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The disconnect here is that the 10 commandments are not the end all in God's commandments.

2007-11-09 02:39:29 · answer #1 · answered by J.R. 3 · 3 2

Why do Christians, especially, think that the '10 Commandments' are the ONLY commandments.

First of all, a simple reading of the '10 commandments' or more correctly 10 statements, reveal that there are at least 14. Second, the remainder of the Torah (5 books of Moses) contains many, many more commandments.

What can be said is that all of the other commandments are sub-categories of the 10 (or 14) stated here. Homosexual relations are considered a forbidden relationship and would be a sub-category of adultery.

2007-11-09 02:42:46 · answer #2 · answered by mzJakes 7 · 3 1

None. However in the Torah there were 613 Commandments and one said "to lay with a man as if with a woman is an abomination." And that is taken as meaning homosexual acts are a sin.

(The Christians threw away all but the "Ten Commandments" and even then they have their "Condensed version" of two.)

2007-11-09 03:07:04 · answer #3 · answered by forgivebutdonotforget911 6 · 0 0

Homosexuality dishonors your parents. it is also a false witness. There were also many other commandments and instructions given to Moses when He received the laws of God. If you read leviticus and deuteronomy you will see these clearly. Jesus made life personal by including the Spirit. He said if you even lust after someone you have committed spiritual adultery. Paul also talks about the evil of this lifestyle in his letters. And finally in revelation chapters 1-3 it says those who tolerate a Jezebel spirit(sexual sin) will be laid on a deathbed. Homosexuality is also a part of spiritual idolatry and rebellion, two things which the bible speaks much of. The 10 commandments are a tutor to show you your need for a savior. You cannot justify your behavior as being good because you think you obey them. we have all broken them and need to depend on the death of Jesus as payment for our sins. Will you do that today? Call 1-800-759-0700 for assistance.

2007-11-09 02:53:36 · answer #4 · answered by JesusIsTheAnswer 4 · 0 2

It falls under the commandement "thou shalt not commit adultry"
the commandments are the moral law of God. That forbidden fruit entails all kinds of "impurity" lust thoughts also send us to hell, Jesus told us the thought is as bad as the very action. Purity is commanded in this commandment. An act of homosexual sex is forbidden as is all pre marital sex. it is unnatural and condemded.

2007-11-09 05:34:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in the Bible, what are frequently spoke of as the "10 Commandments" are in easy terms the 1st of 614 regulations. be conscious that nowhere in the Bible are those first ones refered to by way of fact the "10 Commandments". it particularly is a few thing that Christian theologians did centuries later. till now that factor, all 614 commandments have been taken care of with equivalent weight. that contains those forbiddening gay dating. to declare it must be in the 1st 10 to count form is like say that no count if it particularly is no longer in the 1st Admendment of the Consititute then it does no longer count form. If that have been actual, then homosexuals might lose their suited to argue that their existence kind is secure by ability of "due technique" and different rights certain in those later amendments. in case you will make a controversy utilising the Bible, you need to use all of it - no longer in easy terms 10 verses you ensue to love. Why do Christians make one in each of those enormous deal of it? by way of fact today the gay minority is forcing the difficulty. they're attempting to their sin and turn it right into a suitable "decision existence kind" and get criminal take care of for it (while it continues to be a criminal offense in many states and communities - discern that one out....). in case you do no longer choose the Christians making such a controversy of it, then stop attempting to rigidity in directly to society. Then the Christians won't could spend lots time combating it.

2016-12-08 16:41:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends on who one is talking too.

While I have never been really religious, I was raised to believe in the bible. Till I started thinking about it rationally and came to common sense conclusions.

My religion, the Golden Rule

I look at several things, then put that together with common sense.

The bible was not written down for generations. Then factor in translations, versions (King James Version, etc) and the game of telephone, the only logical conclusion, its folklore and smoke and mirrors.

That is why I have one religion, the Golden Rule.

That’s the one rule that is universal throughout all religions.

If that rule was adhered too, war would be rare, human suffering even rarer and mankind would be doing one hell of a lot better.

Instead, we make excuses not to follow the Golden Rule.

It is said; George Bush claimed that God told him to invade Iraq. Bin Laden claims God has instructed him to use terror. The contradictions, in both instances, makes both of them guilty of excusing their behavior that has resulted in thousands dead.

Here’s the kicker; for those believers and non believers, God and humanities basic tenet is the Golden Rule, all the rest of the rules follow behind that.

I wish people would understand the above. Life would be so much easier if we did. Instead, as Confucius said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

To answer your question. For a religious person to condemn homosexuality is not following the basic premise of their religion. Or even the basis of humanity that is supposed to make us better then everything else. With all our wars and senseless killing, one has to wonder if animals are better then us.




2007-11-09 02:45:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's not a commandment it's in leviticus 18:22

2007-11-09 02:43:40 · answer #8 · answered by tierra n 2 · 0 2

The "Ten Commandments" are a synopsis of the teaching/instruction of God (which is even further condensed into "love God with all you are and your neighbor as yourself) - the rest of Scripture fills us in on the details and not engaging in homosexual sex is listed in those details, along with not gossping, not stealing, not cheating on your taxes, etc.
We could, however, apply "you shall not lie" to this one - because calling something good that God declared bad definately fits into the category of dishonesty.

2007-11-09 02:43:10 · answer #9 · answered by Marji 4 · 1 1

The commandments were not the only law God gave, just the first. Read the Gospel.

2007-11-09 02:54:36 · answer #10 · answered by Strats!! 4 · 0 1

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