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ok freedom to choose is given to man by god right. 1. accept jesus and go to paradise eternall.y 2. refuse jesus and be damned to hell. how is this freedom of choice it's like a gun to your head

2007-11-09 04:06:51 · 38 answers · asked by chaz_valentino 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

It's the age old cry of the bully.
Either you're with me or against me.

2007-11-09 04:14:21 · answer #1 · answered by darwinsfriend AM 5 · 2 5

A man goes into a livery stable and wants a fresh horse. The owner of the livery stable says 'If you want a horse, take that one over there'. The horse looks a bit dowdy. The man says 'Do I have a choice?' and the stableman says 'Nope, it's that one or nothing'.

That's hobsons choice.

Now, this is the choice we've got:

The same man goes into the livery stable after a horse. The livery stable owner says 'You want a horse? Well, I've got 2 horses, but that one over there's the best one'.

The man looks 'over there' and he thinks 'the best one' looks a bit dowdy. He says (seeing a rather splendid creature out of the corner of his eye) 'What about that other one?'

'Oh, you don't want the other one' says the livery owner. 'I know he looks pretty but, take it from me, he's a mean creature. He's nothing but trouble. He'll throw you soon as look at you!'

'Is that so?' says the man. 'I wonder if I can get a second opinion' he says to himself, and he goes off and asks another man hanging around the stable what he thinks about the two horses. Well, the second man has another opinion. He doesn't actually own the livery stable, but he's just as sure the owner doesn't know what he's talking about.

He says 'Don't believe a word he says about that beautiful horse. He's a perfectly nice creature - whereas that other one ...! Take it from me, he's telling you lies because he can never get any takers for that dowdy one'.

'But he owns the stable, doesn't he?' says the man.

'Naw, I own the stable, only he double-crossed me' said the other. 'You know, you can trust what I say. I won't lie to you'.

You get my drift? I'll help you a little: the stable owner is the first man, which is God.

You've got two conflicting opinions here. Two horses and two choices. Whose opinion are you going to believe? - the opinion of the real owner or that of the usurper? And which of these horses will you choose - the dowdy one or the good looker?

You need to look into the matter seriously, because we're not just talking about horses here, but the consequences of who and what you choose to believe.

2007-11-09 05:12:12 · answer #2 · answered by homechrch 6 · 1 0

Good point. To everyone who's debating whether or not the gun analogy works, I don't think the author was asking if it works. I do believe he/she was making the point that regardless, what gives "god" the right to tell us that we have two choices. And sorry, whoever said it, but the live in the law and life in prison analogy doesn't work. We send prisoners away to be reformed. Enternal hellfire does not reform a soul, if even a thing exists. The point remains that what "god" gives us is an illusion of free will. It's very easy for any bully to pose this question, especially when he has a crowd built up (i.e. his followers here on earth).

2007-11-09 04:20:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

A law that has no consequence (reward or punishment) is no law at all. We can easily comprehend that smoking or drinking can have negative effects on our health, or that exercise and eating right can have positive effects. Why is it so hard to comprehend that our spirit, as well as our body can be affected by our beliefs and practices? Imagine God declared, believe whatever you want do whatever you want, practice whatever you want and I will give you all the same reward of happiness and eternal life with me. Is that even possible? How could one who deliberately disobeyed every principle of good, be found happy in the presence of God, knowing full well what they had done wrong? It is not possible.

2007-11-09 04:40:36 · answer #4 · answered by Someone who cares 7 · 1 0

Here's the difference. If I hold a gun to your head and give you 2 choices, I'm ordering you to choose a particular choice. God is urging you to follow Jesus in order to avoid the consequence of being in hell because he is a just and loving God. He must punish the sin, but Christ already took the punishment by dying on the cross. You can either accept that gift, or pay for it yourself. God cannot allow sin to go unpunished. If you reject Christ, then you pay for it yourself.

2007-11-09 04:19:18 · answer #5 · answered by J 4 · 2 1

That presentation of the gospel is actually the cheapest, lowest kind of sharing.
God's gospel of salvation is High.
Did you know that God has foreknown and predestinated men and women to be conformed to the Image of His Son? Did you know that God made this man in His very image and likeness as a vessel to contain and express Him in His authority and dominion on the earth? That One day He would be able to enter into this man's spirit and begin a transformation work in His being.. building Himself into man and man into Himself to be the One NEw man on teh earth to vanquish satan? Today satan will cheapen the gospel.. make it so low and unappealing that man will shun it. He tries that trick that says something is all dumb and boring when they know the real value of it.

