Share of what you have learned regarding this matter of your spirit. We know that when we have been saved we were regenerated in our spirit and that this spirit is One with the Lord. We also know that the Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. So in our spirit, there is the Holy Spirit, teaching our spirit, strenghtening our spirit, and as such teaching us how to live FROM our spirit day by day as we open to the Lord.
Please share on this verse and how it relates to you as a believer. Of your oneness with the Lord in spirit.
1 Cor 6:17
' But he who is joined to the Lord is One spirit"
There is a term, Mingled spirit" that a dear brother shared on and i found it very apt to describe the relationship between the Holy Spirit and our spirit. This joining is crucial. Our spirit is one place where the footprints of satan cannot be found. This part of our being as believers is sanctifed unto God for His purpose.
Please share more
in Christ
8 answers
asked by
Broken Alabaster Flask
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➔ Religion & Spirituality
Thank you for Asking !
As I have been a Born Again Christian for some time.... and have done extensive study in the Word.... I can tell you... ASSUREDLY.....
That THIS.... is the KEY.... to One's walk with Christ Jesus..
(John 15:10) If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love, even as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
And NO.... not in any Legalistic Sense..... but .... In that OF..... " LOVE FOR GOD ! "
(1Samuel 15:22) And Samuel said, = = Does Jehovah delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices = = as in obeying the voice of Jehovah? = = Behold, = = to obey = = is better than sacrifice! = To listen is better than the fat of rams!
This Only Parallels these Verses.......
(James 1:22) But become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
(Luke 6:46) And why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?
To say that..... I must share with YOU.... the KEY... to all of this.... is......
(2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) For though walking about in flesh, we do not war according to flesh.
(2Co 10:4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, = but mighty through God = to the pulling down of strongholds,
(2Co 10:5) = pulling down = imaginations = and = every high thing = that exalts itself = against = the knowledge of God,= and = bringing into captivity = every thought = into = the obedience = of Christ;
(2Co 10:6) and = having readiness = to avenge [by confession and forsaking] = all disobedience, = when your obedience = is fulfilled.
Thanks for Asking ! In Christ Jesus.... Roger R.
Do you have your Free Bible Software? [ not my site ]
Many language translations both European and Asian. Even the Greek NT and Hebrew OT !
2007-11-06 01:48:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Interesting, is not it, how the Q'uran demotes the Holy Spirit from the Third Person of the Trinity to simply one other lackey of Allah? But it does maintain up the perception that, as with the Jews, Islam teaches just one character within the Godhead. And FYI, I DO learn it within the common. As a Comparative Theologian, I kinda hadda study the lingo. The first part is certainly satisfactory. Full of sweetness and lightweight, recognize for the customs and ideals of others, and so forth. It's the moment, stridently militant part that bred the Wahabists (Al Queda, Taliban, and so forth.). And face it, persons, they make the Crusaders appear like historical maid Sunday institution lecturers.
2016-09-05 11:53:16
answer #2
answered by caitlyn 4
I know the Holy Spirit can speak words out of my mouth and totally amaze me. I mean I wonder and realize that the words are not mine, but His. The same with my typing/keypunching, I often see words typed because He took over.
You mentioned the "joining" is crucial. I heard it explained when Adam and Eve sinned we were disconnected from God because of sin, but when Jesus redeemed us He reconnected us with God via the Holy Spirit.
"Sanctified unto God for His purpose," this is so true. I've actually surrendered my life to Him and He can speak through my mouth and He can use my hands. He is in me and I am in Him, we are One in Spirit. I treasure the Holy Spirit and I praise the Lord for Him.
Small example of His favor toward me is He opens up parking spaces. Even my daughter notices His favor and we thank Him for the spaces. It delights us both. Thanks for asking me to share more of Him.
2007-11-06 01:46:16
answer #3
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
Satan has cloven feet, like a deer. So, you must fence off the spirit to prevent Satan from eating all of your corn.
2007-11-06 01:35:25
answer #4
answered by 2 5
it helps me to put the LORD first and trying to get rid
of the garbage in my life that hinders that. i have a
better prayer life because of the RUACH HAKODESH.
i pray for salvation for those who would not have a chance
to find YESHUA. and to become a better person myself.
2007-11-06 08:06:53
answer #5
answered by Judy E. T 4
And in English?
First knowing what the heck you're talking about when you say "spirit" is essential in order to have any concept of what "strengthening the spirit" means.
Just what inspires you to write such things... devoid of context or any apparent meaning?
2007-11-06 01:34:05
answer #6
answered by Lucid Interrogator 5
What do you mean "We know that when we have been saved"?
I don't expect that there is anything to be saved from.
2007-11-06 01:35:21
answer #7
answered by Deirdre H 7
rebel you may hold my hand but I may not squeeze back
2007-11-06 01:33:45
answer #8
answered by LordVader 4