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I will not , not say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! and if someone get's offended, too bad, in this counrty for years, we have celebrated christmas, why why why. do we americans, now have to change the whole thing, because we have people of different cultures, and I'm sick of hearing about it on talk shows, this is America, love it, or leave it.I will shout it from the ceiling in dept stores, the year, I did it when wal-mart wouldn't let the employees say is, they had to say happy holidays, not me, and people out there with me??????? if your not don't use up your points, O.K. I want serious answers, no whacky stuff please

2007-11-08 14:37:26 · 19 answers · asked by poopsie 5 in Society & Culture Etiquette

19 answers

I think to tackle this question we need to find out first what CHRISTMAS is or supposed to be.
Today (and long since) Chistmas is known and considered by almost all of the human race as the birth of Jesus Christ the head of the CHRISTIAN faith.Unfortunately for the world and fans of christmas, the Holy Book of christians, The BIBLE, is very mute as to the date The Christ was born and more so as to the celebration of it!!! As a matter of fact the 25 of December refers to many pagan festivals in the ancient Roman Empire times.The "hi-jacking" of CHRIST'S name or precisely His title in relation to these pagan festivals is a compromise on the part of the pagan Roman authorities to adopt the christian religion without as much frustrating the populace as far their true (pagan) worships are concerned.
Thus the clever Roman rulers are able to have the at the same time the support of their pagan citizens and the new christian believers.
The Bible record says that when The Christ was born,Sheperds were with their flock in the field.(the Gosple of Luke chpt. 2 vrs 8 thru 12).Of course this record cannot match with 25 Dec.Simply because no sheperd will be out in the field with his flock in full winter!!
If anyone can singularize him or herself from celebrating or having anything to do with Christmas that person is simply refusing to be a part of a pagan camouflage,which unfortunately is still being championed by many ignorant religious bodies.All victims of the Roman subterfuge to date!
Very unfortunate.
Whatever your belief is, I want to tell you that you are fighting for the truth of the CHRIST, who,in fact has nothing to do with this pagan festival.
Have I helped to clear a little bit the air?
Hope so.

2007-11-10 01:45:16 · answer #1 · answered by mankind 2 · 0 0

I have always and will always say Merry Christmas. If someone says "I don't celebrate Christmas," I usually say "Oh, too bad, well, have a nice time."

I think it is a shame that we have been twisted into being "fair" about holidays. You can't compare Christmas to other holidays. Christmas is the day Christians celebrate the day God was born in human form. Hannukah is a great holiday, lots of fun, but it is really a minor Jewish holiday. It has been dressed up and played up to make it "fair" for the Jewish children. In my way of thinking, that demeans both holidays.

Then of course, someone made up Kwaanza, and from there we have had to make a big deal out of anyone's holy days that fall during December.

I have always responded to Happy Holidays with Merry Christmas, good and loud. Unless I have reason to believe that someone is NOT celebrating Christmas, I will assume they do.

I have no problem if someone wishes me a happy something else.

I think all we are really saying is "This is my holiday and I am excited about it and I want you to be, too." But I will not diminish the importance of the birth of Jesus the Savior.

2007-11-09 02:07:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Incredible question!!!!!! When to town and it was either Walmart or kroger that had Christmas music playing and I said that's good to start now as the holidays all run togerther real quick.

I thought last year that guys like Oreilly and Dobbs threw a fit and the stores backed down. People called the stores and told them it is Christmas.

I have friends and say Merry Christmas and they have no problem and they have their religion. This country wa founded on Christianity and if you notice all the evil stuff started to crank up when they removed prayer from school, public places and stuff like that. They are trying to remove it and we must fight this. Why should 1% of the population or 3 million out of 300 million or 99% make it a problem.

I'll say it, but everyone is cool with it. I did notice on one of thetalk shows tonight they had a deal about being able to put up Christmas stuff and then said everyone would want to put something up, so do it the more the Merry. Christmas. TAke care. Also great answers.

2007-11-08 15:59:49 · answer #3 · answered by R J 7 · 0 2

Say whatever you want, however if your place of business has made it a rule that you don't greet customers with 'Merry Christmas' you have to be prepared to accept the consequences if you do say it.
Also, it's not so much about offending someone being the reason stores are not saying it. I think it has to do more with the fact that people are trying to make a quick buck by suing stores that 'offend' them with their non-secular greetings. Most people that don't celebrate Christmas would just nod and move on, but thare a small few out there trying to cause trouble, and as the old saying goes, 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease'

2007-11-08 15:08:37 · answer #4 · answered by mcq316 7 · 3 0

Go ahead and say what you like. Of course, it won't offend you, then, when I say "Happy Chanukah" in response.

The new way of thinking about our culture is that we are not so much a melting pot but a salad, with distinct ingredients and flavors and so, we should celebrate it and enjoy it.

I, for one, am NOT going to get down on anyone trying to be pleasant to me and show good manners. Saying "Happy Holidays" is pretty innocuous in the great scope of American culture trends. Considering what some people feel free to say out loud to one another in this country, I'm grateful for a civilized, "Happy Holidays."

However, I am a bit concerned that you are so upset by the "Happy Holidays" trend that your "Merry Christmas" doesn't carry too much "merry" in it for you, anymore.

2007-11-08 17:47:33 · answer #5 · answered by Tseruyah 6 · 1 0

It's not clear if you're talking about being the customer or an employee. As a customer, you can say 'Merry Christmas' all you like. As an employee you're supposed to follow the store's policy - whatever that is - but you can probably get away with it so long as you don't get a cranky customer. Or you could work for another place which is more reasonable.

Merry Christmas in any event.

2007-11-08 14:49:07 · answer #6 · answered by dukefenton 7 · 2 0

I am totally with you too and I grew up with Hanukkah!!! I LOVE Christmas and I think that anyone who has a problem with all the pretty lights, ornaments, decorations, music, etc has mental problems. I have ALWAYS said "Merry Christmas" the 10 years I worked in retail, even if I didn't get to celebrate it that year myself because it's a beautiful holiday in every way. The Happy Holiday crap is just too politically correct and lame. I agree with the person who said if they don't like it, they can leave America!!

Last year I taught a class with 2 Jehovah Witness students, and just because they couldn't do any holiday art or celebrate birthdays, I wasn't going to take that away from all the other kids who do enjoy them!!

2007-11-08 15:35:37 · answer #7 · answered by Wintergirl 5 · 1 1

I am totally with you, and I'm glad at least one person had the guts to defy Wal-Mart's outragous ban on saying "Merry Christmas". I'm hoping they're not going to do that this year, though I think Wal-Mart employees should just say it anyway. If you ask me, being forbidden to say that it's Christmas when it IS Christmas is absolutely ridiculous. What happened to freedom of speech? There's nothing offesive about it. I'm not Jewish, but if somebody says "Happy Hannukah" during Hannukah I'm not going be insulted; I'd probably just thank the person and leave.

2007-11-08 14:52:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Merry Christmas, buddy. Merry Christmas

2007-11-08 14:45:45 · answer #9 · answered by hill 5 · 0 1

I refuse to say happy holidays. Last year at Macy's one of the clerks said happy holidays to me, and I said to her, This is Christmas. It's Merry Christmas. I know they're not allowed to say Merry Christmas, and I wasn't attacking her. I just refuse to be sucked into that. If I offend someone, I don't care, and I plan on correcting anyone and everyone who wishes me happy holidays this year too. In furtherance of my cause, I only purchase and send Christmas cards with the manger or some other picture of Jesus and His coming and a message about Christmas in it.

2007-11-08 15:22:34 · answer #10 · answered by No Shortage 7 · 2 2

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