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Blame the Parent!! Birth Defects are result of parental neglect. Mother chooses to wine, smoke and unhealthy diet...Father is equally to blame.
Child is born with defect...OH its GOD's fault!!....Yeah blame it on GOD for wrong doings....and keep friends sympathizing with you...That is sick....Every thing we consume has side effects...from medication to alcohol....so please get real!!

2007-11-09 02:38:34 · 31 answers · asked by MrPlankton 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Birth defects aren't always the parents' fault. That doesn't mean it's God's "fault" either. Something things just happen. We live in a flawed world, and sometimes things go wrong. It's nobody's fault, but we blame God because we often feel like somebody has to be blamed.

2007-11-09 02:42:17 · answer #1 · answered by CapnPen 6 · 3 2

Absolutely not! Though many feel that such tragedies are “God’s will” or that he is punishing the parents for some past sin, the Bible, God’s Word, shows that such is not the case. For instance, Jesus’ disciples asked why a certain man was born blind. They asked Jesus: “Who sinned, this man or his parents, so that he was born blind?” Jesus then made clear that birth defects are not a punishment from God, saying: “Neither this man sinned nor his parents.”—John 9:1-3. What Is Responsible? There is a variety of causes of birth defects. At times they occur because of a mix-up in the baby’s microscopic chromosomes or genes. This may or may not have been inherited from the parents. However, the Textbook of Medicine states: “In most malformations no major factor can be identified, and it can be presumed that their existence is due to the complicated interaction of genetic and environmental influences or to special rare genetic combinations.” Some factors believed to play a role in causing birth defects include: illness or exposure of the mother to certain diseases during pregnancy, radiation injury, chemical pollution, drugs (even some considered safe during pregnancy), excessively large quantities of some vitamins, malnutrition, improper diet, certain living conditions, age of mother, race, and even the season of birth. Frequently, wars and greedy commercialism have caused conditions that led to birth defects. On the other hand, certain actions by a parent can increase the risk of birth defects. Some lead loose and immoral lives to the detriment of their unborn offspring. The baby can be deformed because the parents contract a venereal disease or are in an incestuous relationship. Also, parents may hurt their developing fetus by indulging in narcotics and tobacco. However, the basic cause of deformed children is the disobedience of the first couple, Adam and Eve. Their sin against God caused them to lose their perfection of mind and body and produce “defective” children. Each succeeding generation progressively drifted farther away from perfection. Therefore, even if there were no adverse technology, war, malnutrition or immoral behavior, there would still be deformed children by virtue of the fact that we are born of imperfect parents.

2016-04-03 03:46:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I can not believe I am responding to this but here goes...God is in control of all things and there is an order and reason for everything. not everyone is to be perfect or beautiful on earth because we are shallow and judge by standards that are cruel and heartless. I guess you believe in genetic manipulation too. ant to blame the parent is judgmental and cruel. God does things that we do not understand but a child who is born with a birth defect is beautiful too. We all have our imperfections. If we do things like drink and use drugs when pregnant, yea, we have greater chance of harming our child but some do and the child is perfect and others do everything right and the child is born with a medical problem. we are made from dust and in a body much like the animals...we are to be spiritual and in God's image and develop into a being like Jesus, not reject a child because they are not like the others like the animals. The mother smells there is something wrong with the baby and refuses to feed it and lets it die...the brief time you are on earth you just use the body you have and its imperfections...develop inside your mind and spirit because the next life is so much longer and this life lasts only but a moment...concentrate on the things that matter.

2007-11-09 02:56:00 · answer #3 · answered by CHERYL S3 3 · 1 1

This is a very complicated issue. Blaming God is ridiculous. There are many possible causes. Because of my personal situation, of being born with a mind that can only keep track of so many things at once, and also having finer motor skill problems, I have a unique perspective. The causes of my situation may be possibly genetic factors, along with the drug DES being used during pregnancy. I feel I have unique talents because I am different. Our society does not treat people who are different very well. The one size fits all mentality prevails, and people who do not do well in our economic system, are blamed for not adjusting. We do not try to reach out and utilize our human resources, to the maximum benefit to our society, but tend to give unfair advantages to those who are lucky, or have talents that conform well with our economic system. My talent is in the spiritual, but not in a traditional way. I tend to be creative, and capable of pushing the edge, to test what works best, when it comes to spirtual ideas. I am not good at areas outside of the spiritual, so it is hard for me to promote what I have developed spiritually, which includes a new Astrology system.

2007-11-09 03:09:25 · answer #4 · answered by astrogoodwin 7 · 1 0

People choose to blame God because most of us who are human have that need to blame someone else for our misfortunes. I think it is because they have an external locus of control. God is the most amazing person I know and I trust that he blesses me the way he knows I should be blessed. I wouldn't say a birth defect is necessarily a misfortune. No matter how we are born, we are all here for a purpose. God isn't to blame. Now if alcohol and nicotine played a huge significant role in creating higher risk for birth defects that parents should be held accountable, not God, not the child. -However, forgiveness is what God teaches.

2007-11-09 02:48:34 · answer #5 · answered by sweetnovember4 2 · 1 2

Only some birth defects are the result of poor choices by the parents.

And ultimately, if there is an all-powerful God, then that God has the ability to prevent the birth defects, in spite of choices made by the parent. After all, is it fair to punish the child for the choices of the parent?

2007-11-09 02:47:51 · answer #6 · answered by jplrvflyer 5 · 2 2

Im a Christian and I have to disagree with you Why?, heres why>>,Just remember What Jesus said to his disciples about the blind man.

Lord whose Sin is it that caused him to be blind is it his or his parents sins? His Blindness has nothing to do with his or his parents sins he is blind so that Gods work may be shown through him. and we all know that People born with disability's or defects usually have extraordinary gifts. I knew a guy that had a stroke, he had never painted in his life after he had a stroke he started painting and what was amazing you know how people start off hazy well his first paintings were amazing. like those drawings that sum ones makes after years of practice was his starting point. then later, He painted extraordinary pictures.

2007-11-09 02:47:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

my uncle was born with severe birth defects. At 15 his leg was so mangled they had to amputate. He had bent fingers and a hand with missing knuckles. He was on dialysis the last 8 years of his life and died of kidney failure at 39. My grandma didn't smoke, drink or do drugs? HOW COULD YOU SAY THATS HER FAULT???

2007-11-09 02:43:17 · answer #8 · answered by primalclaws1974 6 · 3 0

Too many people habitually like to blame someone or something else for their unfortunate misgivings or shortcomings. To them God is an easy scape goat and is very easy to blame because God will not defend itself verbally, presents no confrontation or immediate consequence. Jesus said it's o.k. to lay your problems upon him, so maybe they feel comfort in doing so. People are unique. It's not what you do in this life, it's how you treat other people. Just forgive 'em and move on.

2007-11-09 02:50:33 · answer #9 · answered by gifted 4 · 1 1

God gets credit when things are going smooth. Isn't he the all mighty, omnipotent one?

He should start owning up to all of his creation and the things that go haywire in it...not just getting credit for what makes you or others happy.

Someone succeeds in something they have undertaken, all you hear is "god surely blessed that person, praise the lord!"

When the tornado rips through the trailer park, you hear no mention of god, or if you do, he's only getting thanks for saving a life from the tornado (his creation).

2007-11-09 02:49:05 · answer #10 · answered by timbers 5 · 1 1

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