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Mormons may have different beliefs from other christians, but they preach the importance of family and they refrain from drinking, smoking, and sex before marriage. they are generally clean, healthy, kind people. they aren't hurting anyone.

i don't understand how people can claim to be followers of christ, and then they tell mormons that they are going to spend eternity in Hell. i don't care how "right" you think you are...it's never right to judge someone else's salvation, nor is it righteous to tell someone else that they believe in something stupid.

i mean, isn't part of being a Christian striving to be like christ in your everyday life? I think Mormons do this a lot better than most people, yet they are talked about by others like they are a baby-eating religion.

2007-11-09 04:21:21 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

They think that if they prove Mormons wrong it makes their religion look sane by default.

"Look! They are crazier than us, I told you we were right! swaglarbth aft higg (however they speak in tongues) flibble drislt...."

2007-11-09 04:25:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 11 1

It's a fact of life that many religious people believe they have the one key to salvation and that all others are going the other direction. Another fact of life is that Mormonism is a cult, and many people fear and dislike cults...not entirely without reason.
There are kooks in every belief system, and every such system has a closet-full of skeletons. It is unfair, to say nothing of being un-Christian - to judge a group of people by the expressed attitudes and behaviors of a tiny percentage of those in that group - but we do it all the time. We're doing it to Muslim folks these days and giving Mormons a pass - but soon enough, someone will start in on Mormons again - or Jews, or athiests. It is ever thus...

2007-11-09 04:34:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No telling! I've only been a believer since 9/11/01 and most Christians don't even care to study where their traditions come from. Not one of them are Scriptural! BUT, all of them come from their Mother of Harlots the Catholic church. Jeremiah. 10:2-4, for starters, is a clear example of the disobedience of Christians. Check all translations cause I'm sure that verse has been watered down by now. Buy a concordance and check out the Original Writings.

So, I don't know where they get off attacking any other religion. Study your traditions before you cast stone's at others!

Hey Christians! Messiah was a JEW! He kept HIS Father's Commandments as they were orginally written. Messiah said, 'Do NOT think I come to destroy the law or prophets. I did NOT come to destroy but to fully preach.' and 'Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or tittle shall in NO way pass from the law till ALL be done.' The last I checked the Heavens and the Earth are still here. We're also told to walk AS Messiah walked. He kept Yah's laws and feast days and it's obvious from scripture that HE didn't like swine. That's where the demons got to go. So the next time your slopping down your swine, reflect back to where the demons went.

Have any of you Christians even cared enough to research Yah's REAL Name? How about HIS Son's Name? May I remind you that Messiah was a JEW and would have never been called by a latinized greek name. Not to mention jesus was/is also the name of the greeks pagan deity, h'zeus. The word 'god' is from a Teutonic source and was used to refer to 'super human beings'! Look up Baal at Merriam Webster online...it's Hebrew for Lord. So, I guess because you capitalize lord, it makes it ok to call The Almighty by it. WRONG. HE has a Name and it is FOREVER. HE said so! Look it up! You will find HIS Name hidden in the some KJV's or NKJV's. All others have pretty much removed every spec of HIS Name. Some of the pronunciations are Yahweh, Yahueh or Yahuah. Personally I use Yahueh cause that's how HIS set-apart spirit has led me. The Messiah's Name is Yahshua or Yahushua. Study it out. You will be immensely blessed for it. I am! Yah answers my prayers!

P.s. We're supposed to be children of PEACE. Not WAR mongers! Yahushua NEVER put up a fight when HE died for YOUR sins!

2007-11-09 06:54:06 · answer #3 · answered by lambservant 1 · 0 1

While I understand your question and your points, fact is that Mormans are not considered Christians, anymore than Muslims are.
Both embrace a christ but then follow a later prophet and his teachings, rather than stopping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I'm not saying right or wrong, just explaining the concepts.

2007-11-09 04:27:36 · answer #4 · answered by paigespirate 4 · 1 1

Mormons claim to follow the Bible, but they don't. They believe there are many gods (clearly not a Biblical teaching) and that you can achieve "godhead" in which you will become a god and have your own spirit children worship you (also completely against what the Bible teaches.)

