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34 answers

I don't think that particular problem is restricted to the USofA...

2007-11-07 07:47:54 · answer #1 · answered by strplng warrior mom 6 · 0 1

There are a couple of broad reasons why the US is leaving the category of a "Christian" nation. (It was founded on Biblical principles...for those that would argue that...read the founding documents. They all begin with a dedication to God and a request for his guidance and blessing.)
1. The last few generations have done a poor job of teaching their children Biblical truths. God says this is necessary for the continuation of the faith (See Dueteronomy)
2. The influx of foreign religions and their influence. (This was also a big problem with the Israelites.)
The above resons combined with pride (the belief that no one has authority over anyone else) and a belief that if the standard cannot be reached than the standard should be lowered, are the main reasons why the nation, as a whole, is drifting father from the one originally established. Was it ever perfect? Far from it. But, as I said before, just because standard of behavior isn't reached doesn't mean you lower the standard.

Of course we can't reach God's standard on our own. If we could, we'd be God. That is why he sent his son, Jesus. He is our "in" with God. If we have a relationship with Jesus, God's standards become ours.

Many people look to Christians and see such a mess that they conclude Christianity isn't the answer. Well, they're right. Jesus is the answer, not Christianity. No religion will fill anything, except maybe your time. If you want that God sized hole filled, study the Bible. Start with the book of John.

2007-11-07 08:13:36 · answer #2 · answered by rhondamm5 2 · 0 0

From some of the truly dumb answers I've already seen here, I would think that's its because there are too many jerks that find nit-picking someones spelling is more important than answering the question at hand. Sorry about that.
But to answer the question exactly, I think it's because American churches have had it way too easy and making money has become our obsession.
Its fine to be prosperous, but there are too many Christians believing God for a Cadillac and not trying to please Him.

2007-11-07 08:08:11 · answer #3 · answered by Linda J 7 · 0 0

Not sure if you are asking "why are we falling away?" or why do we think we are falling away. So I'll try to answer both. We are falling away because as Paul said, men will become lovers of pleasure more than of Gods laws, that is so true in todays standerds. and if you meant why do we think that, condsider who we elect to office, as well as the fact that we kill 1,400,000 pre born children each year.

2007-11-07 07:56:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

it saddens my heart to see more people concerned about a misspelled word, then about the USA fallen away from God. Why do I think it the USA is falling away?- because His people are not humbling themselves and praying and turning from their (our) wicked ways, and seeking His face. We cannot blame those outside the family of God- like the Israelites in 2 Chronicles God is looking for those who are CALLED BY HIS NAME- to do these things, and then the country can begin to turn back to God and His ways. And then He will forgive our sins and heal our land.

2007-11-07 08:34:29 · answer #5 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 0 0

I think we are way to indulgent and marterialistic. I think God would want us to focus more on the very seroius problems, we have in this country, and also in the world. Rather than living so much in our own little worlds. The world could be such a better place, if we were not so addicted to the wrong things. God want us to make a positive difference in this world, and we are capable of doing this, if we would use the talent of all our people real well.

2007-11-07 07:51:34 · answer #6 · answered by astrogoodwin 7 · 0 1

Because most of the alleged standards of God were barely useful for the Desert Nomad Sheep Herders that it was given to, and today, it has really very little application.

We've eliminated slavery, which God endorses; We've tried to be more tolerant of Homosexuals, Who God hates, and we Don't burn people of other religions, which I think falls under the heading of "No Brainer".

The God you worship is a vengeful, bloodthirsty psychopath, and, hopefully ends up on history's scrapheap, which is exactly where he belongs.

2007-11-07 07:51:03 · answer #7 · answered by Hatir Ba Loon 6 · 0 1

Because the US was orginally created based on a concept called 'Sepeartion of Church and State'. Now if you don't agree with that you can move to Europe.

2007-11-08 04:53:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I'm kidding, but I'm not.
People don't want to be controlled by God, just like we don't want to be controlled by our parents ( I love my parents and I love that they are there for me, but I wen't through a phase, so I know...). People want to decide for themselves what is right and when and where things are acceptable.

Just think, if everyone's truth is relative, we would have ...


The world as it is today - in a state of dissarray.

We must believe in absolute truth to have law
We must believe SOMEONE gave us this absolute truth

Who makes your absolute truth?

2007-11-07 07:54:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Who exactly asked for someone else to provide 'standards'? Humans either provide their own standards or they admit that they're not capable of running their own lives and seeing to their own affairs. If you're ready to give up all the pretense to 'free will' and adult responsibility, then by all means apply yourself to someone else's standards. Otherwise, stop passing the buck.

2007-11-07 07:48:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Standerds--isn't that a form of liver polyps?

2007-11-07 07:45:46 · answer #11 · answered by ~Smirk~ Resurrected 6 · 3 1

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