It is a lie to claim that myth is truth. The affirmation of an ability to know about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth is a fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth. Conservative ideological authorities perpetrate this fraud inorder to be able; to make threats against the life and or afterlife of anybody who does not submit to their authority; and to extort from communities of faithful believers tithes and offerings in exchange for a lifelong indoctrination in a standard of conduct that these same ideological authorities proclaim to be the discovery of the truth about the will of a good one in Heaven at war with and evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Extortion based on threats made against the life and or afterlife of others and or a fraudulent affirmation of an ability to know about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth should be considered a crime against humanity because in committing acts of extortion based on fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth these ideological authorities lead communities of faithful believers to have a low esteem of self and world that is not conducive to happiness and good health.
2007-11-06 11:18:01
answer #1
answered by H.I. of the H.I. 4
The other theory that the church hates to admit is that Christ was crucified but did not actually die. There is some thought that he was given a sedative of some kind to make him pass out and appear dead on the cross.
However, when they speared his side to make sure he was dead, he readily bled. Someone who is dead doesn't bleed like that.
I'm not arguing for this belief so don't jump down my throat (although I'm sure a few people will) but it's just something I've heard from a few people.
I think it's an interesting theory.
2007-11-06 11:28:27
answer #2
answered by lilly 5
The shifting of the rock wasn't the miracle, nor do the gospels say it replace into. The rock might could have been put in place by utilising a set employed to do it, and it replace into too heavy for the disciples and the girls human beings to go it.
2016-10-03 12:28:07
answer #3
answered by ? 4
No way! It was more of an unveiling! If Jesus never existed, how do you account for so many people claiming to know the "man" personally? If He were not real, His name would be more legendary, like Paul Bunyon. Or idolized like a cartoon superhero. The only 'covering up' was done by the roman guards who were trying to save their heads and the religious roman leaders who were trying to prevent a greater 'uprising' of the people, by the truth of His ressurection getting out. They were concerned that they would lose 'the control' they had over the majority of the people, through their oppressive religious laws.
2007-11-06 11:36:19
answer #4
answered by God's Fountain Pen 4
There is no proof that you exist other than this little blurb on the Internet, How do I know that you aren't a fictional person made up by someone else. The evidence, the miracles, the fact that people are still being healed and raised from the dead in Jesus' name today is sufficient evidence for me that He is Truly the Son of God and very real.
2007-11-06 11:25:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Interesting that this theory has been spread even to modern times. The bible tells us that when Jesus rose from the tomb, which of course He did, certain people paid the Roman soldiers to say that His disciples had stolen his body, since a risen savior was terribly threatening to their position in life.
Satan is still at work with this lie, I see.
2007-11-06 11:18:44
answer #6
answered by Esther 7
The Jewish Talmud affirms that Jesus existed, and they were by no means friendly toward Christ. No rational person denies that Jesus existed. Just like the Buddha and Muhammad. These men existed, no question about it.
2007-11-06 11:18:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There were many similar stories about other figures at around the same time, I think Jesus was just piling onto a resurrection fad.
2007-11-06 11:19:02
answer #8
answered by Vultureman 6
the Kustodians (16 highly trained Roman soldiers) verified the body was in the tomb before it was sealed shut. With a penalty of death hanging over them if anything happened to the body why would they say a body was in there if there were not a body?
2007-11-06 11:35:35
answer #9
answered by 9_ladydi 5
Investigate it yourself and make an intelligent choice what to believe. If you are interested in what others found by systematic analysis of this event, I recommend a classic book on this subject by Lee Strobel titled "The Case for Christ." Link below:
2007-11-06 11:21:02
answer #10
answered by Mutations Killed Darwin Fish 7
people couldn't let go
but also perhaps he wasn't really dead just almost dead, and someone revived him like with the paddles, and thus pontuis justice(if you beleive crucifying a man at the behest of a crowd or mob of people is justice) was subverted. and in that way Jesus went on to live another 30-40 years.
2007-11-06 11:22:02
answer #11
answered by Lord of all Earth 2