We all have free will. God does not force you to choose evil over good, or good over evil. Evil is the result of men - or angels - choosing to not do the will of God.
2007-11-08 05:45:31
answer #1
answered by Catholic Crusader 3
It is certainly true that nothing occurs in the world unless the Lord knows about it. He is omnipresent. He knows all things (1 John 3:20). Also, the Bible tells us that God is all powerful. Therefore, if God knows all things and is all powerful, then that means He is in control. If that is so, and we sin, then is God making us sin?
The answer is a definite no. God created the conditions where free will creatures would be able to make a choice between obedience and disobedience to God. God does not cause anyone to sin (James 1:13). In the freedom of our own wills, we decide to rebel against God. God simply allowed the condition to exist where sin was possible.
An analogy can be found in the relationship between a parent and a child. A parent can create the condition that makes disobedience possible yet the parent remains innocent if the child sins. For example, if a parent tells his child to clean up his room and the child does not, he has rebelled. But, the parent is not responsible for the child’s sin, nor did he cause the child to sin. The child had a choice to obey or not to obey.
Likewise, God has created the condition in the world where the ability to rebel against Him is possible. Yet, He is not responsible for that rebellion once it has been committed.
2007-11-08 13:45:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Satans job is to KILL,STEAL, and DESTROY. God is good and does no evil. He allows Satan to do certain things that will draw people closer to him.
Ex> September 11. Satan used people to high jack a plane, and knock the twin towers down. GOD allowed that to happen then that very next day. People started running into churches trying to get their lives right. People started hanging American flags all over the place.
2007-11-08 13:49:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you read the very first chapter of the Bible, you will find that the first time God spoke to man, he told man to "have dominion over the earth". He gave the day to day operation of much of the earth to man. So it is often man, not God, who is the one "in control" of most situations. (But God is there to help out when asked)
Did you know that "darkness" does not exist? It has no substance. There is no particle or wave that carries "darkness". It can not be measured, or weighted. "Darkness" is merely the absence of something that does exist - light.
Did you know the "cold" does not exist? It has no substance. There is nothing that make "cold". There is no particle or wave that carries "cold". Rather, it is the absence of something that does exist - heat.
Did you know the "evil" does not exist? God never made it. There is nothing in and of itself that is "evil". Rather, it is the absence of something that God did make - good. So God never created "evil".
If you look up that verse in Isaiah 45, which the King James translates as God say "I created both good and evil", you will find that the word translated "evil" there does not refer to morality. Rather it refers to calamity or disaster. You will find it translated that way in most modern translations. (The word "evil" has lost the calamity meaning in the 400 years since the KJ version was translated). If you read the context, God is referring to his ability to cause either blessing or calamity in the life of the Jews depending on whether they served him. It has nothing to do with creation of moral evil, sin, or the devil.
2007-11-08 13:57:04
answer #4
answered by dewcoons 7
God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
Genesis 6:5
So who was and is the evil ones ??
2007-11-08 13:47:18
answer #5
answered by hghostinme 6
God merely ALLOWS evil, like the killing of Jesus , but he knew what good he could bring out of that evil. We choose to do evil on our own, God has no part in that
2007-11-08 14:07:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
God didn't create evil. Evil is the ABSENCE of God.
2007-11-08 13:56:10
answer #7
answered by Linnie 4
You just contradicted yourself. Or maybe I can't understand the writing. "Satan IS DID NOT CREATE..." What does that mean?
2007-11-08 13:52:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Free Will stands in the way of your argument.
2007-11-08 13:45:36
answer #9
answered by Old guy 5
yes, god broke in half when he came into existence, apparently his good side is better than his bad side...
2007-11-08 13:45:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous