then WAIT.....because God WILL answer! Listen to this Bible text..
" I waited PATIENTLY for the Lord; and He inclined (listened) unto me, and heard my cry." (Psam 40:1)
God ALWAYS answers prayer....but sometimes He has us wait.....patiently. He does want us to work with Him do all WE can do. Then He says that His strenth is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinth.12:9)
I will pray for put God first in your life and that He will show you His mighty power and love.
† On-call Prayer Warrior †
2007-11-09 08:09:35
answer #1
answered by bethy4jesus 5
God always, without fail, answers prayers. Sometimes we imperfect things called mortal human beings don't like the answer, or we miss it. Sometimes an answer is reserved for another day - like when a child who is too young to understand something a parent witholds the whole answer for a later time when they can. Sometimes God says no, sometimes God says neither but something new, and sometimes God says yes.
God's answers are eternally and infinitely true, beautiful and good. There is no reason to think that God isn't answering, considering his perfect parenting. But perhaps it is better to wonder about the prayer? The human being making the prayer and what is reality here?
I had a situation where I was just beyond all my means to fix things. And I had prayed till I felt the praying might run dry... (it didn't). In my situation, I came to realize that some of my prayers would have been impossible to answer the way I wanted them to because the other people involved with that situation had their own will-choices and decisions to make. This is something God doesn't do for you or me or anyone else.
I realized some prayers are simply the wrong thing to ask - so instead of getting a "no" I got a life lesson which taught me something better.
True prayer, I learned is unselfish. It is never concerned with the selfish things in one's life, though I am sure God loves all his children and adult-children to share everything in their life with him. But a prayer is a request or a petition to God - you're asking for something.
Since God won't coerce or force people to do things, then it follows his law of the human will is sacred - He won't break that law; therefore it can be said that God can not create square circles. Even if God was in agreement with me about those people and even if God wanted them to change their ways just like I did, both of us were beholden to wait its time.
So, examine the prayer; take it to God in quiet meditation and prayer time and ask him - what shall I do now? What is the next step? Will you guide me? Will you send me the wisdom I need to deal with this problem? And so on...
My thoughts and prayers are with you ~ StudiousOne
2007-11-07 05:55:42
answer #2
answered by Holly Carmichael 4
First off if you are sincere in what you are praying for? You have to ask him to have his will not yours. There is a song that sings about Unanswered prayers. he doesn't always give us what we want, there are always reasons why that we do not understand or cannot understand. Just remember that he love you. If you have ever crawled up in your dad's lap as a small child and wepted. Sit back and visualize yourself doing the same except with your higher power, feel him wrap his arms around you and lay into his bosom and just weep. He does things for us that only he knows the outcome and he denies us things for a good reason, don't get upset if you are not getting what you want for only he knows our future and knows what is best even though sometimes that we think we do. it is like a child that has a broken toy that wants it fixed now when the parent doesn't fix it right away the child snatches it from the parent and tries to fix it themselves. if you will just turn if over and let him have it you will get your answer, but quit going back and snatching it away from him
2007-11-07 05:48:08
answer #3
answered by just a mom 3
Continue to pray. Maybe God hasn't answered your prayers because whatever your troubles are aren't meant to be over right yet. Everything happens for a reason and some time's we don't understand why He does things the way He does. But He does love you and in some way you will get through this...maybe not the way you want but you will! Good Luck!
2007-11-07 05:47:04
answer #4
answered by mageta8 6
Sometimes what you are praying for isn't in God's will. God promised to answer our prayers, but not necessarily to grant them. The thing is, everything will turn out for the best eventually because God is sovereign. If we can look at the plan of humanity and say that it is very good, how much more awesome is God's plan than a human plan? God bless you.
2007-11-07 05:51:37
answer #5
answered by Skyline 4
Oh man, your question reminded me of a friend who killed himself.
I know for a fact that as he held the gun to head, he asked God for a sign that he shouldn't do it...when nothing happened, he pulled the trigger.
It never occurred to him that he simply didn't hear the answer he got.
Anyone who has ever contemplated suicide knows the feeling of utter hopelessness, the huge black void that beckons us and promises no more pain.
I know this, cuz I tried it. I was scared, and lost and most of all afraid.
Takes great courage to continue on no matter how hard it seems, but in the long run, it is worth it.
Nothing is so hopeless.
Even if all you do is talk to a stranger on a helpline, it is a step in the right direction.
In the end, I got angry, and decided that I was NOT going to be a victim any more.
2007-11-07 05:49:34
answer #6
answered by Tira A 4
Whatever your trouble is, God wouldn't put you in a situation that He thought you couldn't handle. If you ask Him for patience, He gives you lessons to teach you how to be patient. If you ask for courage, He gives you a lesson to teach you courage. Do you see?
It is faith. He is hearing your prayers and He is answering. You may not be getting the answer YOU want to hear. And understand that there is a reason for ALL He does. For all that we each experience throughout our lives, He has a reason. If it a really big thing that you need help with, the church can help you. There are Lots of agencies that can help you. They aren't going to come to you. You have to go to them. Look at the trouble you're in and see if you can figure out what the lesson is in it that you are being asked to learn. then, decide how you're going to teach to others in your situation. We have the choices to take the good from it or the bad. Whatever your situation is, I do hope you find the good path to take from here. I wish you luck Not knowing what the problem is, I can't help with anything specific. Except to say, if you're young, talk to your Mom. If you're older, talk to your Church if you are affiliated with one. If you aren't then maybe it's time to find one that gives you comfort.
2007-11-07 05:54:11
answer #7
answered by Carol T 4
Just because you pray does not mean that it will happen over night. My grandmother prayed for my dad for years and years until her prayers were answered. Do you pray and thank God?? Or do you just ask him for help? I would continue praying and there are always ways out of everything. It just takes time and patience!
2007-11-07 05:45:15
answer #8
answered by Sadbrowneyes13 4
You can't get your prayers answered unless your obedient towards the word of God but you have to realize that if you do not believe that Jesus died on the croos for our sins then you are still Blind to a lot of things.The word is life
JOHN 1:1,2
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.
If you are believing that you can ask God something with out it being in the name of Jesus THEN YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY the evil one and don't be fooled because the evil one will answer your prayers too..It's all about living by the bible in obedience and faith... you have to have a good prayer life in Jesus and you can't pray without him.. YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE TO READ.. DON'T LET THE ENEMY FOOL YOU.. HE WANTS US ALL TO GO TO HELL WITH HIM AND HIS ANGELS..
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Thessalonians 5:15-18
See that no one returns evil for evil; rather, always seek what is good (both) for each other and for all.
Rejoice always.
Pray without ceasing.
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
2007-11-07 05:54:15
answer #9
answered by Starlesha23 4
The one thing I noticed is that you have tried to handle the situation on your own. If you have a relationship with God, you should let hime handle it. Also, He usually never work in our time frame. He has his own timing. Have you also considered that what you want is not the best option for you. We can't use God like a vending machine. Besides if you are not a beliver he doesn't have to answer your prayers. He can, but is not required to.
2007-11-07 05:48:46
answer #10
answered by Christine M 4