The Right to Enter Paradise
Death is inevitable. The thief on the cross knew when his would occur, but we can not predict our own. After his death, the crucified criminal went to live in paradise with Jesus. Some of us will also live eternally in God's presence. But others will experience everlasting torment, forever separated from Him.
If we receive Jesus as our Savior, our penalty for sin is paid. We are adopted into God's family, and Heaven is our eternal home. If we reject Jesus, we remain alienated from the Lord and under condemnation for our sin. We are destined to experience eternal judgment. God won't accept any of man's excuses because there is no acceptable defense for unbelief. (Acts 4:12)
Become part of God's family today. Acknowledge your sinfulness, and express your faith in these words:
"God, I have sinned against You. (Romans 3:23) I've followed my own way and refused to give You the right to rule in my life. (Romans 3:10-12) I recognize I am separated from You and cannot rescue myself. I do believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I accept the truth of the Scriptures? that His death on the cross paid my sin-debt in full. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) And I ask You to forgive me of my sins. (1 John 1:9) By faith, I receive You, Lord Jesus, as my personal Savior from this moment on."
If you just spoke those words to God, then, like the thief on the cross, you have received salvation? a gift of God's grace. The heavenly Father welcomes every person who comes to Him through His Son, regardless of background, age, or current situation. Through Jesus, the right to enter paradise is yours!
2007-11-04 12:02:22
answer #1
answered by Freedom 7
To be saved you must realize that you are a sinner. You must realize that Jesus was God's Messiah, sent to pay the price for your sin. You must realize that there is no other sacrifice for you sin but His sacrifice. You must believe that He was crucified, died, was buried and then rose again from the dead, all so that you, and you alone, could have eternal life with Him, all your sins paid by Him on the cross. Believe this, accept this, and accept Him into your life because of this and you will be saved. The change occurs over the course of the rest of your life. Salvation has 3 stages: Justification (at the moment you are saved you are justified, that is forgiven of your sins); Sanctification (the ongoing process of learning to life as Jesus lived, the process of becoming more like Him); and finally Glorification (when you will be with Him in Heaven). Get through the first phase, find a Bible believing and preaching church, and begin the 2nd phase. When I get there, I'll watch for you and we'll celebrate the 3rd phase together!
2007-11-04 12:07:05
answer #2
answered by Steve 5
You cannot get saved, Jesus has already saved you. You must believe this. That is what saves you.
The fact is that Jesus left the glory of heaven, was born, became man suffered and died taking your sins and covering you with his precious blood so that you are sinless.
If you believe this, then ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your personal saviour.
He will change your life as you study God`s Word and pray for
wisdom and understanding.
When you sin, which is inevidable because no one is perfect,
ask Jesus for forgiveness and He will. Believe he has forgiven you for He has. All your sins, past, present and future
are forgiven. In your heart, believe and be saved.
2007-11-04 12:07:30
answer #3
answered by Blessed 7
I am Catholic and we don't actually get saved. In our religion we are taught that as long as we act in way God would want us to and that we praise him for all the glory and things he has given us we are already saved. Living by God's rules is #1. You can always ask for repentence by going to confession and admitting your sins and then your sins will be forgiven. You can also just reach up to the sky and say "Father, I am sorry for I have sinned (and then confess your sins), he's always there and always listening no matter where it is. God gave up his only son Jesus so that our sins may be forgiven. As far as changing your life only you can do that. You can ask for God's help and I'm sure he'll guide you in a way you don't even know is happening. Read the bible and live your life according to God's ways. Be honest, be good to others and yourself. Live your life to the highest set of standards possible for you to achieve and you'll see how easy it is. If you make a mistake just ask God for his forgiveness, says your prayers and all will be well. Remember, God forgives all.
Good luck and God Bless!!
2007-11-04 12:06:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A simple question, with a simple answer. Simply ask him. Believe in him. Don't expect your whole life to be magically changed overnight. Open yourself up and be willing to give over the things that you can't handle to him, and LISTEN to him when he tries to help. His words may come from a friend, a stranger, or from a small voice only you can hear when you are quiet and needing to hear him. It is NOT a gold paved road as we must work to amend all the bad choices we have made. Some of which stay for a very long time. Remember they the choices we made, not the ones we are making now. Stay with it, it IS WELL worth the effort.
2007-11-04 12:06:07
answer #5
answered by keydoto 3
Let me start by saying repent is Greek for"change you mind"
and gospel is Greek for"good news"
So reread your bible.
As John the Baptist put it
"change your mind and believe the good news of Jesus Christ(good news being Jesus suffering your punishmeant for you)
He never said STOP SINNING as that would be impossible for us mortals.
I know it sounds crazy but its the truth Please email me if you have any questions about what I'm talking about.
PS, If repent ment stop sinning and feel bad about it then why would Jesus Christ have been baptized unto repentance?
What did he say "I have come not to break the law(10 commandments) but to fulfill it.
2007-11-04 18:23:14
answer #6
answered by erickallen101 2
First you have to come before the Father with a sincere heart. You must want to be saved with all your heart and soul....then you ask Jesus to come into your heart and guide your life. Let him know, that you believe he died for you on that cross and that you accept him as your Savior.
Then you must repent, turn away from...all the sins you are aware of doing,,,,find a church and read your bible..when you feel ready,,,ask the Pastor to baptize you...
This is a good start...a good church can help you gain knowledge of the bible but read it for yourself...Read the Gospel of John,,,,get to know Jesus...Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your study of the bible..
2007-11-04 12:08:16
answer #7
answered by dreamdress2 6
repent to Jesus? what does that mean???? John 3:16 read it
salvation is free Jesus paid for it. all you need to do is believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins and that God raised him from the dead, Confess with your mouth that Jesus is the lord because the bible says if you deny Jesus before men he will deny you befor his father on the day of judgment. once you have accepted Christ as your Savior and acknowledged he paid the payment for your sins. You are no longer bound by the law, that means your sins wont count against you. Repenting is turning from your sins.( Not wanting to do a sin again and trying not to).Not out of obligation but out of gratefulness for what God has done for you so that your sins won't count against you.Romans states clearly we will continue to sin from time to time we can't help it,,... yes even Christians sin almost everyday but our sins past present and future are forgiven by God if we only accept his free gift and believe in our hearts Jesus is the Lord, & confess with our mouths that God raised him from the dead. read Romans ch's 6-7-&8 it explains in detail all of this much better than I can.
2007-11-04 12:16:39
answer #8
answered by jeremiahrootsr 2
All you have to do is admit that you are a sinner ( everybody in this universe is), proclaim that Jesus is Lord and trust Him for eternal life. Then, if you serioulsy mean it, you will be saved and go to Heaven when you die. After you get saved, YOU DONT change YOUR life. He changes your life. When you sin, you ask Jesus to forgive you, and once again, if you are sincere, He will forgive you and you will start on a clean slate. God sent His only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life- John 3:16
2007-11-04 12:03:17
answer #9
answered by Believer_of _God 2
Our punishment for sin is death. Remember it started with Adam in that paradise, when he disobeyed God. We weren't ment to die. we were suppose to live forever in that paradise. That is why God sent Jesus down to be reborn into Mary's womb. He was the only perfect begotten son. That's why there is a second death if we chose not to obey God. We will cast back down to our grave (Hade;s). I believe in reading the Bible!!!!!!That's the only truth of the matter
2007-11-04 12:14:26
answer #10
answered by Believer In God 3