Tell him this. Maybe he doesnt realize it annoys you. If he won't stop, call him out on being a Paul follower.
Anyway, he's probably been taught those lies at his own church.
2007-11-08 11:21:27
answer #1
answered by Eiliat 7
I'm a Catholic. I've been called a Mary-worshiper, statue-worshiper, and cannibal, too. My advice: take the high road. As Catholics, we try to understand the teachings of Jesus, right? Nowhere in His teachings does it say to make hurtful comments toward others. You don't need a snappy comeback for your "friend". That's not the Christian way of doing things. Pray for him. And it wouldn't hurt to sit down with him and tell him just how much those comments hurt. If he continues making such comments after you've told him that, then he's no friend. Believe me, I've been hurt by anti-Catholic comments before, too, but it's not worth lowering your dignity over. As the old saying goes, "Two wrongs don't make a right".
2007-11-08 11:23:57
answer #2
answered by solarius 7
Tell him you won't lower yourself to be around him if he is going to disrespect you.
It could be that he is curious about the Catholic religion and just doesn't know how to ask. Saying that you are a Mary-worshiper could be his backward way of wanting to hear your explanation.
Since you call him your friend, be willing to answer his questions patiently and if you cannot answer his question directly, tell him you would be happy to look up the answer in your Catechism book.
2007-11-08 11:22:45
answer #3
answered by Anna Simon 2
You could remind him of the fact that religion is responsible for more death ,abuse and misery than anything else in the last 2000 years or so it being the most destructive force facing mankind today.If that don't help tell him to f*** Off
2007-11-08 11:26:13
answer #4
answered by golden 6
Tell him you will pray the Roseary for him.
We need to pray that the anti-Catholic bigot will be given a greater share in the true faith. He is usually filled with much anger and hate. He can only measure his own religion in reference to that which he opposes. I would fathom to guess that were there no Catholic religion, he would have no faith at all-- or perhaps I should call it an anti-faith? He is quick to judge and to @#%$! Catholics even though there is no consideration that if he is wrong then he has blasphemed the work of the Holy Spirit
The anti-Catholic may also sin by presumption of God's saving grace. We live in the "sure and certain hope" of our salvation, leaving our eternal destiny to divine providence. The Lord says, "Therefore, by their fruits you will know them." While the fruits of Christ's presence and loving ministry are manifested in the life of the Church, the anti-Catholic critic contends that Jesus shall respond to us with the words from Matthew 7:23, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity!" Many of our Protestant brethren, with whom we would differ on points of doctrine and manners of worship, work alongside us in the promotion of the Gospel of Life. However, the anti-Catholic bigot contends that these groups are contaminated by their association with Catholics and thus are also lost. What can we say to such a critic? If all he understands are isolated bible texts, then let him pay heed to this one: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:15-16).
Every Catholic needs to remember the anti-Catholic and the fallen-away Catholic every time they receive holy communion. We need to dedicate our Holy Hours to prayer on their behalf and make reparation for their insults against Jesus, his Mother, and the Church. May our prayer rise like incense to heaven and be found pleasing to Almighty God.
2007-11-08 11:25:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am also Catholic, and I have people that do that to me too. Just calmly explain that we don't worship Mary, and if he continues to be a dummy about it, kick him in the friggin head. I absolutely cannot stand when people rag on me for my religion. I leave you alone, you leave me alone. The end. God is God is God, it doesn't matter what church you go to. Good luck!
2007-11-08 11:22:25
answer #6
answered by Easy Mohinder 3
You can junk your friend. Tell your friend that you expect him/her to respect your religious beliefs. That's only fair.
If you want top put one over your friend just say that Jesus founded only one Church, the Catholic Church, and there is no salvation outside of this Church. Catholic bashers particularly.
This is what Jesus said about those who reject and persecute the Church he founded.
“He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.” – Luke 10,16 (KJV)
Jesus also gave the Church the authority to forgive and retain sins. Your friend is, therefore, hell-bound because he needs forgiveness from the Church.
“Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” – Matthew 18,18 (KJV)
The Church Fathers also affirmed this doctrine.
Ignatius of Antioch
"Be not deceived, my brethren: If anyone follows a maker of schism [i.e., is a schismatic], he does not inherit the kingdom of God; if anyone walks in strange doctrine [i.e., is a heretic], he has no part in the passion [of Christ]. Take care, then, to use one Eucharist, so that whatever you do, you do according to God: For there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup in the union of his blood; one altar, as there is one bishop, with the presbytery and my fellow servants, the deacons" (Letter to the Philadelphians 3:3–4:1 [A.D. 110]).
2007-11-08 11:34:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why don't you just be the bigger person and tell him that it really bothers you instead of trying to insult him back?
If you believe in God, it talks about his love and forgiveness and to be like Him.
Ever heard the phrase " turn the other cheek"? That's what I think it applies to.
2007-11-08 11:21:02
answer #8
answered by PUREfect Your Skin 5
Next time he calls you a Mary worshiper, give him a crescent kick that even Jean Claude would approve of.
Is he atheist or what? Find out what he believes in and dish it back. Thats what friends do, or in your case, flirty friends do.
2007-11-08 11:22:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
A disturbing statement for a supposed Christian to make:
"so i need something to say back to him that makes him feel like ****. like he walks up to me and calls me a mary worshiper and whip right back with something clever that just totally blows his mind! please tell me what to say! :)"
How about say " I love you and forgive you"?
Jam 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
2007-11-08 11:22:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous