe in?

I usually brush it off. If I am comfortable with what I believe in, it doesn't mean everyone else has to be comfortable with what I believe in.

3. Do reject everything scientific? Scientific teachings, do automatically disgard them?

Absolutely not. I have learned a lot about my religion through science. I have learned a lot about other things through science, as well.

4. What do you say when people people blame God for every aspet of evil that happen? War, the suffering in Africa whatever? How do you explain that?

God can not be blamed for anything. We have free will. It is humans who destroy the world. Natural disasters are just that -- part of nature.

5. What's something that you're tired of having to explain over and over again? Something you're sick of hearing about your belief?

Here is where no one gets me: the Bible isn't literal. The reason there is no proof of Noah's Ark is because it never actually existed. The Bible is filled with stories in which we should live by; not spend years wondering if it was ever plausible.

2007-11-09 04:43:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

1. I am only a part of god, I can never know everything. All I can go on are my own spiritual experiences. God is something that cannot be logically proven or dis proven.

2. I don't care because I see that everything is with God.

3. I don't disregard anything scientific, but I know that because I haven't done the research myself and that people make mistakes things can be "iffy." I wonder if things are overlooked. But yes it is my belief that there were at one time dinosaurs and cavemen. Evidence shows this and I don't deny it, I accept it.

4. God is omnipresent, so the only thing that would be hurting and doing anything would be God. I don't believe God is a man in the Heavens. God is existence itself, the only thing there is. Nothing can be without God. God isn't something supernatural, rather God is natural, everything is natural. We are all one with God. The light and the shadow create form, this yin yang is a symbol of nature and an aspect of God.

5. How God isn't a supernatural being, but that "it" is inside you and all around you. You are one with God.

I am not with an organized religion, but have studied many of them as well as philosophy and psychology. I do not label because really the universe is just that; one complete thing that you can view as a microcosm.

I must also add that a belief is supposed to get you to a certain kind of experience, the experience I have already described. It is unfortunately used as water wings, but eventually you should learn how to swim on your own.

There is a limit to language, whereas there is no limit to God.

2007-11-09 07:07:30 · answer #6 · answered by Joyous Mommy ♥'s her ßoys 6 · 2 0

1. About God? No not everything about God. I think Nobody does.

2. I feel like Ive been treated unfairly, Considering that's an Unfair way to judge a person.

3. No. I Believe Science is Natural and was created by God. Not every thing must be Mystical for it to come from God.

4.Its easier to blame God for this and not people.People do this because of Greed, or psychopathic and sadistic tendencies, and Some time use God as an excuse. That doesn't mean that God caused it.

5. Number 3 and number 4 are getting old. But its mainly because people tend to ask it in a disrespectful manner. You ask it in a respectful manner so it didn't felt as old.

2007-11-09 04:57:48 · answer #7 · answered by Vidocq 6 · 0 0

1. No, I KNOW that I don't know everything.

2. Sometimes, I feel hurt. But then again, Jesus told us that we would be persecuted.

3. I'm not quite sure what you're asking with this question, but I'll try my best to answer. No we don't reject everything scientific. There are things in the Bible that haved been foretolf about science before scientists tested it all.

4. God didn't create the evil in the Earth. He created the Earth and all the living things. But he did not create evil. Evil came about from his creations. Therefore, us humans are what brought the wars and suffering.

5. Everything that you have asked above. We get these same questions all the time. But I don't really mind answering them over and over. Because I love sharing what God is about and His love.

2007-11-09 04:47:19 · answer #8 · answered by amber_lanae28 2 · 2 0

1: Absolutely not. But I know the One Who does - even though He hasn't chosen to reveal much of it to me at this point :- )

2. Seriously? Amused most often, since I know I am neither. Ignorant of facts at times? Most definately! Totally lacking in common sense? Indeed (although I hope that tendency has faded with age) - but not stupid.

3. No - I reject the interpretation offered by some in the scientific community - but facts are facts. I wiegh the evidences, look at the answers offered and determine which makes the most sense and offers the greater consistancy.

4. Sometimes nothing - since grief isn't always looking for an answer - just a someone to cry with. Other times, I point out that we live in a fallen, sinful world, filled with violence which sometimes can be traced to bad decisions or selfish ambitions of man and other times appears, to our understanding, as meaningless evil. All I can do is trust that there's a greater purpose behind it all that I'm not able to grasp this side of Eternity. I base this on the fact that I have seen the good thats come out of the bad enough times to trust it's there despite my limited vision.

5. Only answers to questions asked in insincerity - by those who really aren't interested in what you have to say. I do have a problem with those (on both sides of a given debate) that totally misrepresent the opposing view, so that what winds up being discussed isn't even the issue at all. Maybe I'm allergic to Strawmen???

2007-11-09 04:57:32 · answer #9 · answered by Marji 4 · 0 0

1. I don't feel like I know anything, the universe and life itself is a mystery and one I may never fully understand

2. Anyone who feels they are superior to another person because that person has faith in something that can not be proved/or disproved is ignorant. I have a high IQ and I believe in God. They do not have to seperate. And I am allowed to question, interpret, and belive what I want.

3. I beleive in pretty much all science. And Science has not disproved the presence of God. We can hypotheticaly trace the origin of the universe to T - .0000001 of a second and determine the first two elements to fuse. But we can not determine how these magical elements were derived or how they were brought together. Whatever that catalyst is created the universe and eventually life. That is God

4. I have a problem with that too, why are there so many bad things that happen. The reason they happen is because of us, not God. You could say that God allows it but that assumes that God is running down a checklist and deciding who, what, and when good or bad things happen. God created us in his own image, meaning we have freewill, we can create life, and we can destroy life. The decisions we make with these gifts are our own

5. Should not have to explain believing in the creation of the world, it happened. The Bible is the greatest history book ever written and it is full of life lessons. It is up to us how we interpret it. And finally, what is WRONG will believing in a high moral standard and repercussions if we choose not to follow them. How does that make me less smart? How does that make me less of a person.

2007-11-09 04:52:17 · answer #10 · answered by ncsu93 2 · 3 0

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