They scare the hell out of me, and I live in New Zealand. Seriously, the people you refer to make the most hardcore fundies here look like bleeding heart liberals. They are a very scary bunch.
2007-11-06 02:58:40
answer #1
answered by Scumspawn 6
Not all sects of Christianity; just some of them.
Quite a few churches allow you to enjoy things, even wine or alcohol beverages but in moderation which is reasonable to me. There is certainly many types of sin in the world but I cannot say things are worse now than before, For example civilly, gay marriages have come in that would turn my parents and grandparents over in their grave but on the other hand the likes of Tiger Woods would have not been allowed on most golf courses in America other than a caddy in their times.
I as well as others do not get obssessed with the end of the world, a debatable rapture, anti Christ etc. If I get a big round of terminal cancer, heart attack or auto accident it is the end of the world for "me" anyway... not be guillotined by some world order in future.
As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease and unfotunately those negative types get all the attention, Besides, like fake wrestling or Jerry Springer many claim they destest this fire and brimestone type preaching and ranting but secretly many do get a big kick out of it and enjoy the ride just the same.
Michael Kelly
2007-11-06 01:58:52
answer #2
answered by Michael Kelly 5
I wonder where you get your information. have you actually read the Word of God? Or are you assuming that because the Bible teaches that there are absolute truths, and there are some things that we should not do (because it is sinful) that we should just forget about God, and the good He wants for us.
"Democracy", the "Republic" we live in was not founded initially on Christianity but in pagan Rome, and franlky lends itself to a "one nation under God" type of government (In actuality God created this type of government as he creates all governments people just dont realize it).
This country adopted a democratic aproach to govern this nation because is was so fair towards those that wanted to worship God in Spirit and in truth. This same democracy also gives you the right to spit on the values of the freedom to worship God as many of us do, by allowing you the right to choose. The founding fathers were not all "diests" as some would have you believe, they were God fearing Christian men, and this has been their legacy in Christ for over 200 years.
The Bibles says, "The joy of the Lord is our strength", Jesus said "I have come that you may have life and have it more abundently, that your JOY MAY BE MADE FULL"
Stop telling these depressing lies about the Lord God Almighty. Get the Bible and read it, and see, ... see the truth of the Lord, and as the Bibles teaches "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". Being free is not depressing, it's Joy beyond anything you could ask or think.
al 4 now B
2007-11-06 02:11:21
answer #3
answered by ImJstBob 4
First of all, I can see your concerns and they are valid. But please do not lump all "American Christians" into the field sect of "Bible Believers" these sects - comprising the ones you describe in the GOP specifically are - Fundamentalist Zealots - who claim the Bible is the Word of God literally - and they also say it is the only book with God's Word in it. These are the ones who mix the teachings of Jesus with the olden Jewish traditions and then further mix them with politics - they are not entirely following Jesus when they do this. And they do not represent but a small section of the many 500+ versions of Christianity in not only America, but in the world.
This distinction HAS to be made - because extremist religious sects need to be contrasted against the better, more peaceful and peace minded and peace loving religions in America. Making the distinction avoids flaming and exaggerations of the religious in American Christianity: American Christianity is actually highly diverse, and not all think the same, on the contrary.
Yes, the ones you describe preach a fear of God with original sin and it is the most depressing not only for its teaching, but it many time very selfishly ignores the teachings of Jesus in order to justify its creeds, dogmas and concretized beliefs which make the letter of the words in the Bible lose the spirit of the inspiration of men of the olden times.
Yes, very depressing indeed.
2007-11-06 01:57:44
answer #4
answered by Holly Carmichael 4
I do which is one of the main reasons that I am Orhtodox.
As the Orthodox seem to have a more balanced view of man there is some goodnes in us becuse we were ceted in the immage and likness of God but it is distorted due to sin. By God's grace is immage can show through at times.
2007-11-06 03:49:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
im sorry that you have been mis-informed about Christianity. Even if you have read the Bible yourself and have made these conclusions based on your studies, i think that small bit of doubt deep down in you had a little to do with twisting the truth. Have you ever thought that you may have just ran into Christians that are struggling with their walk, and therefore cannot speak for the million others? God created man in his perfect image, to be Christ like. Sin is sin. There is no great or smaller value in it. Therefore, the sin 10,000 years ago still exist now, but our world is not worse than ever before.
again, im really sorry that you have been mislead. I hope you find a good Bible based church so that you can ask your questions to a pastor/preacher for better guidance.
2007-11-06 01:56:45
answer #6
answered by nicole 3
The only thing I find more depressing is American Politics and society. Land of the Free? Please.
Income tax is an unconstitutional act. The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified. We are no more than the serfs of the middle ages, with our kings in our pockets.
2007-11-06 01:51:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
most organized religion has a lot of the judging of others going on. All you need to know is you have your own personal relationship with god. when you die it is you and him ALONE.
In your heart do you have a right relationship with god? If you do you do not have to concern yourself with this world because it is not about here, it is about afterhere." Here" is just the test of where you will go next.. do you choose spiritual love or dominion?
an interesting site
2007-11-06 01:50:40
answer #8
answered by happy_kko 4
Be honest -- we ALSO stress the importance of each person reflecting upon his or her own spiritual state, with the goal of becoming a better, more loving person. Although we do believe that humans tend toward evil, we ALSO sincerely believe that the potential lies within EACH OF US to change. It would only be negative and depressing if we believed no one could change.
2007-11-06 01:50:47
answer #9
answered by Suzanne: YPA 7
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” --
Mahatma Gandhi
When I read the words of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount, the beatitudes, and of his actions and look at America with it's supposed Christian majority I can't help but think 'what is going on here?'
2007-11-06 01:59:37
answer #10
answered by urallnutballs 4