Do you realize that God's enemy has usurped man? He has put his evil life and nature into man.. this man created for God's Powerful Beautiful purpose? When this happened satan thought he had gotten the better of God..not realizing that this God would be the Seed of the Woman one day.. that through this God-man that His head will be brused. TOday this God-man, Christ is the prototype of us as the many sons and bretheren.. we are becoming the same as Christ from glory to glory.. satan is petrified of this part of the gospel being preached because he knows that it will be his end. When believers are built up and matured, they will be used by God to execute God's righteous Judgement upon Satan. Man is great is the sight of God.. Man is made in His Image.. His Likness.

There is no gun being placed at man's head. God knows the real situation.. He knows what satan's end will be .. but u might say that.. OK He is God.. can't he just change it? But even God has to be righteous even unto Himself. He made a way my friend.. a way was made in Christ Jesus's sacrifice on the cross for you and I to escape such an end.
We have a devious enemy... satan will stop at nothing to destroy man.. He knows that God loves man and has His purpose with man.. do you think for one second that satan will leave you to desire God? FORGET IT! He will use lies.. deceit.. even the bible to turn you off from God.

The choice really is ours. In this world i'd much rather be God's fool. Who's fool are you?:)


2007-11-09 08:10:47 · answer #6 · answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 · 1 0

That presentation of the gospel is actually the cheapest, lowest kind of sharing.
God's gospel of salvation is High.
Did you know that God has foreknown and predestinated men and women to be conformed to the Image of His Son? Did you know that God made this man in His very image and likeness as a vessel to contain and express Him in His authority and dominion on the earth? That One day He would be able to enter into this man's spirit and begin a transformation work in His being.. building Himself into man and man into Himself to be the One NEw man on teh earth to vanquish satan? Today satan will cheapen the gospel.. make it so low and unappealing that man will shun it. He tries that trick that says something is all dumb and boring when they know the real value of it.

Do you realize that God's enemy has usurped man? He has put his evil life and nature into man.. this man created for God's Powerful Beautiful purpose? When this happened satan thought he had gotten the better of God..not realizing that this God would be the Seed of the Woman one day.. that through this God-man that His head will be brused. TOday this God-man, Christ is the prototype of us as the many sons and bretheren.. we are becoming the same as Christ from glory to glory.. satan is petrified of this part of the gospel being preached because he knows that it will be his end. When believers are built up and matured, they will be used by God to execute God's righteous Judgement upon Satan. Man is great is the sight of God.. Man is made in His Image.. His Likness.

There is no gun being placed at man's head. God knows the real situation.. He knows what satan's end will be .. but u might say that.. OK He is God.. can't he just change it? But even God has to be righteous even unto Himself. He made a way my friend.. a way was made in Christ Jesus's sacrifice on the cross for you and I to escape such an end.
We have a devious enemy... satan will stop at nothing to destroy man.. He knows that God loves man and has His purpose with man.. do you think for one second that satan will leave you to desire God? FORGET IT! He will use lies.. deceit.. even the bible to turn you off from God.

The choice really is ours. In this world i'd much rather be God's fool. Who's fool are you?:)
This is what sister Sandy said. I say amen to that.

2007-11-09 09:20:27 · answer #7 · answered by Nino 3 · 1 0

That must 'his' plan. Freedom is not allowed regardless of what you have been told. Freedom of mind is especially unforgivable. You are to be a sheep, in other words - a follower of what is told to you by your church hierarchy. What they promote as truth - along with having the mind of a child, so it can be molded into a believer.

This is all in the holy book!

2007-11-09 04:19:02 · answer #8 · answered by Tricia R 5 · 1 0

Freedom of choice is what we are doing now. That means we are not preprogrammed robots. That does not mean freedom to commit sin. It's like the free country thing. The criminal justice system does not permit you to commit a crime. We are free to do anything as long as it is not a sin.

2007-11-09 04:19:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We have all been warned.
And when we did not deserve it, God Himself provided our way to be saved. That is love.
What you do with Jesus is your choice.

Grace is getting more than we deserve.
Mercy is getting what we do not deserve.
Justice is getting what we deserve.
Grace and mercy comes through Jesus Christ.
Again, your choice.

2007-11-09 10:54:48 · answer #10 · answered by Jed 7 · 1 0

How do find out if someone loves you?
Demand it.
Or let them go and if they come back you know they love you.

That is the open hand of G-d's protection.
You can stay there and you are warn not go but if you go and get hurt who is blame.

You parents must of told you not to play with matches. You mostly likely did and go burn.
Where they bad parents?

So you have choice of heaven or hell.

2007-11-09 04:17:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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