They claim that God was once a man like us that achieved godhead and that he has a body of flesh and bone. He lives on a planet named Kolab.

They teach that Jesus is our elder brother who achieved godhead, having first been a spirit child by our heavenly father and heavenly mother. He was then later conceived by physical intercourse between God and the virgin Mary.

They also don't believe in the trinity. They believe God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are all separate gods, and that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are literally the children of God and his wife.

They believe that entrance into heaven must be earned by following what the Mormon church commands of them. They believe that Christs sacrifice was only part of the way to gain eternal life.

Absolutely none of this is Biblical teaching. It's so far from it it's ridiculous. But they still claim to be "Christian." And through this claim, they lure people into their cult and draw them away from the ONE true God.

Satan comes disguised as a wolf in sheep's clothing. The Mormons and JW's are exactly what the Bible was referring to in that passage.

2007-11-09 04:36:54 · answer #5 · answered by Linnie 4 · 0 2

It is not the person, but the belief system that believers dispute with.

The mormon religion lays heavily upon doctrines of men. Though they make attempts of understanding the Word of God, they still abide by the teachings of men along with ritualistic ways that are contrary to the Word of God.

I have two young mormons come to my home who were attempting to spread the mormon doctrine. We discussed only the bible. That was my only concern. I showed them things in scripture that I believe will help them grow as believers.

For I believe all of us, mormons, catholics, jehovah witness, methodist and so one and so forth can all come to the same place in the faith if we seek God and not the doctrines of men.

Those who seek God will find him if they do so out of a submissive heart that has been made new by the blood of the lamb of God.

We must trust in the Lord, not man. Seek the face of God with fear, prayer, fasting and love.

We must let Christ live his life without sin through us.

When a man is born again, he has become completely submissive to God and is forgiven of his sins. Yet, this new babe in Christ must go out in the world, not being of the world, but yet in it.

And he is constantly under attack by the enemy of God who is always working to deceive mankind.

So only through our faith in Jesus, do we have hope. We must allow Christ to work is perfecting work through us. We must allow our own self will or the will of others to affect our walk of faith. Yet, it is easier said then done. That is why we must trust in Jesus. He is our only hope.

Only when my cup of self-will is empty, will it be filled in Christ.

2007-11-09 04:40:25 · answer #6 · answered by heiscomingintheclouds 5 · 0 0

i am a spirit fill believer in Jesus Christ as God and the reason is they believe different. Mormons are very kind people and Christians that are slamming them are not filled with the power of Gods spirit and love. we need to guide them not be jerks so to all Mormons may God lead you to the truth. plus it is religion not spiritual

2007-11-09 04:26:43 · answer #7 · answered by DEEDDLE 3 · 1 1

A True Christian would not Slam the Mormon religion -- so it is not a Christian reason why they do it.


2007-11-09 11:23:58 · answer #8 · answered by Dionysus 5 · 0 0

Well, I'm an atheist, but I'll tell you why I do it. They require an outrageous tithe. They require a huge amount of time to be devoted to the church that could be spent on other things. They encourage a lack of critical thinking. They encourage you to get married young without the proper perspective. They encourage irrational devotion to a treligion that has even less evidence than the Chirstians do. They are dishonest with the public in their milk before meat presentation. They won't tell you what they really think at first.

Plus the standard things that I slam other religions about.

2007-11-09 04:28:15 · answer #9 · answered by Meat Bot 3 · 2 4

Everyone will mock at people who try to sale their product door-to-door. Religions that send missionaries make no difference. Going door-to-door creates this kind of impression, no matter what the "product" is

2007-11-09 04:26:14 · answer #10 · answered by larissa 6 · 1 0

Because all you Christians can't get along with each other, how do you all expect to get along with anyone else. You all even fight about what day of the week the Sabbath is on... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmDV3oN9ZfGm77gUwwixc_zsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071109090443AAUJewd&show=7#profile-info-YmIYFLOBaa Every religion (and lack of) is slammed by someone. Nobody is left out. Don't take it personally.

2007-11-09 04:26:10 · answer #11 · answered by ? 7 · 7 1

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