The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claim to be the True Church, as established by Jesus Christ. The Church was established and organized by Jesus Christ, and is led by a prophet who receives direction from Jesus Christ. You can visit to learn more about it.
2007-11-05 03:07:04
answer #1
answered by nymormon 4
Yes there is and we can identify it by studying the Bible. Many people claim, ‘The Bible can be interpreted in various ways, so one cannot possibly be sure of what truth is.’ But is the Bible really written in such a vague way that you cannot be certain how it is to be understood? Granted, certain prophetic and symbolic language may be difficult to grasp. For example, God told the prophet Daniel that his book, containing much prophetic language, was not to be completely understood until “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:9) And it is evident that certain parables and symbols need to be interpreted.
It is clear, though, that as to basic Christian teachings and moral values essential to worship of God in truth, the Bible is very straightforward. It leaves no room for conflicting interpretations. In the letter to the Ephesians, Christian faith is spoken of as being “one,” showing that there were not to be several faiths. (Ephesians 4:4-6) Perhaps you may wonder, ‘If the Bible cannot rightly be interpreted in many different ways, why are there so many different “Christian” denominations?’ We find the answer if we look back to the time shortly after Jesus’ apostles had died and an apostasy from the true Christian faith had developed.
Jesus foretold this apostasy in his parable of the wheat and the weeds. Jesus himself explained that “the wheat” represents true Christians; “the weeds” represent false, or apostate, Christians. “While men were sleeping,” Jesus said, an “enemy” would sow weeds in the wheat field. This sowing began after the apostles had fallen asleep in death. The parable shows that this confusing of true Christians with false would continue until “the conclusion of the system of things.” Thus, throughout the centuries, the identity of true Christians has been obscured because the religious field has been dominated by those who are merely nominal Christians. However, at “the conclusion of the system of things,” a change would occur. “The Son of man” would “send forth his angels” to separate false Christians from true Christians. This meant that the Christian congregation would then be easy to recognize, having the status it had in the apostles’ time.—Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.
Both Isaiah’s and Micah’s prophecies foretell such a regathering of true worshipers “in the final part of the days.” Isaiah says: “It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream. And many peoples will certainly go and say: ‘Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.’” A clear-eyed look at the facts shows that Isaiah’s prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.—Isaiah 2:2, 3; Micah 4:1-3.
The growth of the Christian congregation, though, is not occurring through some human effort. Jesus foretold that he would “send forth his angels” to do a gathering work. He also indicated a very special purpose for it: “At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matthew 13:43) This shows that an enlightening, or educational, work would be performed worldwide by the Christian congregation.
2007-11-05 03:35:48
answer #2
answered by Everlasting Life 3
advantages to all of God human beings. Very insightful question. the real Church and the real faith, is Christ, do you keep in mind in the e book of Acts it states, that Jesus is the top of the Church and we area of His physique then the church is in interior and so is your faith, he's so close and replaced into in no way some distance away, we as Christians are area of the physique of Christ, that's the church so if Christ is the real church right here and earth he's likewise the real faith, So beside Christ, there is not any different real Church nor the different real faith .The Rock, suited is his pastime, For all his approaches are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is not any injustice; Righteous and upright is he (Deuteronomy 32:4). examine the completed Acts of the Apostle.... Peace and lightweight to all.
2016-11-10 08:18:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sad to say No. I would say yes if there was only one religion, but there is not. Heck Christians don't even have one, they have many types.
Well kinda like( just as example), Roman Catholics= HardCore
Then Catholic didn't like some rules of Roman catholics so they splintered off
Then you have Christians that thought Catholics were to intense so they splintered off
Then you have the trickle down effect from there and all the splinter factions of the Churches.
Now if you believe in the same God, how can he have so many different rules and everyone still be right?
So if you ask me, Nope no true church.
