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why do the vast majority of believers pay for health insurance? if you think the "almighty, creator of the universe" is on your side, why do you need to human doctors? if you are really correct in your beliefs, you are putting an unnecessary burden onto health insurance companies and after 2008, the new state-run health insurance. sure, these companies make profits but you are also using up resources that bankrupt hospitals need because you dont believe what you preach. this is partly why a simple 1.5 hour deviated septum (in the nose) surgery costs around $30,000. ridiculous.

2007-11-09 04:01:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

julia, use your brain. is a believer is really a believer, then why not be uninsured and let the atheists pay? either your almighty god or some human made insurance plan. the hypocrisy is strong.

2007-11-10 03:08:46 · update #1

19 answers

No Christians I know of besides Christian Scientists rely totally on "faith healing" for health conditions. I believe that God gave mankind the intelligence and skill to come up with medicines and treatments for illnesses, and that He works through doctors, surgeons, etc. Many of the large hospital systems in the world today were founded by religious organizations--Baylor, St. Judes, etc., and were very instrumental in providing charity and low-cost health care to people before the government came in and screwed up the system.

That said, I consult doctors when I need to, and my husband has health insurance for his work, but I know that ultimately all healing does come from the Lord, whether He chooses to work it through a man-made treatment or divinely intervene. I don't have much faith in doctors, and don't use them unless absolutely necessary.

The people who are putting the unnecessary burden on the insurance system are those who are completely without insurance and expect other taxpayers to pick up the tab. Most illegal immigrants would fall in this category, as would those on public assistance. Another problem is those who engage in frivolous malpractice lawsuits.

You are right that the health insurance system is completely screwed up, but I would venture to say that believers are more likely to be tax-paying citizens who are paying for their own insurance and in many cases also employed as health care professionals who are part of the solution, not part of the problem!

2007-11-09 04:14:05 · answer #1 · answered by arklatexrat 6 · 1 1

I suggest that you visit this web site where you can compare quotes from the best companies: http://insurecheap.us/index.html?src=2YAteb7ibe8L

RE :Why do you have health insurance if...?
why do the vast majority of believers pay for health insurance? if you think the "almighty, creator of the universe" is on your side, why do you need to human doctors? if you are really correct in your beliefs, you are putting an unnecessary burden onto health insurance companies and after 2008, the new state-run health insurance. sure, these companies make profits but you are also using up resources that bankrupt hospitals need because you dont believe what you preach. this is partly why a simple 1.5 hour deviated septum (in the nose) surgery costs around $30,000. ridiculous.
Update: julia, use your brain. is a believer is really a believer, then why not be uninsured and let the atheists pay? either your almighty god or some human made insurance plan. the hypocrisy is strong.
Follow 17 answers

2016-09-10 19:38:12 · answer #2 · answered by Lynn 6 · 0 0

Neither your question nor your conclusion makes any sense.

The reason hospitals are going bankrupt all over the country is that the UNINSURED by the MILLIONS are using hospital emergency rooms instead of seeing regular doctors. They do not pay for the services they receive, they do not pay even when they are admitted to the hospital. They cannot afford to go to a doctor and know that the law is that a hospital MUST treat them if they enter through the emergency room, whether or not they are capable of paying.

It is the rest of us, believers included, who PAY through the nose for this with higher insurance premiums, medical costs that are out of control, and who also find our legitimate, paid for services declining as hospitals are closing their trauma units and even going bankrupt altogether.

Believers who have insurance and see the doctor legitimately, and only use the emergency room when it really IS an emergency, are no more responsible for rising hospital costs than non-believers who have insurance and see the doctor and only use emergency rooms for real emergencies.

Believers and non-believers alike are ending up footing the bill for the uninsured, and we are ALL suffering for it.

And you want to make MORE uninsured? You think the believers should just drop their health insurance? Yeah right, we really NEED more uninsured people out there running up even MORE costs when they get sick and can't pay, right?

2007-11-09 04:11:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

there were "drs" even back in biblical times. until another prophet comes along who is a healer then I'll stick with my insurance. there is nothing wrong with seeking a cure for what ails you. the bible doesn't say rely on me for all of your sicknesses and i will cure you... those who don't believe in Drs. are called Christian Scientists.

Also - if you are paying $30K for a deviated septum then you are getting ripped off. get a 2nd opinion. It doesn't cost that much. I have a tonsilectomy and deviated septum surgery for $6-7K.

2007-11-09 04:07:16 · answer #4 · answered by Sharp Marble 6 · 2 1

Where I live, If your employer offers insurance, you must pay for it and take it. All full time employees must be offered health insurance. I don't think most people have a choice of weither or not they want it. It gets taken out of their pay before they even see it.

2007-11-09 04:12:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God helps those that helps themselves. There are miracles that can't be explained, but why will God answer the prayers of a cancer patient that isn't willing to go to the doctor? Not that God couldn't do it, but you should always help yourself first, and pray.

2007-11-09 04:18:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

FACT: Believers who have got health insurance obviously have no faith in their imaginary god whatsoever.

Deep down they know that "praying" to their imaginary friend is not going to cure a cold, let alone curing cancer for example.

In time of illness, It amazes me how many religious types give the credit to their imaginary jesus and gods for curing them and then fail to mention that skilled medical staff were the ones that *really* saved their sorry lives.

The fact that religious types buy medical insurance and attend hospitals shows clearly that their imaginary god has no power at all.

Jesus - Fraud of the Age

2007-11-09 04:11:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There is an old saying when you are in a canoe at sea "Call on God, but steer away from the rocks."

The idea is the no one is really that confident that God will intervene. A little agnostic action ever once in a while is just logical.

2007-11-09 04:08:25 · answer #8 · answered by Take it from Toby 7 · 3 1

I am a Christian. I don't have health insurance. I'm very healthy too. But the others are just exercising their rights. They are just doing things they could instead of being a burden to God.

2007-11-09 04:08:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You don't have a clue...God does not heal people. If you got sick, what happens, happens. The Bible only teaches that God will reverse the effects of sickness and death under his Kingdom arrangement, not before.

2007-11-09 10:21:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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