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Or should they cut military pay by 25% and would that help civilian at home.

2007-11-09 03:44:12 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

19 answers

You're a retard.

2007-11-09 18:12:31 · answer #1 · answered by Gregory G 3 · 1 0

The shouldn't do either..they should give the military a raise. Most military families are at the poverty level and on all kinds of government assistance. Military families deserve alot more money..and I agree with the other person that said that military families shouldn't have to pay income tax. You say that civilians need help....Civilians typically make more than people in the military. I also feel that those who think the people in the military are over paid should try living the life for 1 year and see how we are "living the high life"

2007-11-09 04:09:29 · answer #2 · answered by Heather D 3 · 4 0

No, the government should not raise taxes on members of the armed forces nor should their pay get cut for all the reasons previous posters have mentioned. I do have a bone to pick with Ordie wife though. WIC, really? The only reason you qualify is because you don't have to claim BAH as part of your income. Let me explain that for civilians. An active duty military member of a certain rank or with a family has the choice at his/her PDS (permanent duty station) whether or not to live on base. If you choose to live in base housing your BAH comes out of your check before you ever see it. If you live off base, you get x amount of dollars extra, depending on the area, for rent and utilities. This money (BAH) does not get claimed at tax time or when applying for government assistance! Now before you judge, I am a stay at home mom and a PROUD military wife of a SRA (E-4). We find a way, on his income alone, to buy everything we need, lots of things we want, and usually manage to put a fair amount in savings every month. If you are not able to do this maybe you should think about going to your family planning center and signing up for a financial management class. I realize some people abuse the system but most civilians on WIC, Medicaid, etc. are on these programs because they NEED to be, and they pay their taxes, in turn paying our husbands salaries. Let's leave the money to them please!

2007-11-09 08:06:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know there was a time when civilians actually gave up things to help with a war effort....and did it without complaining! I think maybe you need to take a lesson from them.... Our military and their families give up a lot and they don't get paid some fabulous amount of money. You start taking the money they do get away and guess what will happen....Our all volunteer army will decide they don't want to volunteer anymore b/c they need to be able to support themselves and their families. So you'd have alot get out, some stay in but have to get welfare assistance (think back to the Vietnam war when many had to be on food stamps) and I'd bet it wouldn't take long to get us to the point of having to draft people again. Hmmmm....doesn't sound like a very good plan to put even more stress on our military to me. Besides don't you realize that just by the very fact that they enlisted and are the ones fighting our wars they are already helping the civilians at home? It's not like they are sitting around just getting a paycheck. They bust their @sses every day and earn (and deserve) every penny, every benefit, and every bit of thanks they get!

2007-11-09 04:51:49 · answer #4 · answered by . 6 · 0 0

I for one just wish all the states would agree to tax or not tax. I don't think it's fair that some of us military folks have to pay taxes to states we don't live in, and others do not. Yes, there are loopholes, but some people don't want to change their state of residency. So, I guess my answer is. No, we shouldn't take a pay cut. We are not on welfare, but we were on WIC. We just got a pay raise and it put us over the limit to get WIC by I think 3 dollars.

2007-11-09 05:00:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Military are taxed at the same rate as civilians. And why would a pay cut to such a small group of people help civilians at home? There aren't millions and millions of them. The military population wouldn't even fill a small city. Maybe you should look at taxing everyone who lives in Los Angles - you would get more.

2007-11-09 03:52:31 · answer #6 · answered by 8-) Nurf Herder 4 · 7 1

Go to www.Military.com and check out the military pay scale for calendar year 2008 and then see if you could support either yourself or a family on what you think you might be worth.

I enlisted nearly 40 years ago this month, single and my first paycheck was $95.

Many military families are now receiveng 'food stamps' because they can afford to live on current pay.

Have you considered taking a 25% pay cut and donating that to just 1 military family ?

2007-11-09 04:32:42 · answer #7 · answered by Robert W 6 · 1 0

How about you take you & your skills over to Iraq and take a pay cut from what you are earning in the civilian work world and selflessly protect a bunch of dumb @$$es then we will talk.

Get a clue! The civilians at home could all go get a job or two jobs and be just fine.

2007-11-09 04:11:31 · answer #8 · answered by Kiss My Turkey 2 · 7 0

An E4 (Specialist, Corporal, Senior Airman, Petty Officer 4th Class) with 4 years of service earns about $1935 a month before taxes. Now your talking about removing $500 from their paychecks to help support civillians on the home front? Last time I checked we were at war and it should be civillians help those that are fighting overseas.

Walk a mile in my shoes down on the streets of Baghdad and let me know if you think I'm getting paid enough so that I can support your lazy behind.

2007-11-09 04:11:50 · answer #9 · answered by B. Wags 3 · 7 0

No they should not tax the military personnel more or cut their pay. They fight for our country and give their lives cutting their pay or taxing them more should never be an option. I am a civilian who has a military boyfriend and trust me all the work he does he deserves more pay not less.

2007-11-09 03:58:31 · answer #10 · answered by jcc 2 · 7 1

Raise taxes to pay them so that we can collect more taxes from them. Makes sense to me.

average military pay is about 2k/month,
average Halliburton employee pay is about 20k/month for doing the same job. SO,,, who should have the 25% pay cut??

2007-11-09 04:29:41 · answer #11 · answered by tom l 6 · 2 0

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