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Atheists! Are you aware that if you visit the Creation Museum, you'll find there all the proof one could ever need of God?

Don't you think your soul is worth one little visit?

2007-11-06 11:22:35 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

I bow to your superior knowledge Em,

2007-11-06 11:26:24 · answer #1 · answered by Gawdless Heathen 6 · 5 0

I'll go to the Creation Museum with you if you'll go to the Museum of Science with me. But I'm sure neither of us would come out believing anything different than we do now.

2007-11-06 13:11:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't you know that the Creation Museum is a national joke? A place laughed at by scientists and rational thinkers the world over.

2007-11-06 11:49:37 · answer #3 · answered by grammartroll 4 · 0 0

I don't know where this Creation Museum is, I live in Romania. I don't think anything could ever convince me that creation is real (in the way it is described however). If I could, I would take the chance. BTW, I am not an atheist :-)

2007-11-06 11:31:57 · answer #4 · answered by larissa 6 · 2 0

well i don't know what the creation museum is or what it contains, but you will always have people like me who will be able to ask you questions that cannot be answered rationally. Questions where the answer isn't - beacuse of God, that's God's way, God work in mysterious ways.

Is there a museum that also caters to proving that Satan exists?

2007-11-06 11:31:19 · answer #5 · answered by mcmaddysmum 2 · 2 0

Sounds interesting. Please tell me a bit about it. What are the main exhibits that you feel would give the most proof. Where is this Creation Museum? Is there a website that I could visit?

2007-11-06 22:30:01 · answer #6 · answered by Tea 6 · 0 0

an astounding many "questions" geared in the direction of us are in simple terms thinly-disguised insults or what may be stated as "slippery slope" questions: those questions the place offering an answer outcomes in the asker enhancing their question with, "Ah-HAH! So by utilising asserting that, you're somewhat asserting (insert incontrovertible fact that suits questioner's time table right here)." i take advantage of the "cope with with care" attitude myself once I opt to enable the reader be attentive to that mine is a undemanding question. it is now and returned the only way for a skill answerer to have the skill to chop up you from the riff-raff. a great style of the questions right here are not undemanding. it somewhat is likewise why a great style of the solutions are sarcastic or harsh. including the prefix, "this question isn't meant to offend..." or "i'm sorry if this has been asked till now..." in simple terms facilitates you to commence off good and a minimum of cut back the trash solutions you will possibly often get carry of. it somewhat is a show which you're prepared to be respectful of differing perspectives.

2016-10-03 12:30:30 · answer #7 · answered by lambdin 4 · 0 0

I'd need to go to Kentucky. I'm currently in New Zealand. But if God can't be proved honestly, it's all a bit pointless, isn't it? And there is no honesty in that "museum".

Sorry, but I'm siding with the real scientists.

2007-11-06 11:31:08 · answer #8 · answered by Scumspawn 6 · 3 0

Perhaps, I doubt it, but because I've never been there I will not go either way. I will say this though. Anyone can make any form of evidence point towards God because it is a totally intangible being, that lies outside the realm of our reality. There is just no way to prove or disprove its existence.

2007-11-06 11:33:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The Creation Museum?...oh you have to be kidding me...there is really something like that?...wait...this isn't that whole Tammy Fay and Jim Baker bibleland fun park thing they used to talk about back before they were outed is it?

2007-11-06 11:41:02 · answer #10 · answered by sketch_mylife 5 · 0 0

Everyother museum in the county discredits the creation museum.

2007-11-06 11:26:32 · answer #11 · answered by Psychedelic Pantheist 2 · 5 0

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