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do you honestly think that there will be peace one day between Palestinians and Israelites? I am always arguing and arguing but I dont see any progress there are no signs that show there will be peace one day. What do you guys think do you think that there is hope that one day there will be peace?

2007-11-04 10:02:02 · 11 answers · asked by JASMINE 2 2 in Travel Africa & Middle East Israel

i agree with you so why do we keep arguing in this forum,?is it for the sake of arguing? beacause we know that at the end there could never be peace

2007-11-04 10:14:11 · update #1

I agree with you both states have the right to exist.

2007-11-04 10:21:14 · update #2

when I said the first time that I agree with you I meant that I agree that there will be no peace beacuse of the different views we have! BUT WHY DO Palestinians have to apolagize for what? What exactly did we do so we can apoligize to u??? Think it over whoo?

2007-11-04 10:31:59 · update #3

you want to feel safe or Israel wants to feel safe but you cant cuz of Islamic Jihad. Well Palestinians arent feeling safe either, and dont tell me that the Israelites are just peaceful and its only the muslims that are fighting.

2007-11-04 10:43:01 · update #4

i agree with every word you said !!!
Never give up hope MIMI!!!!!=)

2007-11-04 10:46:46 · update #5

11 answers

personally i dont think there will be peace in middle east, ooh that kinda rhymes, peace in middle east? because one of the signs of the end times is the constant rising of fire from the middle east, meaning the constant war in the middle east

to paper_back: you seem to be very fast on comdemning palestinian "terrorism", but not israeli war crimes and its violent actions, isnt that biased?

2007-11-04 10:43:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

why must it be Jew vs Muslim, you know it is stupid people think like that. 1 persons actions does not account for an entire cultures. Personally I'm Jewish and I believe that it doesn't matter what religion you are, it matters what kind of person you are. Quotes come from 1 person and don't let 1 person speak for all. I am not racist and I do not discriminate on anyone and if all people thought like that than we might just have justice and equilty. Look at the wars we had in the past and the ones we have now, they are all due to racial violence. If the people in Iraq were Christain or Cathlic we most likely would not be in war with them, (we meaning US). That is not right, there is no such words as a better racial or religious group. Yes, we the people of this world have different religious beliefs and we celebrate different holidays but we still are people with feelings and intelligence and by we I mean people in general (NOT A SPECIFIC RELIGIOUS GROUP) ... So stop the hatred. People die for their beliefs, the founding fathers of the US died because that was the conscience for the Declaration of Independence so the US would be a better place and that people would have rights. It is a privilege to be able to speak out and say what is on ur mind and the only country you can do that in is the USA. And just so you know prejudice really means that one race believes theres is better than an other race, doesnt mean lets crap on the other group of people because they are white, black, yellow, blue, whatever... it just means you honor your race before an other but never does it say we result with negative actions

2007-11-04 10:50:31 · answer #2 · answered by Sabba 3 · 5 1

Yes, I think there can be peace. But for that to happen, Palestinians will have to accept that they are directing their anger at the wrong people. It is the Arab world that so badly let them down, by insisting that they flee Palestine, rather than accept partition, back in 1948. If that plan had been accepted, today there would be a Palestinian state.

I absolutely agree that the Palestinians need their own state, alongside Israel. But when will the Palestinians realise that with each rocket they launch at Israel, their dream of a homeland gets just that bit further away? Only when terrorism is rejected, and the Israelis feel safe, only then can Jews and Palestinians live together in the holy land.

Comment for Mimi,

I think it is almost impossible for us all to walk in each other's shoes. So maybe the best we can hope is to all condemn terrorism and violence. The Palestinians need to understand that the Israelis desperately want peace and to feel safe, which they cannot do while Islamic Jihad are busy launching rockets into Sderot. The Israelis need to remember that there were Palestinian villages existing before 1948 that no longer exist and that the Palestinians have legitimate ties to the land also.

to jasmine and da man,

I agree that neither Israelis nor Palestinians should start on each other! But you surely agree Israel has the right to defend herself against attacks? Every country has that right.

2007-11-04 10:26:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

No there will never be peace between us. This is just a dream I had for a few months and now I wake up.
Not until the Jews put themselves in our shoes and realize that we are humans and we have feelings and rights and that we have the right to defend our rights and live like any other humans on this earth.

why would the Palestinians beg you for forgiveness, the Israelis are also killing and humilating them everyday. Hamas is a terrorist organization but the innocents did no guilt to apologize. The Israelis have to ask the Palestinians forgiveness and return the land they occupied in 1967.
What do you think of us praying to you as well?

2007-11-04 10:24:11 · answer #4 · answered by Mimi 6 · 8 4

Annelise is a very highly call. it will be my %.. Tawana merely sounds undesirable. I advise it sounds made up and that i dislike those names. i'd bypass with Annelise. it is stylish, female and is merely appropriate. it is not any longer a count number of siding with siding with him yet finding out on the nicest call.

2016-10-23 09:52:59 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If Israel has the right to exist so dose Palestine. Both live on the land. Both states were created by the same UN resolution 181.
Israeli leaders want to keep occupying land that was never part of Israel.

2007-11-04 10:15:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

I't could be possible but both sides would have to make to many concensions and sometimes i wonder if some arabs and Israeli's esepcially the americans just dont want peace.

Suffice to say i interely agree with DA Man.

2007-11-04 12:23:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

seriously i wish there wud be peace....but in the Quran it says that Muslims will fight again to take over Israel before the day of Judgement....mayb they mite have an ae of peace, but it probably wudnt last too long

2007-11-04 10:38:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Absolutely Not.There will never be piece until the end of the times.

2007-11-04 13:34:57 · answer #9 · answered by shermy1203 1 · 4 1

Hamas is not terrorist organization; the only terrorist organization on earth is the IDF “Israeli defense forces”.

2007-11-04 14:45:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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