2007-11-05 03:09:30
answer #4
answered by tannum2000 3
There is a church that claims to be the "only true and living church." It is a church that believes that Christ founded his church while on the earth, but then the church was persecuted and its leaders were killed. Because the church was young and its members were still coping with reconciling their new found christian faith with their different cultures, there were erroneous ideas that crept into the beliefs passed down inside the church. With the the authorized leaders dead, the erroneous ideas were not corrected over time. Eventually reformers identified the errors based on reading the bible and attempted to correct them. But without authority from heaven, none were authorized by God to establish his church again with the correct doctrines. This lead to many opinions about how things ought to be, and many different interpretations of the same bible (and to the foundation of endless numbers of sects of Christianity). God waited through the ages for a country to be established that protected the free practice of religion before He would again establish His church on the earth. In America, a land that protects religious freedoms, God called a modern day prophet named Joseph Smith, and gave to him authority to correct the erroneous ideas passed down as "Traditional Christianity". Today this church is commonly known as the "Mormon Church" but its proper name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" because it is Jesus' original church (as it was when He established it) but established in the later day.
2007-11-05 03:20:46
answer #5
answered by Yippie_Skippie 1
There is only one church called the elect. The church is not a building or a religion it is the people.
2007-11-05 03:09:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, there is God.
And the Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of Truth. And those born from above, cleansed by His blood, are the True Church of Jesus Christ the Lord (Son of the Living God). And they are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption.
The True Church are the people who are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemtion. And there are new births into His Kingdom everyday.
2007-11-05 03:06:53
answer #7
answered by t_a_m_i_l 6
There is a true church on the earth today and God tells us how to identify it in the bible. Here is a great study pointing to the true church.
Remember that the church when referred to in the bible is made up of Christian believers not a building or an institution. I would also highly recommend you enroll in the following online bible course which will answer all of your questions.
2007-11-05 03:10:11
answer #8
answered by TruthSeeker 2
Was there a single man in ancient times that lived among fellows that were the work of art in malignity, iniquity, anti-God, anti-religion?
The Bible is intended for other greater objective in favour of humans anyways it mentions the names of such great men that lived among the enemies of God and stood up agianst the high tide of evil in their generations.
Examples: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, Daniel, Samuel, and others ...
Today is like the times in which such great men lived: there is corruption inside the people that claim to be God's people. Satan is speaking to the churches by the lips of corrupted men. Converted people are being so to Satan's image and are believed to be speaking in tongues of angels. God's Law of The Ten Commandments are misrepresented by a Law created by Satan and his lieutenants leaders of main churches on Planet Earth.
Now the Heaven population is watching with awe to the millions that are being misconducted by church leaders just as in the times of those great men of God.
And probably asking how long still the Lion of the tribe of Judah will take to act so that His true people on Earth will advocate His name and tell the world who is and who isn't God's true folk.
Because God is not of confusion as men are portraying Him. He has one people. One Bible. One only Ten Commandments Law.
He doesn't change.
He is true.
God mentions the true people that represents Him as that that obey His Commandments and as that that carries the testimony of Christ as written in Revelation.
Revelation says that the testimony of Christ is the gift of prophecy. Of interpretation.
Daniel revealed to a pagan Emperor a dream of the present and the future.
There's a people today that unveils humanity the present and the future plans of God to restore men to its original beauty and happyness. These people continued the Protestant Reform Movement of centuries ago. None other people who claim to be God's people got this gift. They know nuts about God's prophesies and they serve demons teaching men to destroy God' laws.
2007-11-05 03:27:10
answer #9
answered by triximetric 3
The "true" christian church is comprised of all believers in the salvation given through God by his son Jesus Christ. It is salvation given through grace, not on anything that we have done to earn it. There are, most likely, members of the "true" church in all denominations, and all denominations probably have members who do not have faith.
2007-11-05 03:07:41
answer #10
answered by Justin T 2
Every Body who Accepts Jesus as their Saviour IS The "Church", The Body of Christ on the Earth Today.
2007-11-05 03:04:35
answer #11
answered by maguyver727 7