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Let me get this straight: I have a popular book on general knowledge called "Tell me Why" that I bought a few years ago and even there it is mentioned that the Theory of Evolution is rejected because of two things:

1. Apes and humans evolved along different evolutionary lines.

2. Charles Darwin himself did not accept the theory as the truth, but merely used this theory as a basis for his other researches.

2007-11-09 03:50:13 · 50 answers · asked by Devilishly Sexy MasterMinD 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

50 answers

Many people believe in theories they do not completely research.

However, I do not think it is improbable to say humans have evolved in anyway. The idea makes sense, from a distance.

2007-11-09 03:54:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, I will bet that you will have a hard time finding scientists who use the theory of evolution in their work who will stop believing in it because of this.

The first point is kind of stupid. Yes, apes and humans evolved along different lines. That is why there are apes and humans today. If they had evolved the same, they would be the same creature.

The next one is one of those fabrications that I have heard people say over and over. However, no one can provide any proof that Darwin ever questioned evolution. It is not in any of his writings. There is the account from his sister I think who said that he made a death bed recantation. However, there is some question to the validity of that. She was the only witness and she was a very religious person who constantly asked her brother to change his views. Seems kind of odd that with her being the only witness, that Charles Darwin would all of a sudden declare his work to be meaningless.

So, those two points in the book do not seem to be valid. They are not reasons to not accept the theory of evolution.

2007-11-09 04:03:45 · answer #2 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 1 1

I'm a biology professor and know a thing or two about evolution. Here's some facts for you:
1) 64% of biology professors do not believe in evolution
2) Though Darwin's work is considered a "theory" it is a highly supported piece of work
3) There are many, MANY, many missing links in Darwin's theories, that's why scientists are continuing the search for the "tree of life"

My facts may seem contradictory. They should. There is a lot we know about evolution, but there is still a lot we don't know.

So to get your facts straight, many people DO NOT believe in evolution. Apes and humans DID evolve from the same evolutionary line, BUT there are missing links in between (it's not a "for sure" thing), Darwin DID NOT accept his work as the only truth, and in fact, wrote many other books trying to explain how evolution worked...unfortunately, people focus on only the scandalous one.

ADD: Please understand the fundamentals of science. You CANNOT prove science...you can only DISPROVE it. Thank you.

Good luck in your search for the truth.

2007-11-09 04:02:59 · answer #3 · answered by kiki 6 · 2 1

Not as many people as you would think. Maybe about 50 yrs ago they may have but not today. More people believe in "adaptive evolution" this where animals and humans a like, evolved to adapt to their changing enviroment. Why did the Mastadon or Wooly Mammoth die out but it's genetic similar cousin thrive - African Elephant? Why are some of the same species smaller than it's exact cousin on another continent?
They all changed and adapted to their enviroments. Plant species changed, the normal food chain reversed or decreased or even increased with it's natural enemy that usually ate them was extinct by hunting or inability to adapt to the enviromental changes during the ressession of the Ice Age. All the proof is in geological records, fossils, and timelines in sedimentary stone. Darwinism is dead as a viable resource of evolution. We really suspect that Apes are actually a result of genetic seperation of one species created but the other lost the others abilities and evolved to it's normal form of today. Apes may be a distant cousin somewhere down the timeline when the genomes split and that is the possible reason that our dna is somehow shared. We do not believe either species evolved from the other just a shared genetic trait. They have not found any fossilized remains of ape like creatures during the Ice Age but only Homoerectus and homosapien remains but none of a great ape or ape like creature. They - the anthropologists- believe that somehow a small branch of possible homo erectus de -evolved due to enviromental changes as well as possible radiation and chemical exposure during a meteor and volcanic as well as the continental shifts that caused chemical exposure, radiation, and volital gases to escape into the atmosphere that may have caused the de - evolving as well and the adaption evolvement from extremely large animals to the species that roam the earth today.

2007-11-09 04:12:08 · answer #4 · answered by Karma of the Poodle 6 · 0 1

I'm guessing your book must be religious. I'm not a scientist but I think the commonly accepted theory is that we evolved from chimpanzees not apes, so it may be true that apes and humans evolved along different lines. As for point #2 that is probably presented in a misleading way.
There is a skeleton that was discovered named "Lucy" which is a physical proof of the evolutionary link betweeen humans and chimps so technically the theory is proven (except for religious wackos.)
The theory of evolution is not disputed at all except by religious people as far as I'm aware. If you look around in nature it is pretty easy to see that things have adapted to survive in their environment.

2007-11-09 04:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So many people believe in it because it's the single most heavily supported idea in the history of biology and the foundation of all modern medicine.

Apes and humans evolving along different evolutionary lines is evidence FOR evolution.

As I know infinitely more about Darwin, his theory, writings and researches than you ever will, I can guarantee you that your second remark is absolute nonsense.

2007-11-09 03:55:37 · answer #6 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 7 0

Strange, most biologist accept evolutionary theory as valid, granted the basic theory outlined by Darwin has changed since his time (only 150 or so years ago). The theory of evolution is one of the top 5 theories as far amounts of evidence goes.

2007-11-09 03:55:01 · answer #7 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 6 0

Good Grief. Humans and other apes can easily be seen to have a common ancestor. This is readily apparent from thousands of DNA markers as well as from fossils.

Charles Darwin did of course believe in evolution. This is an outright lie that he did not. Not that it matters what any one person thinks. Belief is based on evidence and the evidence is overwhelming.

2007-11-09 03:55:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The book was written by someone who didn't want others to accept the Theory.

1. We did evolve along different lines but had a common ancestor way way back.

2. This is false. His maid or some such made this claim after his death. He never recanted his theory.

2007-11-09 03:56:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Even the Theory of Evolution has "evolved" since Darwin's death.

People believe in this theory because it offers some pretty good answers to the question of how we got here.

Yes, a competing theory is the Theory of Creation.

And, yes, they are both theory and NOT fact. Reality is that we may never know the full, complete, and true story of how we got here. Just one of life's many mysteries.

And, I believe that there are more important issues to be concerned with.

Like...where we are going.

2007-11-09 03:55:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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