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Like I said, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say, so don't worry about getting reported because I disagree with you. I'm just interested in how you feel and why.

2007-11-06 01:01:44 · 3 answers · asked by Cathy 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

3 answers

I believe that most modern Rabbis are very sincere people.

I believe there is a vast difference between the form of Judaism that's taught/practiced today and what was taught/ practiced in Daniel's time, when the Temple did not exist.

I believe that Johanan ben Zakkai is the founder of today's form of Judaism, which is simply a continuation of Phariseeism.

I believe that the Pharisees' theology did not become dominant within Judaism because it was better; it became dominant because the Pharisees were more politically powerful.

2007-11-06 01:17:40 · answer #1 · answered by Suzanne: YPA 7 · 3 4

I do not believe that the Pharisees were evil, they were for the most part good.

Today we have many different types of modern Rabbis. Some who are very wonderfull and some who do not even believe the Jewish Scriptures are the word of God-such as the Reform-all the way to Orthodox that make written rules upon rules on how to fulfill each law, one group saying how the other group is wrong.
We also have Messianic Rabbis that believe in Jesus the Messiah and the grace of God. We also have those who broke with ancient Phariseeism and the belief of a Messiah before the temple would be destroyed to fulfill the blood sacrifice for atonement. These made new beliefs rejecting Moses teaching
Leviticus 17:11 "The life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it upon the altar to make atonement for your souls."
Isaiah 53 "All we like sheep have gone astray, and the Lord will make to light upon him the iniquities of us all. He will make atonement for our sins."

In the days of Jesus Pharasee Nichodemus came to Jesus by night to learn what it ment to be born from above=John chapter 3.
Rabbi Saul was a Pharasee taught about in the book of Acts and he in his religious fervor was responsible for the death of believers in Jesus. As recorded he held the cloaks while Stephen was stoned to death looking like an angel.
Yet Saul on the road to Demascus had his spiritual experience "Saul, Saul why do you kick against me." and was turned heart and soul to believe and recieve Jesus -Philippians is a book he wrote imprisoned for preaching the gospel as he took the name of Paul-in it he says i am the least worthy to serve Jesus for I killed believers, and to have faith, in prayer, shalom/peace, and the power to live in contentment and joy---even as He knew he would die in prison.

the Bible records many of the pharasees believed, yet others refused to believe Jesus fulflilled the Messiahship and put people under the bondage of the law. As recorded it says some make a wall around the Scriptures, and tell do this and that, yet they themseves do not do it.

The Saducees were on the other hand group that rejected the Jewish concepts of the after life against Daniel and the Jewish Scriptures; "After death we shall arise some to everlasting life and some to aborhance forever." Daniel 12:2

personally I think it all works together for good, because in no day since the first century has so many of my Jewish people turned to the Messiah Jesus heart and soul.

2007-11-06 10:00:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

Modern rabbis do not believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.

And all people are born sinful until saved by Christ....

Bottom line:
One MUST trust in Christ alone for salvation. Because we are ALL born into sin.

2007-11-06 09:07:49 · answer #3 · answered by primoa1970 7 · 0 5

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