Yep, it is a pagan custom (an idol) for worshiping a false god. A true Christian should have nothing to do with Christmas at all. I observe neither Sunday, Christmas, Easter, nor any other of the false holy days (the "Beast Days") established by the papal system as a compromise to paganism. I keep the Holy Days established by God (see Exodus 20, 23, and Leviticus 23):
The Seventh-day Sabbath
Passover (the Lord's Supper)
Feast of Unleavened Bread
Feast of the Wave Sheaf
Feast of Trumpets
Day of Atonement
Feast of Tabernacles
Last Great Day of the Lord
...and I'm not Jewish. I believe God established these before the Mt. Sinai experience -- yea, all the way back to Creation. My belief is based on my study of the Bible itself -- nothing else.
2007-11-04 06:57:54
answer #1
answered by ♫DaveC♪♫ 7
Perhaps you should also look at Jeremiah 10:1 and Jeremiah 10:5, you know, right before and after the scriptures that you gave. I have the scriptures from the NIV Bible below. First of all 10:1 is addressed to Israel. It becomes apparent in reading that this is not about a Christmas tree, but a false idol made of wood.
In addition when the apostles realized that gentiles were coming under God's salvation also, the only laws that they placed on the gentiles had to do with "abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood" (Acts 15:20).
You are stuck in the Old Testament. The New Testament also says in 2 Colossian 16-17 "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. "
There is a lot more to read in the New Testament on this subject.
Jeremiah 10 (NIV)
God and Idols
1 Hear what the LORD says to you, O house of Israel. 2 This is what the LORD says:
"Do not learn the ways of the nations
or be terrified by signs in the sky,
though the nations are terrified by them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless;
they cut a tree out of the forest,
and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.
4 They adorn it with silver and gold;
they fasten it with hammer and nails
so it will not totter.
5 Like a scarecrow in a melon patch,
their idols cannot speak;
they must be carried
because they cannot walk.
Do not fear them;
they can do no harm
nor can they do any good."
2007-11-04 07:20:01
answer #2
answered by ignoramus_the_great 7
Christmas is the celebration of Christs birth and thus should be celebrated. The Christmas tree is a custom and as long as its just used as a decoration then its fine to use. Also, the laws set in the old testament are no longer valid because Jesus came to earth. Therefore, Christians are allowed to have pork.
Plus, the passage in Jeremiah can be translated as the pagans cutting down wood, and the workman cuts it, making an idol. It's condemning idolatry.
2007-11-04 07:05:13
answer #3
answered by Rach 4
It's what is in your heart that matters. If you are having a tree because the heathens around you have to have a tree and you are trying to fit in with them then, it's an Idol. Not eating Pork was for the people's protection because they didn't know how to cook it properly. It got re-addressef in the New Testemant that if you can eat something with a clear conscience, eat it and give glory to God and if you can't, don't!
The thing is dear.........if you want a certain pair of SOCKS just because your friend has socks like that and even for a split second it's more important to you than God then those SOCKS are and Idol. God looks upon the heart. The law was given to give people knowledge that they sin. God had to get that across somehow. It says in Romans' BY the law is the knowledge of sin. That was the law's purpose the law was never meant to be fully followed if that makes any sense. People found they couldn't follow it so that humbled them that they truly do need a saviour (Jesus). Sorry you are now involved in Islam I pray you know the truth in Jesus' name and the truth will set you free when you come to the place you actually want to be free. BLess you.
2007-11-04 07:00:14
answer #4
answered by sisterzeal 5
Just a little to add to USAFbrats answer... (this may be apocryphal, as I have no source that I can recall)
One of Luther's young children we ill and was unable to go to Church one Christmas eve. On his way to Church Fr. Martin saw how beauty full the moon light on the ice and snow in the trees looked. On the way back from Church he cut a small evergreen and took it into the house to cheer up his child. He put candles on the tree to mimic the moon light. His child was thrilled, and Luther thought about how he could use it to teach about Christ, and a tradition was born!
This story may or may not be true, but it is still a nice story. Luther did like "Christmas trees" and even the Catholics who despised Lutherans and other Protestants, came to use the Christmas tree also.
It's one of the unifying things in Christianity.
2007-11-04 08:47:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It is not forbin one must ask was the pine tree created by God or Satan? If God created it as the Bible teaches then it makes since that it can be used to honnor him. the new testament states God is more concerned about what comes out of out mouth than goes into it and that the ethics of the 10 commandments and like wise the new testiment are what matter the most.
2007-11-04 19:29:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Luther actually was one who helped get the concept of the Christmas tree going. He saw the evergreens as a symbol of eternal life, which is what we have as a result of the birth, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. At our church, we "green" the sanctuary for the season of Advent, and decorate our tree with Chrismons, monograms of the names of Christ.
2007-11-04 07:13:22
answer #7
answered by usafbrat64 7
Christmas trees are Pagan in origin, and represents the rebirth of the God. Basically for Yule.
Christmas isn't "Christ"mas at all. It's YULE.
Same with Halloween (Samhain) and Easter (Ostara)
Thanksgiving is actually a Pagan ritual too...
2007-11-04 07:02:12
answer #8
answered by Meatwad 6
staggering activity Scooter!! ^_^ I agree that the great laptop ingredient is particularly ridiculous, inspite of the reality that it hasn't affected my section extremely. you may in basic terms say what feels appropriate to you, no remember if that be Merry Christmas or happy holidays. except somebody is a jerk, they gained't take it the incorrect way, i does no longer techniques it somebody advised me happy Hanukkah, tis the thought that counts.
2016-10-15 00:41:19
answer #9
answered by ? 4